Monday, December 24, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

Tomorrow I will be posting, but it will be on a weekend schedule so will start around 9 my time and go for a couple of hours. Just something to help you get through the day if you need it. Then, the rest of the week i will be right here with a full slate of gossip everyday although I hope you are reading it from home and not from work.

This actress is A list. Always television. Oh sure, she has had the occasional foray into movies. In fact, has made more than a handful, but it is television that made her famous on a very hit show and television where she loves to be. When she is in movies she is never the real star, and in television she gets to be. One of the things that is important to her is family and she wanted to do something this year for Christmas that would bring families together. She heard there were lots of military personnel who did not have the vacation to come all the way back to the US and that it was really expensive for families to go to Europe where they could meet halfway. So, our actress arranged for 50 families to fly to Europe from the States to reunite with the military member of the family and also made sure there were presents and trees and in the hotel rooms she paid for.


  1. Lovely....hope you reveal this

  2. Lovely....hope you reveal this

  3. Courteney Cox?

    Whoever it is, that's awesome. My sister spent a few Christmases overseas & it was the worst knowing she had time off, but not enough to come home.

  4. I don't want to crap on this because it would be a nice gesture. However, if you are deployed to the ME, you have almost certainly earned your 2 weeks of leave. Also, the govt pays for your plane ticket back to your home station, but you would have to pay for a ticket back to your hometown. Leave also doesn't start until you are back on US soil (servicemembers check in to the USO and take this back to their command). Sometimes things get messed up, but for 50 families? I don't think so.

  5. Like I've mentioned, I work for the USO and was a Navy Officer for eight years. This blind brings tears to my eyes... Please reveal!!

  6. For some reason im thinking of kristen (kirsten?) bell. I dont know why, but she seems nice. Merry christmas everyone!

  7. But what if they used their two weeks up already? Do they all get an extra 2 weeks at Christmas? If not, maybe it was used for vacations at a different time.

    I hope this is revealed, as well. What a class act.

  8. Tanagil-

    Not always true. Depending on command and mission, R&R can vary... Plus, some folks are on unaccompanied tours overseas which don't warrant R&R.

  9. Jennifer Love Hewitt? For all her flaws, she seems like a genuinely kind person.

  10. Katey Sagal? or perhaps Jane Krakowski?

  11. That gave me the chills. So wonderful. It could fit so many different TV actresses, so I have no guess just yet.

  12. Katy Segal is an excellent guess.

  13. katherine heigl
    i know a lot of people on here don't seem to like her but i do and i believe she might do something like this. she has done other charitable stuff and it's not been made a big deal about so i feel she does stuff because she wants to and not for the publicity.

  14. Eva Longoria? I know she is pretty charitable...

    1. She only does charity when she can either get publicity from it or gets paid for it. I know her personally. This is definitly not her.

  15. No clue why, but Marg Helgenburg?

  16. We live on the post where my husband is stationed, so yes he had leave and he came right here. Some people don't have enough money for whatever reason to get all the way home. Some families do not live with their soldiers. Some soldiers are unmarried and can't get back to see their parents. There are several situations where help could be needed to get everyone together.

  17. I am having major deja vu . .
    Alison Brie?

  18. I'm thinking Ellen Pompeo or Courteney Cox

  19. Maybe Alison did something similar, because I just re-read the blind and I guess you wouldn't call Community a very hit show.

    Regardless, I love kindess blinds. Great choice for Christmas Eve

    Much love to my peeps xo

  20. I was thinking Jennifer Love Hewitt too.

  21. I love it!! And would love to be able to do this too!!!! have a beautiful christmas, whoever you are!!!!

  22. Who ever it is, I think it is wonderful. My husband is stationed in Germany so we have spent the last 3 years away from family for the holidays (well, one of them I was alone in Germany while he was in lovely Afghanistan). We don't really get a choice in where we live, or how long we are apart from loved ones. I hope the actress that did this really understands how much things like this mean to Military families. So, thank you for such a generous gift to families that I am sure appreciate it more than you will ever know.

  23. Please make this a New Year's Day reveal. New Year's 2013, don't make us a wait 3 years to find out. Whoever it was who did this is kind and thoughtful indeed. You've made my day with this one, Enty.

  24. Sunny, I don't know if I would call Alison Brie A list, but I would call Mad Men a hit tv show :)

  25. @telomeraz
    Oh - ha ha. I didn't even know she was on Mad Men. This is why I never guess blinds! :)

  26. I thought Cox too, but those are all good guesses. Hops this one is revealed next week.

  27. Isn't this old? I either read this in the news months ago or it was a blind from another Xmas.

  28. I thought Eva Longoria. Not sure why, just because she has a reputation for being well-spoken and charitable.

  29. I think the only candidate that could afford this is Courtney Cox.

    And I agree, this should be heralded from the highest rooftop. Please reveal.

  30. @Tru Leigh - I think Katey Sagal could.

    She must get tons from Married With Children reruns

  31. I go with Eva Longoria. She's very active in charities, has a special needs sister (and does a lot for special needs kids), she also started out on soap operas and has not really had top billing in any movies, but I always hear about her on tv.

  32. I like the Courteney guess @Seaward. And, I'm not joking here, but what about Betty White? She was A list TV for a long while...had her own show, was on Mary Tyler Moore, Golden Girls, etc. On Hot in Cleveland now. Does movies, but rarely and she's never the star. Also, she's older and might be more generous...

  33. Alyson Hannigan? I know she wasn't the star in Buffy but she just seems like a super sweet person

  34. I immediately thought of Courtney cox, but love the Alyson Hannigan guess @jessie, and HIMYM is a hit show too!

  35. My first thought was Julianna Margulies.

  36. I say Jennifer Love Hewitt

  37. Allyson Hannigan? Buffy and How I Met Your Mother for the shows. She did American Pie, but can't think of any other big movies she was in.

    And she seems like a family person and a big sweetheart.

  38. Oh, and American Pie's role wasn't supposed to be so big. It just got big because the fans loved her. But she wasn't a lead in that anyway, it was more about the guys. In the sequels she got a bigger part.

  39. Oh and lets not forget her cute family (especially on Halloween, with all the costumes they wear, too cute!)

    Ill stop now, before I spam the whole commentboard xD

  40. @tanagail. It's for personnel stationed in European places where there is no combat. They are there for up to most 3 years and its hard to buy plane tickets to be on leave. Think before you speak you sound like a debby downer.

  41. Maybe Sarah Jessica Parker?

    I too hope it will be revealed. Wow, the generosity and thoughtfulness is unbelievable.

  42. I would love for this to be either Katey Sagal or Alyson Hannigan. They are both awesome. But has Katey been in movies?

    It definitely reads more like Alyson - Buffy, HIMYM for the famous TV roles, and she was the girl in American Pie movies & in Date Movie, but not the star. (She was, however, hilarious.)

  43. Can they just pluck people out of the middle east to meet up with family in Europe?

  44. usually i don't like the nice BI's. but we have had such a sad reflection of humanity lately that i LOVE it!. no guess, but don't care. just that its true is enough for me.

  45. Immediate thought was Courtney Cox! I really like her (seriously nerdy Friends fan here!) so I hope it's her.

  46. @Autumn
    I bet we could do a "lightening round" of Friends quotes together. And even THAT was a Friends quote!

    MISS Chanandler Bong

    Could I BE wearing any more clothes? Maybe if I weren't going COMMANDO . . .

    See! She's your lobster!

    Those aren't my best ones - just the ones I can quickly type while cooking and drinking wine :)

  47. Courtney Cox probably has the most $$ (from Friends). I could see this being her, but any of the other ladies would work.
    Please reveal this soon.

  48. I'm 98% sure I've read this blind here already...

    1. @cana thank you now I know I'm. not going crazy!

  49. I immediately thought of Tina Fey.

  50. Heather Locklear or Alyssa Milano

  51. Emily deschanel?

  52. @tanagail...(just this once everyone..ok..normally I bite my tongue)...there alway has to be one twat on here to bring everyone down a little after reading a post like this...piss off..

  53. LOL@Bonnie Thanks for saying what I was thinking. I don't mind it when people play devil's advocate but this blind, like all the other blinds, was heard by Enty (or whomever wrote it) third or possibly fourth hand. I am sure some details get missed and some details are exaggerated, but the end result is exactly the same: Someone did something very nice for people who needed it.

  54. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She fits.

  55. I'm thinking its actually Christina Applegate...

  56. Some of these guesses are not A-list...but I second Julianna Marguiles and would add Amy Poehler (became famous on SNL, has done a good amount of movies but has never really been a "movie star"). I would say no to Christina Applegate only because a few years ago she was in tons of movies and on Broadway where she won a Tony Award. Tina Fey is also possible, though I think she has been more successful in movies than this blind calls for (ex: Date Night).

  57. @jerryvet I would love this to be JLD but looking at her IMDB page, she really hasn't done movies.
