Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Restoring Faith In Humanity

The parents who turned their son's wheelchair into the best Halloween costume ever.
The parents who tattooed insulin pumps on their bellies so their diabetic son wouldn't feel "different"
The Texas A&M students that blocked Westboro Baptist Church protesters with a human wall
Every single time anything like this happened
Earlier this year I posted some photos that show there is humanity out there. Buzzfeed has found the best 26 examples and posted them here. Above are a few of the best from their list.I dare you to read them all and not get a little teary. Merry Christmas.


  1. These are great. Merry Christmas CDaNers.

    1. Props to you on the classiest Christmas avi today! Made me smile, so thanks!!!

    2. Any time, dia!

    3. I've loved all the Xmas ones! Was that a little FSP on Santa's lap a few avi's ago? That was my fav!

  2. Ditto! Love to all my CDaN friends!

    Wishing everyone a happy holiday season and a fabulous new year!!!

    Thank you Enty for sharing some happy stories today! Bacon love to you :)

  3. Merry Christmas all!

  4. Thanks for this Enty. Happy Christmas to you and all CDANers!

  5. Anonymous11:20 AM

    This post reflects why my favorite Christmas song is "I heard the Bells on Christmas Day" is one of my favorites. While there is a lot of bad things in the world, there is a lot of good in humanity, too. Happy Holidays Enty and Caner's.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Another mishap brought to you by auto correct. MERRY Christmas CDan readers.

  6. Happy Holidays everybody. I wanted to wish you all a great holiday yesterday but I was stuck in an airport and as we all know airport wi-fi can really suck. Shocker.

    Be safe and happy everyone. Don't drink like a Lohan or spend yourself into debt like a Bieber. And don't try wrapping gifts at a computer desk. It is quite frustrating

    Crazy 'bout y'all!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Merry Christmas to all my fellow posters. I hope everybody has a happy and healthy holiday.
    The people here have helped me through a very difficult year and I appreciate you all. Thanks for everything.

  9. My 17 year old daughter spent her first night in the city with just her friends this past weekend. When she was leaving her hotel a homeless woman, she said not much older then her asked for some money. She said to her, "why don't you come in (she was out side a cafe) and I will buy you breakfast. The woman refused to come in saying she was ashamed of being homeless. My daughter went in and bought her food and a cup of coffee. And I never would have known had her friends not told me. I am truly lucky to be a part of her life.

    1. You must have done a great job. Well done to her.x

    2. Agreed. You did what all us moms strive to do. Raise a beautiful, wonderful human being! Very cool.

    3. Absolutely beautiful Susan. You done good and so did your daughter!

  10. Ugh, tears! More of this! 99.999% of humanity is GOOD. If not, none of us would be able to walk down the street at any given time without being assaulted. It's unfortunate that the assholes tend to make the news, or garner our attention, but that happens because being an asshole is an anomaly when you think about it.

  11. Merry Christmas, CDANers! I hope you're all enjoying a lovely day and surrounded with love!

  12. Thank you, Enty. Merry Christmas, all.

  13. Almost every one of those pictures in the list made me cry and smile all at the same time. The ice cream truck? Oh. Precious. Reminds me to be a better person.

  14. I like this. There's still some goodness left in the world. Happy holidays everyone!

  15. That was awesome.

    Merry Christmas CDaNers!

  16. Great photos on Buzzfeed.

  17. Everyone have a fabulous amazing wonderful Christmas! :) these images brought a tear to my eye.

  18. Got teary with just those three photos. Merry Christmas!! You guys are awesome.

  19. Thanks so much Enty. The waterworks definitely turned on, no dares needed. But I really did need to hear about the good in the world. I have a newfound respect for the students of Texas A&M, among many other wonderful people you showed. Merry Xmas to you and all the wonderful posters at CDAN.

  20. Love you guys; thanks, Enty, for making a little place on the internet where we could all come together. I have met some dear friends here on the boards.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day, surrounded by people and things you hold dear. You all make my day, most every day :-).

  21. Michelle, I'm not so sure about your autocorrect - some of the stories shared by CDANers here makes a proportion of the readership caners as well!

    Happy Holidays to all.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      @SingBlue: LOL. I had to look up the definitions, and they could fit some. 1. Something sweet (as in sugar cane), 2. Something that beats another with a stick or cane or 3. Someone who smokes a lot of marijuana.

  22. Thanks, Enty. I love this.

    Merry Christmas and happy holiday, CDANers!

  23. @Michelle I think definitions #1 and #3 are definitely the most accurate, especially the last one in regards to myself.

    These types of photos always get me a little teary, they are just so heartwarming!

    Merry Christmas to all, and to all a nice bacon cocktail!! I hope everyones day is positively grand

  24. That was great. Thank you.

  25. May today find you all well no matter what you celebrate ~~

  26. Merry Christmas All!!! Buzzfeeds number 19 is Brian ODriscoll, or BOD as he's known. That's him visiting the national Childrens hospital in Dublin. He plays for Leinster and brought the European cup into the kids, the players visit a lot of sick kids every year and the pictures are always adorable and heartbreaking!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Well the hubs and I just flipped through them all, bawling like babies! I love good people!

  29. Anonymous2:39 PM

    love the human wall! my eyes are pretty dry thanks to all the soldiers coming home for christmas videos -_-

  30. Merry Christmas, CDAN family! Hope you've all had great days.

  31. Merry Christmas, friends. Hope it's been a wonderful one for you and yours!

  32. Merry Christmas all you crazy kids! We (all of us- friends and families alike) love you guys/gals, and thank you all for the sharing and caring. The goodwills and get-wells. The laughs and sighs. Recipies and stink-eyes!

    What is restoring OUR faith in humanity is that so many unrelated anonymous people on a gossip site can all come together to admit that they are touched and moved by other acts of kindness. That is enough to illustrate that people still care every now and Zen! We love you all - and may peace, prosperity, and protection find its way to each of you.

    The Himmmm Crew
    (and family+friends)

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      @Himmmm, So glad to see you post. Whomever you are, you are an important part of CDAN. Your posts are enjoyable and insightful.

    2. Himmmm, good tidings and cheer to you and your family and friends. Thought Jaxhole might have chased you away:)

  33. Merry Christmas fellow CDAN'ers! You guys and this site mean a lot to me!

  34. May I say this site has given me so much community and sense of belonging. It has been wonderful to hear the voices that have been so kind to others. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

  35. Crying & sharing those beautiful photos with my husband. Thank you all for your kind words, Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  36. wow, the multiple amputee brought me to tears. Wonderful that they have each other.

  37. Love these! Thanks Enty we needed them, Merry Christmas CDaN peeps

  38. Hope Enty and everyone here had a Merry Christmas!

  39. So touched with all the pictures. These pictures are definitely a reminder that there are still good, decent people in this world.
    Merry Christmas!

  40. It's kind of late in the day, I know, but just getting in my holiday wishes to everyone here--we're a strange bunch of people here, but I don't think I'd have it any other way. :-) Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all of you, and best wishes for a happy 2013!

    (Oh, and Himmmm: a once & future colleague of yours is supposed to be in my neck of the woods in a couple of months--ask him if he'd be interested in some brownies, eh? ;-)

  41. JSierra, caners unite! I take a toke and all my cares go up in smoke.

  42. Thank you Enty... I needed this after spending the day with my crazy family. Love this site! Merry Christmas everyone!!

  43. Thanks for this, Enty!
    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!

  44. Happy Christmas CDaN peeps :) Hope you all had a wonderful holiday :)

  45. Feliz Navidad! Wishing you all a merry Christmas!

  46. These are all awe-inspiring examples of the good in people. I have to say that my favorite is the one of the Aggies holding back WBC. There was huge coverage in the local paper encouraging students and local families to come out and support this effort. I wish I had been close enough to participate, but the Army had other ideas. ~Stacie, Class of '88

  47. @Egyptian Ankh
    Totally :)

    Merry Christmas to my friends away from friends!! (Did that make sense? We had a dry Christmas as an act of solidarity, but I decided to make up for lost time once I got home. Woo!) I love our little community, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for entertaining me and making me smile.

    I am a SUCKA for this buzzfeed, chicken soup for the ANYTHING and tales of random acts of kindess.

    Be well, and LOVE xo

  48. @Egyptian
    Gah! I didn't realize you had a second post. I was smart assing your Ghjk xo

  49. Melted in a pool of kindness :-)

  50. I am very fond of some of you, you know who you are and to everybody who reads here at this wonderfully quirky place, please have a safe, joyous and fulfilling holiday. Thank you to each of you for making this a daily stop for me, you're all fabulous.

  51. I came in a day late to wish y'all a Merry Christmas, but there ARE 12 days, after all. :)

  52. I really bawled after reading this, so beautiful!! Thanks, Enty, that was really sweet!
    And Merry Christmas to all my CDAN friends, I love comming here and reading everyone's comments!!
    Happy, happy times to all!! ♥

  53. I have a love hate thing with buzzfeed, there is almost always something on there that makes me cry! This site, though, all good, thanks for all the reading enjoyment, everyone, and happy Boxing Day!
