Monday, December 17, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Is A Little Strange

This actress was almost A list at one point. Always movies. High profile romances with A+ list actors and then pretty much nothing in the romance department as her career has wavered as well as she can't decide what she wants to be. Part of the problem is that she really thinks she is at least two people. She has two cell phones and each one is a different name she has given herself. One is for her as an actress under the name we all know her and the other is another person that she has created. She has a love of wigs and disguises and she frequently goes out as the alternate personality and has a group of friends who have no idea she is also an actress because she is always in disguise when she meets them. She has a different voice she uses and mannerisms and even has a studio apartment where she lives as a struggling artist. It is the most bizarre thing ever.


  1. I'm probably totally off, but Renee Z? The last pic we saw of her was the first in ages. She has an Oscar though, so was A for sure...
    Just ignore me.

  2. I'm a terrible guesser but I immediately thought of Winona Ryder. I'm leaving it to y'all to come up with someone better.

  3. @spacecowboy78:
    i think you have a great guess (even if this BI is totally untrue,if it's about Winona Ryder)

  4. I don't think Winona could disguise that voice, she has a very distinctive sound.

  5. Winona Ryder used to be A+. I don't think she fits as an "almost A list."

    That said, I don't really have any ideas.

  6. Wino a Ryder and ???

  7. I'm a terrible guesser but I immediately thought of Winona Ryder. I'm leaving it to y'all to come up with someone better.

  8. Ryder WAS A list. Never almost. So I'm going with Sean Young.

  9. Yes Winona was on the very top, no almost about it. It's someone else.

  10. For some reason, I thought this was Juliet Lewis before I even started and then found no reason to change my answer.

    1. @Butter, I thought Juliette too

  11. Juliet Lewis was my first thought as well. If this person does have a mental illness, it would make sense to be her, since scientology does not believe in treating mental illness.

    1. LOL....I can totally see Juliette Lewis doing this but as a "performance" of sorts. I don't think she has a mental illness just really quirky.

  12. I thought Renee but I think she was A list, not almost. Same for Winona.

  13. Ok, intervention time.
    Sorry, but this reeks of psychotic break or serious dedication to method acting.
    Instead of guessing who this poor unfortunate is, the real question should be why isn't her agent/manager/staff actively trying to get her help?
    So I'm not necessarily calling bullshit, I'm asking where's the help?

  14. Replies
    1. I call BS too, Roman. Fun story, though!

  15. People would recognize Ryder. Doubt it would be her.

  16. I sort of like this. Celebrities are always bemoaning how they no longer have a normal life. This is certainly one way to live one, as crazy as it seems.

  17. Some people don't want to be helped, it's sad but not much can be done in those instances.

  18. Sean Young would fit. She is crazy.

  19. Anonymous10:39 AM

    MMaybe this isn't so bizarre. She's not getting acting jobs anymore so this is just another way to act, maybe. She has highly developed creative sidethat is not being met. It has to "get it out" somehow. She might get a kick out of doing this, or perhaps I read the blind wrong. (Shrug)

  20. I instantly thought of Cameron Diaz - she looks quite different in person than she does on-screen, which could help insulate her anonymity in the public.

  21. Whoever it is - seriously off the nut. This is not healthy mental behavior...

  22. @madlyb I agree, I can see a celebrity doing this in an attempt to feel normal again, I don't think it's all that weird. Can you imagine being a celebrity, every time you meet someone, you'd be thinking "do they really like me for me or is it just because im rich & famous?"

  23. i was thinking renee too

  24. I read this as Juliette Lewis, but it's probably someone we've mostly forgotten about and wouldn't instantly come to mind. I don't think it's Renee Zellweger because her eyes would totally give her away. Unless... does she live in France? Maybe she pretends to be a French person. They may not know her very well over there.

  25. Probably not Cameron...Justin Timberlake wasn't an A+ actor.

  26. I like the Renee guess.

  27. Sean Young rang the bell here too. She's the sort of actress that could easily "blend" if she used something other than her cooing-dove voice. Reports from Blade Runner indicated she was outright crazy. Current pictures of her often make her unrecognizable unless there's a caption. I'm voting Ms. young

  28. Some friends she one's noticed the wig, or called her out on it? I'm calling BS.

  29. I'm with Merlin. The mentally ill need treatment, not gossip. Tragically sad that no one takes it seriously enough to help.

  30. Anonymous10:57 AM

    First I thought, "Bullshit!", then I thought, "Well, stranger things have happened." I'm still not sure if I believe it, and have no guesses who it could be, but I agree with @stigs and @madlyb. Maybe she just wants some semblance of a normal life? Maybe she enjoys "slumming it"? If it's true, I'd be interested to know her rationale.

  31. hmmm, if all the gossip we read here is true, I wouldn't be surprised if some people tried to have a life outside of Hollywood... ok this is a bit extreme, but the alternatives as what is available to date / casting couch / drugs / LiLo / etc in hollywood make this seem almost sensible!

  32. I'm with fancyscreenname. If I were too famous to have a meal without a bunch of people sticking cameras in my face, I'd probably invent a fake life, too. Don't see "mental illness" here, just method acting.

  33. Is she doing this consciously or unconsciously? Cuz if its the latter then I'd be worried about a serious dissociative/personality disorder. If its the former she's just an eccentric person or an attention seeker.

  34. Maybe Amber Heard...She seems to have a double life...

  35. I just don't see how an actress that was almost A list and dated many A+ actors could ever go THAT incognito. unless she is way older now, who wouldn't recognize an actress who was that popular????? or maybe I'm too focused on celebs myself... womp

  36. I was leaning Renee, but I think it's Juliette....Isn't it known that she uses a different name for her 'rocker' persona?
    She has that whole second identity that we already know about. It's not much of a leap to say she BELIEVES these are two separate people.

  37. But Juliette promotes her band a lot. Hard not to tie the two together.

    I read this as Renee as well.

  38. Eh, Beyonce and Lady Gaga have stage alter egos as well. It seems to be the new trend for female singers. Wouldn't Tom Cruise stage some crazy MI shit to get Juliette to Narconon if one of Scientology's more recognizable members was drugging again?

  39. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Whoever she is, good for her. I don't think Ryder could pull this off because she really was A list and would be recognizable to many of us no matter what kind of wig and sunglasses. Juliette Lewis seems like the most reasonable.

  40. JoElla---I've re-read & modified my Juliette answer----Enty says she believes she is 'AT LEAST' two people. So it could be the two we know about, plus a third. Not a huge stretch.

  41. I don't think it's Winona, Renne, or Juliette.
    I think it's more someone like Shannon Elizabeth, but don't think it could be her because I don't remember any high profile romances for her, but someone more like that.

  42. Okay Libby (confused, but taking a lot of cold meds today)

  43. Immediately read this as Wynona. Could also be Christina Ricci, she also seems like an odd ball with terrible issues, but she just looks too recognizable for disguise.

  44. Or halle Berry, Imagine her in a studio, pretending to be Frida and all artistic, while on the other line her agressive boyfriend is yelling, her daughter is whining for candy and her ex is threatening to sue her again for being a crazy hookah. I could see this happen..

  45. I like the Sean Young guess. History of batshit crazy behavior, never quite made it to A list but she once had potential with high profile parts. She might be hard to recognize at this point.

    Renee Z. is an intriguing guess though.....

  46. Juliette is spending half of her time asking "Where's Shelly?"

  47. Sean Young would get dressed up as Sean Young so people don't forget about her! Not her.

  48. monarch programming?

    agree with @funkyniblets, it might be someone we've forgotten about, someone a bit older, someone that hasn't worked too recently, etc.

  49. What about Drew Barrymore? She had run of thos love movies:

    Never been kissed
    Wedding Singer
    Some Cinderella movie
    Home Fries
    Riding in boys w/ Cars
    50 First Dates

    Then not much after (except for Charlies Angels that I can recall)

    She always seems to come off a bit odd too. Anyone who would date/marry Tom Green can't be all there!lol

  50. I was surprised to find out how many people have alter egos, even if they only exist in their heads. They function normally but when you get to know them they will tell you "You don't want Missy to come out do you?"

    That said this person has gone one step further and actually lives two different lives. If there's gossip about it people outside of her family know. It may be time for a mental health evaluation.

  51. Isn't this the plot of Hannah Montana?

  52. I think it's Renee Z.

  53. I don't see why this is such a big deal. Not hurting anybody, gives them anonymity, good on them.

  54. I think fancyscreenname got it. And more power to our actress. What an exciting thing to do. It is not somebody instantly recognizable like Drew Barrymore. And no way she could hide her side-lip.

  55. Check Winona on the DM website....

  56. I like the Lori Petty guess. Or, Melanie Griffith. She seems like she could be this craycray.

  57. It could be Renee Z. I read an interview with her years ago where she had two cell phones and she explained to the interviewer one was her "Hollywood" phone and the other was her "American" phone. I mean it's a reasonable explanation (one business, one personal), but I thought it was weird she felt she had to explain it to the interviewer.

  58. Not a single person guessed Rose McGowan? Rose has been walking around lately with a platinum blond wig. She was also raised in the Children of God cult in Italy, the same one River Phoenix was raised in. This is no joke - Google it and look it up for yourself. She was probably put through trauma-based mind control in the cult which causes dissociative personality disorder.

  59. Providing it's real, it's gotta be someone who isn't all that recognizable. Maybe she's been off the radar for the last few years, or she looks different than when really popular. I just don't buy that a lot of actresses could get away with it; her friends would figure it out.

  60. I think the crazy part is Enty's spin to make this interesting. I think it's an actress who wants her paintings/sculptures to be taken seriously in the art world. A celebrity's work would be trashed just for the sake of trashing it. Smart move to go to gallery openings with a different look.

  61. I'm not sure who it is, but I don't think it's Renee. She must have been A list back then. She won an Oscar & had a franchise. Was she really with that many A+ list actors? I know there was Jim Carrey & rumored with Clooney, but she was known just as much for dating musicians (Kenny Chesney & Jack White). Enty said recently she's been through a lot the past few years. I think she's the answer to a different one.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Wynona and Renee were A list actresses though. Renee won an Oscar and has had several noms...and Wynona was HUGE in the 80's, early 90's. Wynona could carry a movie on her name alone.

  64. Oh...I like the Liv Tyler guess. That's a really good one. She seems a bit odd.

  65. Rose McGowan got mainstream succes because of tv, not movies. She also didn't date A+ actors, her most noticable romances are with Robert Rodriquez and Marilyn Manson, both not actors.
    Agree with the crazy part though, she seems unhinged. Poor thing, she seems like a really funny and sweet person.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Jennifer Jason Leigh is who I was thinking.

  68. How about Lara Flynn Boyle? She was just about A list about 13, 14 years ago and then poof! She was my first thought for this.



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