Monday, December 24, 2012

Rihanna Donates Some Serious Money

Rihanna went all out with the massive donation which is something her frequent bed partner would not do. Rihanna donated $1.75M to a Barbados hospital in the name of her grandmother. It is the largest single private donation the hospital has ever received and allowed the hospital to purchase lots of new equipment in the oncology department. That is a ton of money and almost makes me want to say only nice things for Rihanna for the last week of the year as long as she doesn't get into bed or Tweet or mention Chris Brown at all during the last week of the year. Forget him. Find yourself a nice doctor.


  1. Dang yes. If you have this kindness in you Rihanna, you have to KNOW you can do better than Chris Brown! You'd get a lot of fans back if you'd turn your back on him!

    P.S. Good for her.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm so glad for the hospital!

  4. Good for you girl. Now stay the f away from that other douchelord.

  5. it would have been nice if we didn't know she made the donation

  6. She really is a sweet girl who unfortunately gets caught up in her own celebrity, like most artist who came from nothing and now have a small fortune at their disposal. Good for her and even better for Barbados.

  7. Get it, girlfriend. Now find yourself a REAL man and I'll buy your new record.

  8. That's amazing. So many hospitals are under equipped.

  9. Anonymous7:53 AM

    This is wonderful to hear, and just what she needs in the p.r department. Gaging from her reaction to Difficult Brown's going to Paris and seeing Karaoke being all over the newspapers, then the model or whatever saying that she had threesomes with them, shows that she does have pride, and believed that he was being faithful to her. She really believes that he loves her and wants a monogamous relationship, when the evidence is in her face now that he doesn't ,that he's sleeping around. I am just hoping against hope, that she's pulling away from him.

  10. Beautiful girl, lovely gesture. Now lose the loser, honey.

  11. I love when celebrities donate large sums of money. Because lets be real, what on earth are these people spending their millions upon millions of dollars on? Skip the Birkin one week and donate to charity. Karma will thank you in the end.

  12. That was really generous. That is a pile of money, even for a hospital.

  13. Bravo. She can easily afford it and will feel better about herself for years to come. I'll bet she gets at least slightly hooked on giving.

  14. nice move, rihanna!

  15. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Good job rih

  16. A nice tribute to her grandmother and great for the hospital. WTG Rihanna. There might be hope for you yet.

  17. Well done.
    Merry Christmas CDaners from Australia. We have a beautiful sunny day to look forward to here, hope your Christmas weather is whatever you want it to be & that you have a wonderful day.

  18. Whilst it was a PR splash, I don't think it would be easy to keep it hidden if the hospital suddenly has this new facility - can't be that many locals who could plough that in?

    I thought the hospital was called the Queen Elizabeth Hospital? I take it you mean it was donated in memory of her late gradmother and not the hospital is named after her grandmother, cos that would be some gossip story right there...

  19. @Ari...Why would it be nicer if we didn't know? Does it diminish the gift? Does it make the gift less welcome? I don't get the idea that it's only truly generous if you do it anonymously.

    If publicity encourages people to do good deeds, then imo, give whatever publicity is needed.

    I'm not a RiRi fan by any means but what a wonderful thing to do and what a great way to honor her belated grandmother.

  20. That's extremely generous, even for a celebrity. I would love to see Rhianna end up with a guy (or gal) she actually deserves. She's slumming with Brown - at least until he gets his sh*t together, if ever.

  21. It's an awesome thing. But she won't be escaping CB's web for awhile yet. Anyone who has been in a physically abusive relationship with a master psychological manipulator knows that you see this "real him" inside there that he seems to only be able to be "when he's with her."
    She's stuck on believing that she can help him because they love each other. He's stuck on stringing her along because it's so easy - she doesn't believe that he isn't really that "poor, misunderstood, but actually vulnerable and needs her" guy that they've both convinced her he is.
    If the beating and the pictures didn't make it click for her? She's more likely to end up a statistic than someone like Tina Turner.

  22. I love hearing stories of kindness on here! Way to go, Rihanna!
