Today's Blind Items - She's Talking
Despite his best efforts, this A list singer has been unable to quiet his former girlfriend. Of course he has never used the word girlfriend to describe her. This is probably why he has been unable to stop her from getting ready to write a book about herself which is going to include several chapters about the sexual activities or lack thereof of the singer. She is also going to blow the lid off many of his other secrets and talk about his male assistant and some time lover who he alternately treats like a best friend and the other half of the time yelling and screaming at. The former girlfriend knows that our singer likes to watch but never participates. That when our singer was with a fellow A lister who wanted to see how manly our singer was that our singer took a half of a pack of Viagra just so he could manage to show that he was interested when two women were all over him. Everytime the other A lister has tried to get the singer to join him again he has passed. The former girlfriend knows it all. Everything. Our singer has tried to trade money for confidentiality, but the numbers he is taling about don't come close to the amount she is going to get from the publishers.