Monday, December 17, 2012

The Hobbit Is Biggest US Opening Ever - For December

Even though the reviews were mixed, it did not stop Hobbit fans from turning out in droves this weekend. The film raked in over $84M in the US and added another $138M internationally. The previous best December opening was for Avatar which took in $77M, but I don't think this movie will beat Avatar. I just think that Avatar had more staying power than The Hobbit will. Unlike the three Rings films, Hobbit did not get any Golden Globe nominations. On a side note, Skyfall has almost hit $1B globally which means there will be another 20 years of Bond films and Daniel Craig can probably ask for an receive a fortune for the next installment.


  1. I saw it at midnight and really enjoyed it.

  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I'm going to see it, so excited!!!! I'm so glad that he expanded it so much.

  3. Every time I think of anything Lord of the Rings, I can't help but think of that scene in Clerks II with Randal and Elias.

  4. A bit unrelated but a woman I know went to see this movie Friday at a theater in Philly and a man was standing in front of the screen by himself, screaming at the top of his lungs.. So obviously people complained. Security came in and tried to escort him out, when that happened he flipped out even more and started throwing punches. Security finally tasered him, he kept fighting, so they had to do it a few times and kept telling him to stop fighting it. Well the whole theater wasn't able to watch the movie because of this and gave everyone free movie passes. I just thought this story was super funny.

  5. I saw it on Saturday and loved it! I am a tad obsessed with Middle Earth though.

  6. Daniel Craig yet asked a fortune to continue to be Bond in 2 movies

  7. I would love to see it beat Avatar because I can't stand James Cameron.

  8. Caitlin, was that guy screaming, "my precious!!"?

  9. I saw it & loved it.

  10. @Patty:
    Cameron may be a jerk at work but he's the most feminist male director(Sarah Connor,Ripley....)and he helped his ex-wifes after their divorces

  11. I went to see it but fell asleep for most of it. In my defense, I am 16 days near my due date and despite my bf I am extremely tired he still wanted to see the 11:50 showing. Probably will try to see it again.

  12. We saw it Sunday and loved it....we're going back Tuesday for the "feast" that Drafthouse is having....can't wait!!!!

  13. I saw it and I enjoyed it, though I liked the LOTR movies better.

  14. I can't wait to see it but I only go on Tuesday bc it's half price. I'm hoping I have time tomorrow bc I wil kick myself for again telling myself to save money bc an epically, beautifully shot movie is just as good at home on my tv than a giant screen. I really need to get out more lol

  15. Is it as good as the LOTR movies? No.

    Is it thin in content but long in length (that sounded slightly dirty, sorry)? Yes.

    Was it fun and worth the time and money? Yes. We took our 8 year old out of school and Friday to see it and we had a blast.

  16. Not really into Tolkien, but I'm obviously into Aidan Turner (aka Kili/my avi) so I'm thinking I'll watch it at home so I can FF ;)

  17. @Caitlin - I've seen people do that at WWE events - but not in a movie theater. LoL.

    Never saw The Hobbit - I saw Skyfall last night. KICKED ASS!

    1. Haha!
      I guess WWE and LOTR have the same following =P

  18. Huh I guess I'm the only one here who was disappointed. I felt it was heavy-handed (did we really need to focus so much on the ring as it dropped?) and much too long - did we really need so much of the brown wizard and his hedgehog? It was the editing that was off. Also, I saw it in 3D, and with the 48 fps it didn't quite work as well with people, but with the CGI it was great. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but I'm hoping as Jackson isn't so rushed to get this out he'll take his time with 2 and 3 post-production and tighten it up.

    The scene with Gollum, tho, was absolutely brilliant and worth every penny.

  19. LLR - Kili was ADORABLE!

  20. I have no desire to see The Hobbit. I finally saw Skyfall, though, and couldn't get past the idea that an MI6 agent has a Spanish accent. It was an ok movie, but not as big as the hype

  21. Craig is said to be chafing at the bit re the remaining 2 Bond films on this contract.
    However they'll throw enough money at him to get at least those made.

  22. Anonymous10:58 AM

    saw it friday absolutely loved it

  23. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I saw it at midnight and loved it as well. I'm thinking I might go see it again!

    @Frenchgirl, what about Joss Whedon? Have you seen his amazing speech when he accepted an award from Equality Now?

  24. I'm not the Hobbit watching type, hate fantasy, but I saw Silver Linings Playbook and absolutely loved it. I know Bradley Cooper has a reputation here and I have nothing that contradicts that but in the move, he was good. Everyone was.

  25. I'm seeing it with my dad but probably not until Christmas day...can't wait!!

  26. None of these nerdfest movies hold any appeal for me. I'd rather take a nap.

  27. Please let it beat Avatar. It wasn't a bad movie, but I just couldn't understand why people were going nuts over it. It seemed more about the special effects than about good storytelling and acting. I just kept thinking Ferngully meets Dances with Wolves.

  28. Oh and Hobbit was great, but I can also understand that some people will think it is unnecessarily long.

  29. Anonymous1:34 PM

    @mistang In my house, we call it "Dances with Smurfs". =)

  30. LOL @mistang. I get it! I liked Avatar too, but I kept wondering what I was missing because it was SO huge and I really couldn't see why.

  31. @ Dagny - Yeah I heard some call it "Dances with Smurfs" too. I was such a big Ferngully person that it was all I could think about when watching it. The sacred tree, the "people" who were in tune with nature and the environmental stuff was a little too familiar.
    @ Cee Kay - Yeah so many were hyping it and I would always ask how good it was. Everyone would rave about the look and the effects. Not one person would ever tell me anything substantial about the story or the acting. It was all about the look.

  32. Boycotting because of the 27 dead animals. Sorry, but 27 dead animals is not an "oops."

  33. Question: To those who saw it. Was it in any way comparable to any of the The Lord of the Rings 1 - 3?

  34. @Mistang. People didn't go nuts over the Storyline for was the first time this type of 3D technology, created by Cameron, was ever used. People went for the Phenominal visuals (which were breathtaking), over the storyline. The Storyline was decent enough, where it made for an amazing movie all together. A++++ for visuals and a B for the storyline.

    1. @crila breathtaking is right! Avatar was the first beautiful movie I watched on my first hidef tv years ago that made me realize I need to start shelling out $10 to go to a theater bc it's worth it.



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