Friday, December 21, 2012

Ryan Edwards Proposed To Maci Bookout

For years, Ryan Edwards has treated his baby mama, Maci Bookout like crap. Because I have no life I have watched every episode of Teen Mom 2. I'm not a fan of Teen Mom and just find them generally annoying, but I do love Teen Mom 2. I also like infomercials and seeing what Today's Special Value is on QVC. Anyway, Maci has always loved Ryan. You can see it whenever she talks about him. She might have been with Kyle or whatever for a few years, but she wanted Ryan and Kyle knew it. Ryan knew it too and just waited for the right time. Yesterday he asked Maci to marry him on Twitter. She said his account must have been hacked and he said no and she said well, Twitter is not the right place for this and the entire world said, "Amen. Preach." Them getting married would be what Maci used to want. Ryan will just cheat on her after he gets her pregnant again and runs off with a stripper he met at club when he went out with the guys. Say no Maci.


  1. Whatever, I love Teen Mom gossip. Yes, I'm 30 and should not watch these shows, but I'm hooked. I can't believe Ryan (or Rahhn as Macy calls him) would do that. And Ryan's girlfriend Dalis (I can't with that name) said they just broke up and no one would believe the reason why.

    1. @caro I love it too and there's nothing to be ashamed about! Personal Taste Police need to get over themselves if they make fun of what other people watch on tv

  2. @caroline I laughed out loud seeing you spell out exactly how she says his name hahaha. And I love these trashy shows as well haha.

  3. wait a minute. what happened to his supposedly serious GF?
    i'm also a teen mom addict and i really like maci. but ryan has nothing to offer her. does he even have a job?? i've always thought his parents are the ones paying the child support.

  4. Haha @Caroline I can't with any of the names. I'm not familiar with teen mom so I read this and thought, "what is a maci bookout?"

  5. Teen mom watcher here also, and I saw a pic somewhere else of Maci's ex Kyle with Dalis hanging out, maybe they're getting back at them somehow? Crazy kids.

  6. @katsm0711 - I never made fun of someone for what they watch on TV. Sorry if you took it that way.

  7. THIS is why I think Enty's a woman. And before everyone jumps on the who cares bandwagon....teen mom stuff, Jersey Shore, RH of wherever, are all part of the problem. They aren't real celebs, and I want dirt on REAL celebs! Otherwise, it's just shit about people who could live down the street or go to the local highschool. I want real, good oldfashioned dirt!

  8. I just got sucked into Catfish but as a general rule I try to stay away from MTV reality shows. They just take barely illiterate people and just throw them on the air and to the media wolves. When MTV drops them they drop them hard. Screws up already screwed up lives even more.

  9. What wud b best 4 lil Bintley??

  10. Nevermind's early and my mind is elsewhere.

    1. @fsp you're preaching to the choir ;) now I get why u thought I meant you but I promise I would have named you. I just hate how when half the comments call it a slow gossip day and ask Enty not to post on certain shows while the other half of us like them and feel embarrassed for what we like. You're comment was totally fine. I'm pretty sure I've asked the same on other posts. You didn't say anything not nice :)

  11. Anonymous7:58 AM

    He always kind of reminded me of a hillbilly RPattz so I can get the appeal. But I feel sorry for the little boy, he is so cute. Hopefully he finds some stability.

  12. @timebob, we've been watching Catfish as well and that's actually pretty good. Loved the movie. Such interesting situations.

  13. who are these people, and why should i know them?

  14. I heard forever ago that they've been back together for a long time and that they never really broke up.
    Love Teen Mom and most of the Real Housewives but I can't stand Dancing with the Stars.. Everyone has their own taste.

  15. Enty, why do you get so invested in these trailer trash types of people?
    You are contributing to the dumbing down of America.

  16. Ryan and Dalis broke up about 2/3 weeks ago, maybe a month ago.

    Ryan and Maci were hanging out again, so Dalis decided to start tweeting and hanging out with Kyle.

    I think these people stopped maturing in middle school.

  17. I liked the original Teen Moms, the other groups are too silly for me. Maci was one of the few who was actually trying to be a good parent, not always succeeding but at least trying. Maci turn him down please! He will never change and you can do so much better.

  18. didn't she cheat on him though with Kyle???

  19. so sad I know this....

  20. As a former teen mom, these shows are bullshit. Show me the teen mom who's surviving off welfare & foodstamps while sharing a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment with another single mom while putting herself through college. I digress...

    Ryan is a shit. If Macy goes back to him, she is 8 shades of stupid. (Which is redundant, I guess, when it comes to these show. Seriously, birth control is NOT rocket science.)

  21. Didn't even realise she broke up with Kyle! Sucker for this show but all the girls are bloody stupid

  22. I might not know who these particular peeps are but you won't catch me giving you shit for watching them. I watch more than my fair share of (so-called) reality shows. :)

  23. Much as I love Enty, his taste in teevee is not my own.
    I think of some blog/stories on this site as empty chatter I engage in with co workers as we smoke.
    We always wanna share our stories with others who can abide us for entertainment only.
    It's cool. I am all for it.
    Still don't watch trash teevee, and still don't believe Enty watches it either.
    But I get the point.
    Happy Holidays ENTY and all the funny as hell commenters dispite my bahhumbug grumpiness of late.

  24. i love all the high minded asswipes on this site who consider certain things beneath them. it's a fucking GOSSIP site. get over yourselves. if you don't like it, move on, but spare me the superior act. it's really boring.
