Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Russell Crowe Dating Katie Lee

Katie Lee is continuing her fetish for dating way older guys who drink way too much and have a big temper. I wonder what it is that made her go from Billy Joel to Russell Crowe. I think it is a step up. Probably several. It won't last, but for now, while Russell is filming in NYC they have been spotted hanging out at 2am and 3am and at his hotel so, it is not exactly like they are staying up to go to 5am mass. Katie has been out of the spotlight since she got divorced from Billy Joel. Yes, she is still a public figure, but she was everywhere and got invited to everything when she was married to Billy. Maybe she misses that. Maybe she just had a Gladiator fantasy. Maybe Russell has a thing for cooks. Who knows how lust works.


  1. Russell Crowe a step up from Billy Joel?! Enty, lay off the crack. At least BJ has a way with words!

  2. I like Russell. He's a great actor and I think he's hot. I follow him on twitter and he frequently tweets his workouts.

  3. After all the stories, a recent article on Russell (he tried to get a journalist to write about how great he was) and a recent blind that screamed Crowe to me, I cannot imagine anyone wanting to have sex with him. He is sexually revolting. Too bad because if he'd stayed the guy we saw in LA Confidential, he was be kryptonite. Instead he makes me think of a limp guy with month old dirty underwear, food in his beard, fat, drunk, angry and confusingly self-entitled.

    1. Read that article too. He is a nasty, abusive manipulative bully with anger issues. I cant imagine what she sees in this rumbucket.

  4. I used to work with a girl who was in a sorority with her in college. She said that it was weird when he'd call up the sorority house line and be like, "This is Bill - is Katie there?" Her cooking is a joke and she just likes the attention from dating famous men.

  5. Gross, Crowe is not a step up from Biully Joel...

  6. I read this as Russell Crowell dating KATHIE Lee...which would have been much funnier.

  7. i hate her, she totally used Billy Joel, she's just looking for her next retirement fund

  8. Definitely not a step up.

  9. Russell Crowe a step above Billy Joel?! Maybe 10 years ago! Sorry, but if my choices now are between Russell Crowe TODAY and Billy Joel, who can sing "Vienna" to me every night before I go to bed...uh yeah, I'd pick Billy every single time.

  10. I think that maybe Enty meant that it's a step-up famewise, since Billy Joel mostly keeps to himself and Russell Crowe likes to be out there partying.

  11. I'm trying to decide if it's my nasty cold or if that picture has a weird 3d hypnotic thing going on.

    @Lola - hahaha! Awesome!

  12. Maybe she will whip him back into shape like in his Gladiator days. I would never have guessed then he would look as "middle aged" as he does now, much like my beloved Val Kilmer.

  13. Yes, she just wants some fame and subsequently fortune..Groupie!!

  14. @Cathy - let's hope that's what Enty means, cause if he seriously thinks Russell Bloviator Crowe is 10 (or even one) steps up from Billy Joel, clearly his bacon has been contaminated with brain wasting disease.

  15. also, Katie Lee is a fame ho who can't cook.

  16. oh, and Russell Crowe is repulsive. Yuck. Can you imagine? Yikes! Wipe my brain!!

  17. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I think Russell Crow is a step up from Billy Joel. He seems more fun, more functioning, and a better driver that's for sure! LOLs. He's got a certain vulnerable bad boy charm. Billy Joel is immensely talented though. Doesn't anyone remember how hot Russell was around Gladiator? I know he's not there now, and he's got an attitude prob, but I'm just saying, I get it, I get where she's going with this. @Rhinovodka: I know! What happened to Val Kilmer? He used to be one of my faves. Sigh.

  18. Jolene Jolene, I JUST listened to "Vienna" first-thing this morning. (Finals stress. It seemed apropos.) On the way to work, it was AN INNOCENT MAN. Then 52ND STREET. Now THE STRANGER.

    I love one Mr. William Martin Joel, no matter what, and I would ALWAYS take him over Russell Crowe. And, like Ari, I can't stand this famewhore trick. She can HAVE Russell. Gross.

  19. @AKM - we might have to nickname you goop now, since she insists on calling him "William Joel" :)

  20. Also, AKM - good luck on your finals. I have one for my grad school class tonight and am so ready for the semester to be over!

  21. I think calling her a cook is a little liberal, Enty. Did she go to culinary school? No. Has she worked a line, ever? Don't think so. She published a cook book based on her fame and has been in the "food world" as a correspondent. That does not make her a cook, or a chef, or a culinary professional. It makes her a groupie, which she clearly embodies. On the other hand, we're still talking about her. Ugh. I have disliked her since the first moment I saw her on Top Chef, and everywhere else she randomly pops up.

  22. @AKM--Don't you just LOVE that song? Gaaaah I swear it changed my life. If I had to make a soundtrack of my life, that would definitely be on it.

  23. I will always love Russell Crowe. I know people talk bad about his outside-Hollywood dealings, but he's magnificent on screen. The camera rolls, and he's magnificent.


  24. Maybe you CAN be everything you wanna be before your time.

  25. We saw Billy Joel and Elton John in concert together about five years ago; it was the best show I have EVER seen. But, Billy did forget the words to Crocodile Rock (they did a few of their big hits together, with dueling pianos - so awesome) and it wasn't too much longer after that show that Elton cancelled the rest of their tour together because of Billy's drinking. Made me a bit sad.

    "Just the Way You Are" was our wedding song, and hubby still sings it to me on an almost weekly basis. Billy is just one of the greatest musicians and songwriters out there.

    I am totally with AKM on this one - would take Billy over Russell any DAY of the week.

    Also, I went back and re-read AKM's comment in Goop's voice. :)

  26. She was an absolute nobody, without any prospects. Bill made her, got her some celebrity status, houses and some millions after the divorce.
    Granted, he got what he deserved.

    I with Enty, that she misses the spotlights, and is willing to date anyone who will give it to her. She can't obtain that on her own. For a while she was chasing after Brat Ratner.

    Never forget this comment from a poster on Gawker;
    "My college roommate knew her when she was still Katie Lee from Huntington, WV. Said she went looking for an old geezer right out of high school and didn't look back.
    She probably would have done better to stay and stalk Matthew McConaughey when he was in town filming 'We Are Marshall'."

    Also want to lose your meal? Watch this airhead muppet on Oprah

  27. I totally thought it was KATHIE LEE, not Katie Lee. I don't think she's on that kind of level where her last name isn't mentioned, but we would all know who she is. She's in the same league as lady I just had to google... Heather Mills.

  28. Billy Joel is a legend.

  29. I just can't with this trick. I grew up listening to Billy Joel and my husband is a Billy Joel fanatic. I remember when they first got together and she was saying how she'd never even heard one Billy Joel song before meeting him and had no idea who he was. Bitch, PUH-LEASE. And you know Joel must have been three sheets to the wind to actually think a marriage to this trick would work. How could a musician marry somebody who doesn't even know their music? Jesus. And why would Lee admit that. What an ass.

    I think she thought marrying Billy Joel would bring her a life out on the town, but he seems like a bit of a recluse/woe is me/introverted/self-doubting musician. Plus, he's old.

    I've seen Billy Joel perform at least four times. Sometimes he killed it; sometimes he was subpar due to being on the sauce. I quite love Elton John for calling him out on that.

    As a classical musician, I do wish Billy Joel performed his own classical compositions rather than hire a pianist. He totally could have pushed himself to master the music.

    As for Katie Lee, so glad Padma is the host of Top Chef. I wonder if she's hankering for her own cooking show. I could see that happening. Surprised she isn't trying to hop in the sack with Emeril, actually.

  30. @Cathy-I went to the same college as Soon Yi (I graduated before her and didn't know her but I had friends still there). Woody Allen would call her room. There were creepy looking pictures of him on campus in the alumni magazine.

    Katie Lee needs to run from Russell Crowe. Meg Ryan has never been the same. By the way, if she and Tom Hanks made another movie together I would definitely go see it.

  31. @ Cheryl...I would see a new Meg Ryan/Tom Hanks movie too. Love them together.

  32. I love Russell Crowe- I know I'm in the minority. I don't want to do him or anything but I love him onscreen. He commands whatever role he's in.

    Of course, I own every Billy Joel album.

  33. Katie Lee is such a snooze! Does she have any emotion besides blank? I think i slept through all of Top Chef season 1.

  34. Speaking of Billy Joel's exes: Did any of you catch Christie Brinkley on last week's Park and Rec? Girlfriend was HYSTERICAL. Loved it. She is gorgeous. That show is my fave.

  35. ^ I did Susan. It was awesome!

  36. I'm not a fan of Crowe or Joel but Crowe was FANTASTIC in "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World". If you haven't seen it, it's a great movie and for some reason, it can be found in the $5.00 bins in Wally World. If you don't watch it for Crowe, watch it for Paul Bettany.

  37. Forgot to say that I also thought that read KATHIE Lee. She would make a great match for Russel Crowe. They could spend evenings trying to out drink each other. I think she's the meaner drunk, though.

  38. Never heard of her, she is cute. Disease filled now but cute.lol

  39. I would take Billy Joel over Crowe. Katie Lee is a Jessica Seinfeld wanna be.

  40. Hee hee. I forgot about Goopie doing that. I just actually think it's a very nice classic full name. I swear I don't run around pretentiously calling him that. ;-)

    Thanks for the good luck wishes, Cathy! I got an A in one class, but I don't know if the other will be an A or a B.

    I grew up adoring him and only saw him in concert once, on the STORMFRONT tour. I think I might be glad that I saw that one, because it sounds like the shows in the last twenty years or so have been hit-or-miss due to his booze issues. He was in remarkable form when I saw him, so I'm grateful! :-)

    And like Susan pointed out...she didn't know ANY of his music?! Really?! (Said à la Seth and Amy.) Who doesn't know "Piano Man" at the VERY least?! She lies! Boo.

    I have this hunch that someday, somehow, somewhere...Billy and Christie will reunite. I just do. They stayed friends and they're both single now, right? It could happen!

  41. Two words: Daddy Issues.

    We met Katie Lee by chance when she came to our city for an appearance to support a cookbook or something she was doing. She is absolutely vacant. Why haven’t we heard about her trying to hook Tom Cruise? She would LOVE the publicity, but she might be too calculating for him and his handlers.

  42. Am I the only one who read this as Kathie Lee?? Good Lord time for the readers

  43. no clue who this is.

    the Russell Crowe of romper stomper is looooooooooooong gone.

    i feel for Alexa Rae, it can't be easy having Christie Brinkley as your mom. she looked exactly the same on parks n rec as she did in the 1st Vacation flick. She must be drinking virgin blood or something. she needs to give the secret to val kilmer, i weep for what he has become.
