Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today's Blind Items - He Is Going Downhill Fast

This actor is A list and always will be. If he lives for 50 more years and never makes another movie he would be A list. Academy Award winner/nominee? Absolutely. A list name recognition? Definitely. Strangest actor around right now? Oh yeah. Our actor rarely showers. The only time he showers is when he is making a movie and then only every few days. He has turned into the laziest person in the world. Meals are brought to him. Many different meals that he takes a bite of each. he is not a glutton. Weight gain is not an issue. Sex? Umm, he is not doing the work but he calls over women who are willing to do the work for him. That is of course if they can get over the smell of a guy who has not showered in a week and has food all over his clothes or drinks. He loves to drink. Like a fish. Then he likes to get up and do scenes from his performances and makes the people in the room watch. He gets confused and mixes up lines from different roles and refuses to do a couple of the roles and gets very angry if people ask. He is a very angry guy and will throw things and yell and scream and the name calling is out of control. Ditto with any kind of slur that he can think of. He then forgets he did it or pretends he does not remember and returns to normal a few hours later. It is probably Alzheimer's or the beginning stages of it but he refuses to go to a doctor.


  1. Replies
    1. @perf I thought jack Nicholson too!

  2. Replies
    1. My thought too. He looks like hell lately.

    2. My thought too. He looks like hell lately.

  3. This reads Jack Nicholson to me.

  4. @MadLyb My thoughts exactly! I could see him not wanting to do Jack Sparrow every 5 minutes :)

  5. I was thinking Johnny until the alzheimers line

  6. Weight gain is not an issue - I assume he's skinny, so not Nicholson.

    1. OH @jamie you're right. Not Nicholson. Good bc I like him, bad bc I thought I had it right for once

  7. Pacino. Nicholson has gotten a little...hefty.

  8. I was initially thinking Johnny until the Alzheimer comment.. not that it cannot affect younger people, but I am all on the Al Pacino train. `Say 'ello to my little friend, b!t(hes`

  9. The Scent of Pacino

  10. Also, Nicholson hasn't made a film in years. This sounds like someone who has made one within the last 18 months.

  11. Whenever someone mentions an actor who doesn't bathe, for some reason I think of Depp. I know he drinks a lot, so he was the first person who came to mind. However, I love the Pacino and Nicholson guesses. There was a pic of Pacino the other day with a food stain on his jacket.

  12. Nic Cage? I hope not - I've loved him since Raising Arizona.

  13. johnny depp.

    imagine getting asked to be edward scissorhands every day....

  14. Can't be Nicholson - he's not svelte and likes his food (thinking of that awful paparazzi shot of him devouring a cheese steak aboard a boat in St Tropez a few years ago). He's also not been working much...

  15. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I'll say Johnny Depp because he looks dirty and lazy and seems to have a high opinion of himself.

    It is probably Alzheimer's or the beginning stages of it but he refuses to go to a doctor.

    That doesn't mean he has the disease. Maybe he's just drunk all the time.

  16. I'm going with Pacino on this. He's been in tabs recently looking like a homeless man.

  17. if he lives 50 more years... so he's around 50? who's around 50 and skinny?

    Depp is a good guess.

  18. why does 'weight gain is not an issue' have to mean he's not fat? why can't it mean he doesn't give a shit. he won't lose any parts based on that, because he's a great actor and nobody cares.

    i say nicholson. pacino's not even a good actor anymore and i don't put him on the same level with nicholson----jack is JACK. nobody else comes close.

  19. All I could think of was Johnny Depp as I was reading this.

    The Al Pacino guess is a pretty good one too.

  20. I'm on the Depp train!
    He's dirty and he's known for not watching anything he was ever in which is why he probably forgets all of his lines.

  21. Al Pacino - I've heard he was kind of "off"

  22. I think we are looking for someone around 50. Depp or Sean Penn (penn is my top guess. I'd bet he refuses to do Spiccoli)

  23. Jack Nicholson came to mind first

  24. Pacino is on Broadway doing a Mamet play, doubt it's him.

  25. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Pacino's been really wild eyed, and unstable looking. Nicholson is a nice guy that pays his live in "masseuses" well and gives them benefits. That doesn't sound like the selfish jerk type in the blind. It could certainly be Mad Mel too.

  26. Nicholson didn't work since 2010
    Al Pacino again works.

    At the begining of the disease,Alzheimer appears at the end of afternoon

  27. Depp is with Amber, so not him. It doesn't sound like this blind is in a relationship. So we need to find an older actor who isn't.

    I hope it's not Pacino, He's been on Bway recently, not movies.

    It does sound like someone who is naturally thin. If he was fattening, docs would be on the case and it would be a concern.

  28. My very first thought was Jack Nicholson bc The Shining has been playing non-stop on BBC America. That movie freaks me OUT! Big time! Probably bc I have the shine myself. And the exteriors were shot up on Mount Hood. Timberline Lodge is a very popular ski/snowboard place here in the OR.

    Anyway. This is probably Johhny Depp bc he is still actively making movies, but then I read about the possible Oldtimer's diagnosis. SO I think this is Jackie "Here's Johnny" Nicholson. RED-RUM!!!

  29. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Pacino is 72 and Mel Gibson is 56

  30. Seachica! Yes! I forgot about that fine specimen called Sean Penn!

    He is a super douche! He could be our guy...

  31. This reads Mickey Rourke to me if you would think of him as A List.

  32. it's not depp. come on. he's 49----he just doesn't fit with the alzheimer's thing. yes, i know it can develop early, but johnny's busy. he's not laying around being a hermit like this guy.

  33. Actually I'm thinking more into the "refuses to see a doctor" line..
    Maybe a scientologist? Since they're anti medicine? But I just googled and the only A list celebs that fit are John Travolta and Tom Cruise.. And I'm pretty sure they're both gay gay gay.

  34. I was thinking Depp too until I got to the Alzheimer's comment. So it sounds like someone over 60 (at least late 50s), thin and very famous. We're talking the likes of Pacino, Deniro, and Nicholson. Who else?

  35. OMG!! My all time favorite scary movie is The Shinning:) Still scares the shit out of me!!! I don't think this is Nicholson, I heard he is actually a pretty nice guy..... and on top of that is he really going to live another 50 yrs, I think it has to be somebody a little bit younger??

  36. Idk I saw an interview with him on Graham Norton and a lady "in the red chair" said she noticed him on the tube because of his tattoos and Graham asked if he rides the tube and Johnny got very confused looking and said no.

  37. I could get on the Bill Murray band wagon.

    When Moonrise Kingdom was filmed here the only places Bill was ever spotted was the liquor store or out at a club and he was always drunk.

    He is rumored to be a prick and mean and I can see him refusing to do any lines from Caddy Shack.

  38. I also think this could be Bill Murray.

  39. Several reviews have commented on Pacino's performance in Glengarry GR as awful and confusing. The NYT describes the character he's playing as senile and on the way to dementia (which is not how the character is written).

    The play was pushed back by almost a month because Pacino wasn't ready.


  40. Whoever it is, excessive drinking can cause alcohol related dementia which affects memory, etc - so it wouldn't have to be Alzheimer's

  41. A) it has to be someone WHO COULD LIVE another 50 years so that knocks Pacino, Nicholson etc out of the running.

    B) weight isn't an issue because IT IS NOT AN ISSUE, ie. he is slim (get it Nancer??)

    C) Alzheimer's can start early if drug use has been an issue, don't assumed it's a senior.

    Mel Gibson, Sean Penn, both great guesses. Depp? that's reaching.

  42. I saw Al Pacino about two years ago in Merchant of Venice on broadway. he was unbelievable. blew all of the other very talented actors out of the water.

    someone above mentioned above that he is now doing a Glengarry Glen Ross revival. This guy is sharp as a tack and a brilliant actor. to me its impossible for it to be him, he's just too high functioning. and, he's always dressed sloppily. he's thinking about other, higher, things and not whether his clothes are wrinkled.

    And, by the way, how many A list actors are out there anyway. there is a blind about A list actors almost everyday. So, I'm beginning to believe as others do, that at least some of these blinds are made up.

  43. I thought of Joaquin immediately.

  44. I've heard that about Bill Murray too. I don't think I'd want to meet an actor I really like. If Bill Murray or Tom Hanks or Steve Martin or several others were really mean to me, I'd be crushed. They may not think it's fair but that's the price of being beloved. Now if I met a self-inflated Brad Pitt it would just confirm what I already think of his smelliness.

  45. I thought Nicholson the entire time until some people thought the weight comment so I backed off, but Nancer makes an excellent point so now I'm back on the Nicholson guess.

  46. I thought Nicholson the entire time until some people thought the weight comment so I backed off, but Nancer makes an excellent point so now I'm back on the Nicholson guess.

  47. I think it might be Pacino too

  48. So, I'm on the Pacino train and I'm guessing here are some of the lines he doesn't like to do.....

    "Say goodnight to the bad guy, the bad guys coming through"

    (I love that one)

    "Say hello to my little friend"

  49. Signs of Alzheimer's can begin in a person's 40's.

  50. Could u imagine being in the room with your favorite forever a lister who would voluntarily perform lines from the movies you love? Even more fascinating that he confuses the movies and blends them all together! Godfather, Scent Of A Woman, Goodfellas, The Shining, One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest... Whoever it is has an incredible resume of movies we all love! I didn't read what Enty wrote about the mixing up lines as bad, I thought fun! Maybe it's a game where the friends guess the movie?

  51. @ Harvey - Wild eyed and unstable looking? Hell, He's been that way for 40 years. LoL. Dog Day Afternoon? Serpico? If anything he's mellowed in his old age.

  52. Hearbreaking if it's Pacino. Godfather 1 was 40 years ago and he was soooo smoking hot in that movie. Few men have reached that level of "smokinghood" since then LOL. Sadly he has not aged well...

  53. EVERYONE That Dunkaccino


  54. I'm saying Christopher Walken to be different.

  55. Pacino was my first thought too..

  56. No. Not Walken. No. Stop it.

    That was no boating accident. WTF is his name? Mr Holland. Stakeout. Etc. Etc.

  57. @Vera - Richard Dreyfuss? Dude's a bit off his rocker.

  58. I guess I'm the only one who read this as Peter O'Toole? Maybe that's because I'd love to be in a room when he's piss-drunk and citing lines from his movies...

  59. Are you kidding me with that, @dragon???!!!! I have never seen that before! Ahhhhh MY EYES!!!!

  60. My first thought was Leo.

    Back in the day Brad Pitt always looked like soap and water were his mortal enemies. Joan Rivers called him on it once on the Red Carpet. He's been better ever since though.

    I think Nicholson and Pacino are too old. "Live another 50 years" means the person is or close to 50.

  61. Yes, I read this as Peter O'Toole. I hope it is not him.

  62. I think Nancer's take on the weight issue is correct -- this is someone who doesn't care about weight gain from indolence and alcohol abuse, rather than someone whose metabolism keeps them magically thin. (Ever known a heroin, coke or speed user who publicly swore they were skinny because of their unusual metabolism? Then they kicked that habit and switched to alcohol, and their weight went up.)

    I also think the "fifty more years" comment is meant figuratively rather than as an estimate of the person's expected life span with the current state of medical technology.

    Pacino is most likely because he's more of a recluse -- if it was Nicholson, we'd see signs in the reactions of people sitting next to him at Lakers games!

  63. There is no way Peter O'Toole is going to live another 50 years.

  64. It's Pacino & it's really sad. He's a legend & immensely talented. I'm reading "lives another 50 years" as a figure of speech, not literally; as in he's an acting hall of famer legend like the greats. Johnny Depp does not belong within the same area code as this description

  65. It's Pacino & it's really sad. He's a legend & immensely talented. I'm reading "lives another 50 years" as a figure of speech, not literally; as in he's an acting hall of famer legend like the greats. Johnny Depp does not belong within the same area code as this description

  66. I thought of Kevin Kline--drink like a fish, "A Fish called Wanda", but this is someone probably unmarried, like Leo.

  67. Mel Gibson. The bit about the slurs rang a lot of bells. He well known to have anger issues and make all kinds of comments and remarks and then conveniently "forgets" they happened. He blames it on alcohol too.

  68. I'm gonna throw a different one out there... Dustin Hoffman

    He's A all the way and always will be. I can see him being asked to do Raymond from Rain Man all the time. He hasn't done much except voice work lately. Plus I read this blind as it isn't someone we'd expect, and I wouldn't expect this from Dustin Hoffman.

    Side note it would totally break my heart.

    1. @kat no way it's Dustin. He just won the Kennedy award and looked great!

  69. Plus, can you imagine Mel always being asked to recite lines from Braveheart or Mad Max? Or Lethal Weapon? He's never had a weight issue that I've observed in all the years.

    Johnny Depp, while his hygiene is questionable, he's dating Amber Heard like someone mentioned earlier.

    I like the Al Pacino guess though :) But I really think this is Mel all the way.

  70. Yeah, but Peter has been in movies for 50 years.

  71. I didn't see any Mel Gibson guesses, but he was who I read this as the whole way through! 'Any kind of slur'....A list actor and always will be....how many actually fit that bill?

  72. I totally get pacino for this. Poor guy.

  73. Christopher Walken - Jenny McCarthy was on WWHL and when asked who was the worst co-star she said flat out Walken, that he stunk, did not shower for days, was mean and was eating an apple from his coat - like over days the same apple...pretty much the exact description of the BI>

  74. WHY WHY WHY am I only the third or fourth person to say Mel Gibson?


    Like that, you know... but with more curse words and angrier.

    1. LOL Hunter! I can see totally see this. He's all wild eyed and spit flying everywhere!

  75. I might be jumping on the Mel Gibson train! An hour ago I thought of David Hasselhoff so I came to reread the blind n of course it's not him. Since so many of you mention Mel I realized that I pretty much them of them as the same person lol! Didn't they both have drunken videos of them eating and being mean to family members? And I can't scroll up right now to check but someone mentioned "slurs" that Enty wrote so I'm on the Mel train too.

  76. @katsm: "He is a very angry guy and will throw things and yell and scream and the name calling is out of control. Ditto with any kind of slur that he can think of."

    Hmmm, not too far off the mark with the Mel train.

  77. I'm with Seachica...my mind went immediately to Penn and Spiccoli (sp?) being the role he refuses to do.

  78. The only peson who came to mind while I was reading this was Al Pacino, but there have been some good points made why it might not be him.

    If we're skewing younger, how about Keanu Reeves? The only time he cleans up it seems, is when he's promoting something. Otherwise, he usually looks like a vagrant.

  79. I'll throw Clint Eastwood into the mix, more for the empty chair ramble than anything.

  80. I don't really check out pap shots except the few Enty posts. I'm surprised at how many people are saying this is Pacino bc he looks awful lately bc I couldn't believe how GOOD Pacino looked in the pic yesterday. Unless that was a one in a million shot..I still don't think this is him, Mel seems to fit. I just want to say that I don't see Pacino as looking a mess

  81. Pacino. They said he showers for work, so they blind is working...Plus, he seems like the angriest out of the guesses.

  82. My husband saw Al Pacino in NYC on his way into a matinee of Glengarry Glen Ross this past Saturday. He said he looked "typically cool." I doubt an actor with as many problems as the one in the blind has would be able to handle a Broadway schedule.

  83. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The never bathes clue lead me to think of Russell Crowe but not sure if he would be as remembered 50 years from now as an Al Pacino or Jack Nicholson.

  84. One other thing, Pacino is playing the old guy in Glengarry Glen Ross--Shelly Levene. The character is old, tired, disheveled, so it's not unusual that he would show up looking like hell. Pacino is known for method acting. My husband saw him on the street at exactly 1:15--only 45 minutes before show time! Maybe he shows up already in character. Al Pacino is definitely not "lazy"--his career is entering an interesting third act. Merchant of Venice on Broadway (won a Tony). Playing King Lear in the upcoming film directed by Michael Radford. This blind sounds like a has-been with A-list name recognition, not someone who's a little kooky but still performing Shakespeare.

  85. Any actor previously mentioned might fit. Thought Depp at first, tending towards Mel Gibson now: the blind is an angry drunk who forgets "any kind of slur that he can think of".

  86. I doubt it's Pacino for several reasons. One, he's been pretty adamant for a long time about staying sober. He even finally quit smoking and switched to herbals, IIRC. Two, he is actually quite introverted off-stage and I can't imagine him making people watch him do scenes if he's not actually working. Three, Pacino's not going to be around for 50 more years, for goodness sake. Four, he is just everything and I said so. ;-)

    Crap. I was considering the title and the "going downhill" part. So I thought it could be someone middle-aged or so and eccentric, and who skied in a movie, perhaps? Jim Carrey in DUMB AND DUMBER then came to mind. Then I checked and his MAN ON THE MOON and THE TRUMAN SHOW noms were GG, not Oscar.

    Hmm. Mel could be a contender, I think.

  87. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Seems more like Gerard Depardieu

    1. @poni I like your guess of Gerard D bc he just got arrested again for drunkenly riding a scooter I think? I know he's more famous in Europe than America but I don't think he's A list always in America and I think Enty would have said that.

  88. Russell Crowe? He's in the feed as someone with a drinking issue and anger issues.

  89. How awful that the list of possibilities is so long. Pacino sounds like a strong contender, unfortunately. Alzheimer's...how sad! I hope that isn't correct.

  90. I think it's funny that everyone reads "weight gain is not an issue" as if the actor in question is naturally thin. We all know that actors are allowed more leeway with their weight than actresses, this could be an actor who is already large and could still get work, thus weight gain is not issue. Or he doesn't care about gaining weight because as an established actor, he knows that he could still get work.

  91. Mel was my first guess. It's sad whoever it is.

  92. benita, that's what i said earlier. i didn't even understand why people interpreted that to mean this guy is thin. i just think it means what it says---it doesn't matter what he weighs---not to him or to anybody else, because he's that big a deal.

  93. @ jax - Depp has abused alcohol and other drugs, including heroin.

    @ annabella - my mother's decline from dementia was startling over the course of just one year. Sometimes it is gradual but sometimes the decline is very quick.

  94. Unknown got it:

    > "Jenny McCarthy ... said flat out [Christopher] Walken, that he stunk, did not shower for days, was mean and was eating an apple from his coat - like over days the same apple..."

    The McCarthy quote didn't mention laziness or whether he was drunk often. He is old enough to have Alzheimer's. I always liked Walken, so it'd be a bummer if it's him.

  95. @LurkyLoo...I'm with you on the smokinghood! Although I think Serpico was the peak. Pacino is old enough to be my grandpa, but holy cow, those still frames from Serpico make me drool. Jen A's fiancee did a spread in one of those guy magazines (Maxim? Men's Health?) as Pacino in Serpico, and he looked pretty hot, too.

    Mel seems like more of a groomer to me, I can't imagine him NOT bathing. I'm on the Walken train (although I HATE that it could be him). Good find on the Jenni Mc. comment, Unknown. That pretty much seals it for me.

  96. for some reason I have John Malkovich in my head.

  97. Sorry OT but since this post has the most comments and it seems so many of u are from Portland Oregon I wanted to say I hope everyone is ok and nobody was hurt at the mall shooting tonight. I think I just read 60 shots were fired.

  98. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Love the billy bob guess

  99. Am I really the only one who thought "Gary Busey?"

  100. I read this as De Niro, only because I can imagine him losing his shit when asked to do Travis Bickle.

    I am always wrong about these things.

  101. Sorry to hear about the mall shooting...need to look that up....
    I'm liking the Gerard Depeardieu (sp?) guess. The one RomCom he was in may be the one role he won't do. Green Card, was it? He has been on record saying movies like that are pathetic and he's embarrassed he made the movie. Could totally be him....

  102. Throwing Harrison Ford into the mix.

  103. Disappearing comments?

    1. Whoa @DB I came to respond to ur post about the shooting and it's gone! I'm glad you're ok

  104. Disappearing weird, maybe because it was OT. Latest news is the 2 confirmed dead and they got the shooter after a standoff at Macy's. :(


    1. @db thanks for the link. I'm not sure why the comments get deleted bc I've seen some deleted that were just nothing like, I like so and so's dress and then OT comments never seem to be a problem. At this point I'm blaming a Blogger bug.

  105. Anonymous6:23 PM

    What about Nic Cage?

  106. It's not Michael Corleone.

  107. Come on, people. Daniel Day Lewis!

  108. I'd agree with the Christopher Walken guess. Wasn't he in the photos yesterday?

  109. It says he is a glutton, and food was mentioned. I'm thinking the weight comment means he's a lazy ass, who eats a lot of crap, yet doesn't gain tons of weight despite that.

  110. I had misread the weight line, which says

    "He has turned into the laziest person in the world. Meals are brought to him. Many different meals that he takes a bite of each. he is not a glutton. Weight gain is not an issue"

    I think that says he is neither extremely heavy (as he would be if he were lazy, a glutton, and a heavy drinker) nor very thin (as he would be if his drinking had progressed to the point where he neglected to eat at all).

  111. I'm in with the Christopher Walken guess, he is such a great actor, tho, I would hate to see his warped ass mind go.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. There are a lot of Portlanders on here? Really? I'm one too. Don't comment much but read every day.

  114. Dia P is alive and well! No where near the mall today (it's in a suburb south of the city). Sending out happy loving thoughts to the city and all those affected in Clackamas. Things have been pretty crazy here lately. Someone stole gas out of my BF's motorcycle yesterday. Times are tough everywhere and I think people have started snapping.

    There was a crazy episode on Sunday, where two boys, aged 7 and 11, tried to carjack a lady at gunpoint. She was waiting for her parents in a church parking lot. I'm surprised Enty hasn't posted about this yet (did he? I've been too busy with work to keep up...)

    1. @dia WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN OREGON??? Is it the new Florida? Glad ur ok!!

    2. LOL! I guess we are the West Coast Florida. You should see the stuff I see on a daily basis. Today, for example, a man tried to come in the gym and he was NOT WEARING PANTS. He was wearing white boxer briefs. He had on a jacket and backpack, socks/tennis shoes - and then no freaking pants. Hew wanted to use our bathroom and we wouldn't let him in. He was clean and normal looking except for the no pants. What The Oregon! Maybe What The Portland, is more appropriate. Keeping it weird, fo sho!

      On a more serious note, I feel awful for all those people at the mall. Everyone was having a happy holiday shopping moment and crazy dude showed up. It's heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking. Here's the most current information. They aren't releasing anything specific yet. The mall was absolutely full and he attacked the food court.

    3. Oh my god Dia. Half of that was hilarious!!

  115. I thought of Sean Penn straight away.

  116. I was thinking Keanu Reeves, but he is only 48yo. My next guess was Harrison Ford.

  117. There is one young woman in surgery at the OHSU trauma unit. We can pray for her and her surgeons to help her make it through the next critical hours. I think she's only 18 yo.

    God Bless. I believe there was 10,000 people in the mall at the time. It could have been so much worse.

  118. Depp and Cage are too young to have Alzheimer's and Nicholson is too pudgy. Pacino doesn't sound like "an angry man" but James Caan does. I'm going with Caan.

  119. This smells like Sean Penn to me.

  120. Mel Gibson.
    "Another 50 years", "slurs"' anger/temper issues...

  121. Anonymous12:58 AM

    I think so many of us are missing the biggest point here "a-list and always will be". That knocks out just about everyone. It really does.

    For male actors out there, pure a-list with academy award nominations or wins - that narrows it right down. That leaves us with:


    I don't think Penn or Crowe are a-list forever contenders.

  122. You can't rule Depp out by age. Early-onset Alzheimer's often shows up in the 40s. See Rita Hayworth for reference. In fact, the first patient diagnosed with it by Dr. Alzheimer was a woman in her forties.

    But this just screams Mel Gibson to me. Raging temper, erratic behavior, slurs... I imagine he goes off on people who want him to do Braveheart or Road Warrior and the like... Meanwhile, he's always wanted to be seen as Shakespearean caliber.

    It would make sense... He was a loyal, happily married Catholic with a bunch of kids who bizarrely turned into Tabloid boy.

  123. Kiefer Sutherland? I read somewhere (I realize that is not very helpful) that he was drinking very very heavily.

  124. Connery is a great guess.

    Just saw Walken on a cooking show...forgot who it was with, but he was clean, cooking and seemed healthy.

    ( if you didn't notice I don't want this to be Walken!)

  125. OK So I am sorry if someone mentioned this but I was going crazy reading comments and not seeing this mentioned... hasn't Jack Nicholson been pretty much in hiding because it's believed he had a fairly serious stroke?

    I really like the Bill Murray guess... unfortunately... Chevy Chase is also a prick and there was all that stuff with Community? I dunno...

  126. google shows some hoax type links... but i feel like I saw it on here. Maybe it was a blind that implied it... I read way too much gossip to keep it all straight!! fml.



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