Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reporter Gets Ghost On Camera

If this reporter was anywhere else, I would probably say this is just a trick of lighting and leave it at that. It probably still is, but the reporter was doing a story from Myrtle's Plantation which is one of the most haunted places in America. Neither the reporter or the camera person saw the ghost during filming, but only noticed what appears to be maybe be one during the editing process. And of course my all time favorite "ghost" caught on camera. 35 seconds in.


  1. Damn it. Of course this happens right after my Mother has a talk with me regarding ghosts, saying we are conditioned for fear all our life, & how we imagine things. Damn it. Must mean I DID see a ghost in my first bedroom :(

  2. The "ghost" in 3 Men & a Baby freaked the hell out of me when I was younger, I'd always fast forward that part. I think eventually I heard something about a cardboard cut out of one of the guys? Is that what it was?

  3. in the 3men it looks like a cardboard cutout. I'd never noticed it before. LOL. It is a wee bit creepy.

  4. It totally looks like a cardboard cutout! From the movie, not the newsreporters clip. That one is weird.

  5. 1st video looks like a lens flare. 2nd video - it was a cardboard cutout.

  6. I love ghosts 'n stuff.

    Youtube always suckers me in with their paranormal videos. The scariest one I have seen is

    I am totally aware that they are all probably fake but that video will scare the beejesus out of you.

  7. How can it be a lens flare when neither the camera nor any lights were moving?

  8. It's been confirmed that it's a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson. The scene wasn't shot in a "haunted apartment", it was done on a soundstage...

  9. Just looked it up on IMDB and they say it is in fact a cardboard cut out of one of the Men. Good to know I fast forwarded for nothing.

  10. The 3men ghost was debunked.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE ghost stories even though I'm not sure I believe or not. Check out this link from Jezebel. This site kept me reading (and freaking out) for weeks.

  11. For my fellow ghost fans, may I recommend the TV show "Dead Famous"? Can't remember what channel it used to be on but many episodes can be found on YouTube. A "sensitive" and a "sceptic" go hunting for the ghosts os deceased celebrities. It is AWESOME.

  12. I hate to be a baby but that news video clip freaks me out.

  13. I have a picture of a 'ghost' from a tour we did in Seattle this's in a church rectory - and there's no explanation yet. It was very weird...can see the face, very old style.

  14. @camembert - Who is to say no lights were being moved? Or maybe even some lights outside the window? I didn't listen to any of the audio on the video. Maybe they covered that and I missed it.

  15. Thanks for clearing that up, Person. I feel so much better now.

    *cue Liz Lemon masterpiece eyeroll*

  16. What am I missing? The first video is someone cutting up chocolate and making obnoxious noises when she dips them in candy. (Maybe I need another cup of coffee, because I get annoyed when food bloggers write posts about stuff like "OH look at the great new thing I discovered! You can make your own fancy candy by dipping pretzel sticks in melted chocolate and crushed candy canes! Aren't I precious and original?" No. Show me the ghost.)

    @Person, did you and Caitlin share the Cheerios?

  17. I love Celebrity Ghost Stories. My aunt and uncle live in a haunted house--there's even a chapter about their house in a book. I think it's "The Ghosts that Walk in Washington" (I had a copy, but my grandmother forgot to return it when I lent it to her). The house was built in 1860. There have been unexplained doors opening/closing, heavy footsteps when my aunt has been alone, and so on. My cousin saw a ghost of an old woman one night (she walked by the bottom of the stairs and faded away).

    They remodeled the house and wondered if that would disturb anything. When my aunt was alone with her husband and the contractor in the house, all three in the master bedroom but she was standing away from them, she was PUSHED. Not hard enough to hurt her or make her fall, but just enough to say, "Just so you know, I'm still here."

    As you can tell, this subject excites me. :)

  18. Watch SyFy's "Paranormal Witness" if you want to see really freaky (mostly), and true, ghost stories.

    That show is scarier than American Horror Story. (Couldn't get into it this season because of all the gratuitous gore, which was much more restrained in Season 1.)

  19. I love ghost stories. I have never seen one but have experienced many "odd" happenings at an old mansion I used to work at. Myrtle's Plantation is a fascinating place to read about, although I have never visited there.

  20. Ooooh I love ghost stories, especially true experiences. I think we should trade stories/sightings/experiences, etc. :)

  21. I'm always fascinated by ghost stories and eager to check out the captured images. Then you find out it's staged or a cardboard cutout. But this Myrtles ghost looks pretty convincing.

  22. My parents' house had a ghost in it when I was a teenager. It used to hang out in my room. I never saw it, but it was very protective of me. It would rap on my bedroom window when it thought I was up too late, and if I didn't get into bed and turn off the light after the first knock, the next knock, always 7 minutes later, would be much harder and louder. The ghost chased two of my sisters out one day when I was not home and they were snooping through my closets. They wouldn't go back in for any inducement after that. Ironically, one of the two has, as an adult, lived in a house haunted by two ghosts for the last 20 years. Those two ghosts are visible and very active. They've never done anything mean, but they pull pranks and do all sorts of things. Everyone in my family and several of their friends and neighbors have seen the ghosts (a man and a woman).

    A friend of mine snapped a photo of a ghost in her Savannah, Georgia hotel room with her iPhone camera. She showed it to the hotel manager and they comped her one night of her stay.

  23. Whew, @Person, for a second I thought you were going to say 'ghosts are not real', but fortunately, you say they're note real. WHEW!


  25. jealous of you guys.

    i've never seen or experienced anything paranormal or supernatural or related to ghosts. even in cemeteries, "haunted" houses.....



    1. @amber you're such an idot you can't evel spell

  27. lol@Amber - idots

  28. I never used to believe in ghosts - until I experienced things/happenings when I lived in Rome in the 80's, and while visiting a friends family home in England, many years ago...made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!

  29. @Amber, you're cracking me up today! (I almost wanted to write 'your cracking...' but I just can't bring myself to intentionally spell stuff wrong.

  30. I had a paranormal experience a few days ago- I believe it was my friend playing a trick on me. I only think that because it happened on the anniversary of his death and he was a prankster. It was not cool. He turned on my old ass TV in the middle of the night and then turned the volume up. Yes, my TV is so old you physically have to turn it on and off. My bedroom door was locked as well so it wasn't anyone in my house.

  31. I grew up in New England so lots of old houses all over the place. Lots of ghosts, too. I had experiences to Reese with a ghost who lived in my uncle's old house. Very considerate and friendly. Would always flush the upstairs toilet to let you know it wanted to come down and hang out. Then you'd hear the footsteps cross the wooden floor and come down the stairs. He or she liked to turn lights on as well.

  32. I love 'ghost adventures'. The best!

  33. My parents have a home in central KY, built in 1896, next to a pre revolutionary war fort. Sometime in the 1930s it was turned into a boarding house, so it has all kinds of weird doors, closets, nooks & attics. Whenever I go spend time there I always hear footsteps, doors closing, my things get moved & once a 10 in. doorstop in my bed that mother said had been missing for weeks! I never saw anything though, but that would be awesome.

  34. Supapimp, I love that show, too. They've had some seriously scary episodes, though those usually deal with demonic activity versus ghostly activity.

    1. Aaron makes the best faces. Lol

  35. Amber, I have to say that I've been enjoying your comments today, too. I always do, though.

  36. My grandpa passed away in his house. I was up there a few days after his funeral gathering my belongings. I was sitting in the hallway stacking books up and this weird feeling washed over me. There he was- walked out of the bedroom he passed in, walked right by me, looked at me, then walked around the corner and was gone. I wasn't tired, I wasn't on drugs, I wasn't hung over. I know what I seen. It was quick but I knew what I felt and saw. There's no single explanation. We were super close, maybe that's why I seen him?

    The house I grew up in was haunted too. Things would fly across the room and smash into the walls. Stereos would turn on by themselves at max volume without anyone in the room. 2 different hairdryers burst into flames.. Just weird stuff. Our house is located on the land of one of the deadliest battles of the civil war and the next town over was a coal mine that had a lot of workers die in.

    Ghosts are real.

    1. Idotherobot- I seriously got chills reading about your grandpa. :) they are real and it is amazing to witness or sometimes scary.

    2. Smash- Thanks! :) It can be both for sure. At first I was scared but then I just couldn't believe it I witnessed it. My parents thought it was pretty amazing too.

  37. Haha thanks, Silly & karen! I'm in a goofy mood today. :)

  38. @Audrey - I read some of those aloud to The Short One last year. For MONTHS the one about the Abe Lincoln-like freaky thing in the closet scared me! When I went to bed at night, if my closet doors were open EVEN A TINY BIT, I'd have to get up and close them. With my eyes closed once I got there.

    Ghost stories scare the heck out of me (in a good way... except for that one...)

  39. There's a ghost stories app for ipods/iphones that's pretty damn good. I used to have a habit of reading those damn stories before I went to sleep.

  40. My parents own a house in Richmond, VA that they lived in for a total of 7 years (1979-86). My older brother swore that he saw a ghost once, a woman with long dark hair and she walked toward him in bed with her arms stretched out. He pulled the covers over his head and didn't uncover until morning. He's 36 years old and has never wavered from the story even though my parents insisted he was dreaming.

    Recently, my mom spoke to one of the renters on the phone and the woman said that there were actually two ghosts--the woman and a Confederate soldier. Her husband has seen both and his first wife moved out because she had seen one of them and refused to live there any longer.

    Team Ghosts are Real

  41. I've stayed at the planation on Halloween. Nothing haunted there, but it is nice and creepy.

  42. I loooooove ghosts because its a sign to me that the loved ones I'm missing aren't just rotting buried in a box, but their soul is still "living" somewhere doing their favorite things. I don't believe anything until I see it and I along with gosh I'd say most of my family members have had experiences after someone died. I'm sure I'm over eager to say that an occurrence was the ghost and not just coincidence but I feel if it comforts me, it's fine. I had the iphone app I think it was from Ghost Hunters. EVP? All it did for me was light up near my electronics lol

  43. TRUE STORY: My brother called my mother scared out of his mind one early morning because the UNPLUGGED blender on his kitchen counter had turned on while his family was sleeping. Since it woke him and his wife, they stood at the entrance of the kitchen watching it not knowing what to do. Petrified. My brother slowly went to the blender and when reaching to hit a button (any button since the blender was clearly off and unplugged), it stopped.

    At the same time, out of their peripheral vision, my brother and sister-in-law witnessed their first and only ghost. A little blonde-haired boy walked from their 6 month old baby's room, into their living room and vanished into a wall that leads outside. At the time, my brother was living on the 2nd floor of an apartment building.

    My brother and sister-in-law were so scared that even if they wanted to move or yell, they couldn't. As soon as the little boy vanished into the wall, they felt a "release" from their body as if he was holding them still. When they went to their little boy's room to check on him, the baby was face down on his crib turning blue.

    They believe that the ghost of the little boy woke them to have them check on their son. If they had not, he would have most likely died by the morning and it would have been due to SIDS.

    Freaked out by the whole experience, my brother took the day off of work and went into the apartment office to speak to the staff. Without going into detail, he had asked if there had been any reports by other tenants of ghost sightings. The 3 lady's he was talking to said 'no' and asked what he had seen. When he was done telling them what happened, one of the pale-white faced ladies told my brother that 2 years prior, there was a blonde, 6 year-old boy that had been beat and killed by his father in the same apartment cluster my brother lived in. Not the exact same unit, but the cluster of 8 apartments that made up the building.

    My brother moved within a month. To this day, he does not watch or want to hear of anything related to ghosts.

  44. LMAO at Amber today.

    I used to REALLY believe in ghosts, but I don't know anymore. I still LOVE ghost stories and horror anything, though!

  45. Land Manatee,

    First of all, lmao on the name.

    Second of all, holy shitsnacks on your brother's story! I would have crapped my pants and died of heart failure!

  46. My only "paranormal" experience:

    A few months after my grandmother died I had a dream that I was sitting in her living room playing with these wooden blocks that she used to have when we were kids. She walked around the corner and I looked up and said, "Grandma! What are you doing here; you're dead!" She smiled and said, "I know. I just wanted you to know I'm fine."

    And then I woke up. I don't know if I was subconsciously putting myself at ease or if she actually did visit me.

    1. Vicki cupper- I got a tear in my eye reading your story. Beautiful. :)

    2. @vicki your story just made me cry. That's the dream many of my family members have had and even an older man from my church had it after his daughter passed. I used to wonder if it's something our minds made up to comfort ourselves until... My beloved "uncle" passed out of the blue. He was like another father to us. I overheard my sister telling my dad about her dream. Uncle John came out of a cave in a huge bright green grassy area with hills, no buildings, perfect blue sky. He had his signature big smile and held his hands the way he always did. He said, why are u crying? I'm so happy now! Look at me, I'm with my wife, I'm building furniture, I'm doing all my favorite things and I'm so happy now! I walked in and said why are u telling dad my dream? I never told you my dream. She goes, no, I'm telling dad MY dream. We couldn't pinpoint the day, but we had the same dream within a few days of eachother. She and I also only speak unless we need something so there is no way we would have told each other and forgot. That's how I know it was him visiting us and not something our subconscious made up. I guess that dream goes farther than just in my family :) its so comforting isn't it?

  47. My Grandma was awakened in the middle of the night in the late 60's by my uncle's best friend. He was standing at the foot of her bed and said, "goodbye, Mom" to her and vanished. He was like a second son to her and always called her Mom. Anyway, an hour later, she received news that he had been murdered in a mugging gone wrong. Prior to this incident she did not believe in spirits.

    I've had a couple of incidents and one was in one of my apartments. He was benign, but kept changing the tv to the hockey game. He made himself known to my disbelieving roommate who had thought I was bonkers. And to some guests at a dinner party one night. Despite my assurances that he was a good ghost, everyone rushed out the back door to the yard and refused to go back in. Not even to use the washroom. I didn't bother having more parties at that place.

    OT - my Dad's test results came back. The cancer has not spread. It is isolated in one pea-sized tumour. He begins radiation in three weeks, and they're doing a second round of hormone treatment even though it's not as effective the second time. Not great that the cancer returned, but we are thrilled that it didn't spread.

    1. Chilie- your dad will be in my thoughts.

  48. @ Land Manatee
    I would have stayed in the apartment. The spirit saved the baby.

  49. @Vickie - I read the rest of your post in Pam's voice - thank you for the laugh!

    @everyone else: I am a huge paranormal reading fan but I've never had an experience myself, and most of the so-called evidence I've seen is quite fakeable. I hate being so freaking logical, want to see a ghost!

  50. @Chilie - glad for your dad's good(ish) news!

  51. My house was haunted when I moved in. The tv would turn itself on, and so did the lights. One day hubby and I were outside doing yard work. The windows to the house were open. We heard the tv come on and music playing - when we were both outside.

    I live in the country and our nearest neighbor is about a mile away, so I doubt it was hearing music from someone else's house. I used to hear my name as well. Our dog would also stare at a blank wall and growl sometimes.

    After we gutted & renovated, it all stopped, and hasn't happened since. Spooky.

  52. Land Manatee, if I was your brother, I would have stayed in the apartment! Clearly he had a nice, protective ghost.

    I have a similar story from my aunt and uncle's haunted house (from above). My aunt has Type I diabetes and had difficult pregnancies. Her oldest son was put on a heart monitor--if his heart ever stopped, the monitor would go off. Nothing ever happened, but her second son was put on the heart monitor, too.

    One of the rules with the monitor is that you MUST be on the same floor of the house as the baby. Well, it was July and my cousin (same one who saw the old lady ghost when he was in his late teens) was about two months old. It was a sweltering hot day and my aunt wanted a shower. He was asleep in a carrier at the foot of the stairs and the shower was straight at the top of the stairs.

    She decided that it was safe enough to get in, wash the sweat off, and get out, all with the door open. Well, about 30 seconds in, the water completely shut off. No explanation. The faucet was in the on position, everything.

    Immediately when it went off, though, she heard the heart monitor. She raced down the stairs and the baby's face was blue. She tugged his blanket away and just that movement against his skin had his heart start going again. She's always maintained that it was God or the ghost. The faucet started working again immediately.

    He's now a giant 6'5"ish lacrosse goalie at VMI, but he would have been a SIDS baby (there were other incidents with the heart monitor without ghostly interference).

  53. @Chilie - best wishes to your pops. Xo

    @Land Manatee - that is kind of an awesome story. So glad their baby is okay!

    We used to have a place in N. Redington Beach, FL, and near there is a really long/high bridge called the Sunshine Skyway. I wasn't in the car, but my mom and little bro were driving across it one night in the rain. My brother was like, "WHAT IS THAT GIRL DOING WALKING ON THE BRIDGE RIGHT NOW?!" My mom never saw her, but didn't really think about it beyond that. She later got a book about haunted places, and the bridge is haunted by a young girl who jumped.

  54. Holy crap *karen* so glad he was alright!

    Land manatee- you are awesome. Thank you for sharing!

    Amber- gurl u r highlarious. :)

  55. @Land, I'm glad the baby was saved. That's a great story. I do believe there are unexplainables......

  56. @Vicki- Thanks for the mad love on the name. :) Describes me to a tee.
    I think my brother did crap a little in his pants that day, but I'm sure he left that part out!

    @Chilie- I think I would have too. However, others say it could have been the little boy who was trying to harm my nephew.

    I grew up in the supernatural and spiritual community, but ironically, I have never seen a spirit. I don't think I want to because it would probably freak me out, especially if it was someone that I use to know (see what I did there? Threw in some Goyte!). I think I would be okay if the spirit presented itself in animal form. Like a bunny or deer. Harry Potter style where all the kids had an animal spirit represent them. Then it would be a more peaceful and accepting experience. Native Americans believe in this type of reincarnation. But not in human form.

    They say you are dealt what you can handle, so I don't think it's in the cards for me to witness a ghost. But I love to hear the stories and especially the people, like mediums and shamans, who can genuinely connect with those that have crossed over.

    My unexplainable experiences have been more in the lines of blessed occurances where I know I am being taken care of and watched over by my God and angels.

    @Vicki- Funny you should mention your dream experience. I am a daily, in color and all senses on, dreamer where some have called them psychic occurences. There is meaning and truth to what your unconscience mind delivers. Many times what I have dreamt has come true within 48 hours. I don't think it's psychic because I have no control over it and espcially because I can't help those that need the help. I am slightly tuned in to a future occurence via my dreams.

  57. Ok. I can tell you for an absolute fact that this is a card board cut out in 3 men and a baby. Years ago, when I was living in Boston, 1 block away from Cheers (aka: Bull Finch Pub, they were filming an episode of Cheers. The cop who liked one of my friends, let us slip across the Beacon Street so we could meet the cast when they were done filming the exterior (One of the scenes was where Frazer was trying to jump out the window to commit suicide.)

    Anyway, They wouldn't let us meet the cast, because they were eating upstairs. They were also filming the exterior shots (without the cast), so we got stuck in the Hampshire House restaurant hallway. At that moment the cast was coming out, and it was during the time that this clip was being shown about the ghost. I was standing right next to Ted Danson himself and asked him..."is the ghost real or fake." He said it was completely fake. It was a publicity stunt and it was a card board cutout. He said if you actually look at it, you can tell it's one dimensional.

  58. My family has had lots of ghosts and spooky coincidences.
    My mother and aunt decided to stay up one night going through old family photos that had been packed away for ages. The next day got the news that my grandfather had passed unexpectedly from a massive heart attack at dinnertime. I was about six when he died, and we lived about 8 hours away, but he and I were very close. We napped together on "his " couch when we visited.
    Many years later I gave birth to my first baby, on the anniversary of my grandfathers death, just after 6pm. Months later I realized we were napping together on the couch as I had with my grampy.

    About ten years after my grandmother passed, my mother went cross country to visit her home town. While there, she took a photo of my grandmothers grave. She showed it to me when I got home and I rolled my eyes at her cause she was very eager for me to see the pic. At a split second glance, there was a spot of over-exposure. When I actually looked at it, the spot had my grandmothers face in it.
    And there are many, many more. I must be stoopid to believe, I guess

  59. While I haven't literally seen or felt a ghost/spirit, I've had dreams just like Vicki's. It's always my grandma, too, only she doesn't speak. She is at peace, but as an agnostic I'm not sure if I'm just dreaming or if it's something else. I'd LIKE to think it's something else. To paraphrase something Carrie Fisher said once, I'd LOVE to be proven wrong...

    1. AKM- I am pretty agnostic more atheist. But since I have had my own occurrences I tend to lean towards believing in spirits.

  60. I don't understand how folks can see a squiggly thing on something that's been taped and they immediately jump to "DEAD PERSON"! I'm so glad I was raised in a rational family.

  61. @Amber - Thanks! Your story is pretty amazing. Thanks for sharing.

    @*karen* - Ditto!

    @smash - Thanks! I find you pretty awesome too ;)

    @Silly Girl - Thx. There is no doubt there are!

    @katsm0711 - Your story is crazy cool.

    @crila16- Thanks for sharing that insight. I always thought how weird it was that the "ghost" was so clear in the movie as opposed to it being translucent.

    Lots of great stuff from everyone today.

  62. I have told this before but am happy to share since everyone has great stories mine is more scary.

    I had a friend who was leaving with his family for two years and needed someone to housesit/rent while they were gone. I was 18 and had a 25 year old bf who I was moving in with. My girlfriends wanted to help us move in. (The house was from the early 1900's with lots of weird additions and a terribly wrikity old staircase) The upstairs had a large bedroom, master bedroom and oddly shaped tiny bathroom. The girls stayed downstairs and we were in the master bedroom. I heard them scream around 1am. They swore someone walked by the glass frenchdoors in the living room.

    The next day I could feel something strange. When I tried to leave it felt like someone was pulling my hair and holding my shoulders inside. I would dart out of the house so fast. The second night I had a terrible nightmare of two little girls playing jacks in the large room across from the master bedroom. An angry man, I presume their father, came crashing up the stairs and slammed his hand down to stop them from playing. I woke up to hear a scream. My boyfriend woke up and asked if I heard it too.

    The third night I had an even more terrible dream that I won't go into. The next morning we packed and got out.

    The family was all boys and the mother had left them when the youngest boy was only around 8, then he was in his 20s. It was the most terrifying experience that I have ever had.

    The same boyfriends stepdad died in the house his mom lived in. I stayed there after we left the other house. I would see him from time to time at the top of the stairs and would have a calm come over me. It was like he welcomed me into their home after I had had a chilling experience at the other house.

    Since then my life has been very boring. But I can tell if a house has spirits the moment I walk in.

  63. My husband and I lived in a house outside of Cleveland for 4 years but never noticed anything strange until our daughter was born. Electronics would turn themselves on and off- the most common thing to shut off would be the video baby monitor. My husband was a huge skeptic and I figured it was nothing to worry about (although I have always believe in the paranormal). But when my daughter got to be about a year old she would always talk to a certain corner of the family room. She would stop what she was doing, look to the corner and wave. Once she was older she would actually say "hi", go about her way then out of the blue just stop and wave "bye." It got to the point that I lost my regular babysitter because she was too scared to be there by herself with Ashlyn...I ended up consulting with a psychic medium and she recommended having a paranormal activity group come spend the night in the house. Luckily we were set to move so never pursued it. Never had a problem at out new house.
    I happen to have caught my daughter randomly looking at and waving at the corner when I was making a video to send to my husband while he was working that day. I'll link to it-- it's on my youtube page.And keep in mind that her and I were the only ones home and I didn't see anything abnormal in the area she was looking at. (please excuse my baby-voice when talking to her, lol)

  64. Firebug, I don't know what your little girl saw in that corner, but can I just she is absolutely adorable?!

  65. Aw thanks! She's 3 now and has a heck of a lot more hair :)

  66. @firebug - Thanks for the video post. I agree...your daughter is a cutie.

    Of course your situation is interesting. I wonder if anyone has experienced anything similar where this may be a common occurrence among children due to things they can't explain (like shadows or light reflections from passing cars, etc.).

    It would have been interesting to see what the paranormal group would have discovered. But it seems you may be too scared to find out. Either way, there is that chance that your daughter is 'tuned in' to other-worldly sights and you may consider getting it verified to provide some sort-of explanation.

    In these situations, I would like to think it's a guardian angel perched in the corner with their massive wings engulfing them on either side. Waving "hi" went it gets noticed and "bye" right before it flies away.

    Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic.

    1. All of my kids have done this ...probably around age 1-2. They are smiling, babbling, waving at "someone" about 3 or 4 feet of the floor.

  67. I've been to the Myrtle's a few times. INever felt or saw anything out of the ordinary though. I think the tragic story about the people who lived and died there helped to 'haunt' it all these years. It's still a beautiful place, I'd recommend a visit to anyone.

  68. I've had many paranormal encounters. They began when I was quite young. My mother and grandmother's dreams would come true. They would alert the family when they had one of 'those' dreams and we would all get ready for what would surely come.
    Too many of my own personal experiences to relate here, but I'll share one quickly. My husband and I were at Madewood Plantation in Louisiana a few years ago. We were spending the night and having dinner with the other four couples who were doing the same.
    One couple was from France and didn't speak much English. I speak French fairly well and was translating the dinnertime conversation for them.
    One woman sitting next to me said she and her husband had come there because they had heard how haunted it was.
    As I was translating this, I began hearing something rattle in the background. The French woman's eyes became very big and she began saying, "L'esprit ici!" (The spirit is here.) I looked at her with confusion. Then my husband leans over to me and says, "The silver tea service is moving behind you." I turned around and we all saw this giant antique tea service vibrating on the breakfront. Then it stopped as suddenly as it started. We finished dinner and headed to our rooms.
    I awoke at about 4a.m. to a young man speaking to me in French. It sounded like he had his mouth right up to my left ear. He was telling me how he had broken his leg on the property. Then I began hearing an old woman speaking to me in my right ear. She was saying in English how the young man won't stop talking and that it's her turn to talk to me. I open my eyes but don't see anything. I nudge my husband and tell him what's happening. It's not the first time things like this have happened to me, so my husband says, "Okay. I just don't want to see them."
    By this point the voices have begun fading away, and are soon gone.
    That morning we were walking around the property and we come across the family cemetery. Some of the beautiful tombstones date back to the early 1800's. It is my guess that those people chatting with me used to live in the house.

    1. Totallydisteacted- awesome!

  69. I don't believe in ghosts, but I like the stories! Love Poltergeist and Amityville and all.

  70. My maternal grandma died when I was 9. She was buried in her hometown in PA; my younger brother & I stayed with friends of family while everyone else went to PA for the week. Wow, this is painful. While there, the 16 y/o son of fam friends started abusing me. My G'ma came to me and told me to *go inside*. It was a frigid January and we were inside. I think it was her way of protecting me. So, I disassociated. Of course, my rapist threatened me, so I didn't tell anyone...not until I was in counseling after the death of my son 7 years later. My Mom and aunt confronted the family friends: there was an initial denial but my cousin later told me the rapist's mother then said: We've had problems with Dean since he turned 13. I believe G'ma was protecting me from beyond in the only she knew how.

    I'm an atheist and I believe in spirits. I also had my Mom come to comfort me the night after she died. I wholeheartedly believe this: I don't have to justify it to anyone.

    1. Reese's- hugs to you. Thank you for sharing I am sure that is difficult to talk about. Your tatoo is so touching. :)

    2. So sorry, Reese's. Love to you.

  71. I looove "ghost" stories, even though they totally creep me out and make me want to sleep with the lights on. Thank you to all who shared!

    I don't really have a paranormal story, but when I was 12, my uncle was killed in a single car accident. He was a heavy drinker (worse then, during his divorce). He had gone to Peanut Island to stay for the weekend and fish, with no plans to come back to town until Monday. That Saturday night, before we even knew about the accident, I dreamed about him. It was like I was in the car with him; he was driving west on SR80, towards our hometown. It was late, the time on the clock in his car showed after 1am. This was 1995, and he had one of those cell phones that "hung up" in a console near the floor board. I remember watching him look down at the phone so he could call my grandmother to tell her he was coming home (she was his only son). As he looked down, he veered off the road, and into a barn.

    When we got the call from the local police around 6am the next morning, we were told he had died in the accident, and that he had indeed hit the only barn on that stretch of SR80.

    Of course his BAC was high; I think it always was, though. He really did have to drink a lot to be "drunk." I always thought that was Uncle Walt's way of telling me what happened, so that I would know it wasn't his drinking. Sounds silly, but that's my take on it.

    For years afterwards, if I was in his office, you'd get the overwhelming smell of his cologne.

  72. And, I *smell* my Mom at the oddest times; I find it very comforting.

  73. I love believing, and I love all of these stories...we had a ghost in the house I grew up in, he played with my brothers' toys, opened closets and moved things around, all playful stuff. Years later, while having a garage sale, a family came by and told us about a little boy who had fallen out of the window upstairs and died. My brothers' room was an addition, built where the window used to be.
    Chillie, thinking good thoughts for your dad, and to the readers who have had their ghosties looking out for them, your stories gave me chills!

  74. It's a bug. They tend to look like weird flying crosses when caught on camera.

  75. The stories are all awesome! Thanks so much for sharing everyone.

    @Firebug and @Land my 18 month old Piper waves hi and bye to nothing as well. Freaks me out so bad. Especially when she wakes up at 1am, sits up and waves/talks to the doorway. We co-sleep, so it always wakes me. There is never anything "human" there nor in the house. I always check. I have another friend in Texas who's daughter does the same waves/talks to a particular space. It's very strange!

  76. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Thank you all for sharing your experiences. In the past, I was skeptical of ghosts but believe they are real, although a lot of stories can be hoaxes or tricks of the mind - not that I think the ones shared here are. I've never seen a ghost but I have felt energy of them. On a recent Savannah ghost tour of the Pirate House, I felt bad energy, and a friend says she saw a spirit of a young boy in the same area. Ghost tales intrigue me. It makes sense that the spirits of those who have passed can remain or visit. And their nature, whether good or bad people, would remain, hence those spirits who help like the boy turning on the blender to alert the family of an infant in distress.

  77. My roommate in graduate school was from North Carolina and had grown up in an old house there. When she was a child she always slept with the door to her bedroom open. One night her father went to close her door and she said "Don't close it, I want to see the man." Her father asked her about "What man?" Debbie told him that every night a man in a long black cloak walked up and down the hallway of the house and that she enjoyed seeing him. It scared the living daylights out of her dad, and from then on her parents insisted her door stay closed. I think she was the only one who ever saw him.

    My niece and nephew (twins) have seen the man and woman ghosts who "haunt" their house since they were small children. I don't think they are afraid, but they aren't very comfortable with them either. Several groups who investigate the paranormal have asked my sister and b-i-l if they can go into their house with electronic equipment and check things out, but my sister doesn't want any part of this. Their ghosts aren't mean or threatening at all, but they do scare the family with their many pranks.

  78. I posted before I read several of these and had to comment again...Reeces, I want to hug your brave little girl self, of course your g'ma was protecting you, I fully believe that. Firebug, amazing and adorable! Thank you for sharing! And Land Manatee (love the name), I think kids can be a conduit for this kind of communication because they don't know to have their guards up for it yet. My niece had several experiences when she was young enough to tell us about them, but as she got older, she said talking about it made her "shy". This is the best non "your turn" in a long time!

  79. Cornbread, your uncle was doing exactly that, and I love that is how you get to remember him.

  80. When I was 20 I was staying with my mom for the summer. We lived next to a college (and their dorms) and I happened to have a habit she hated. I would be so bored at night that I would slip on my headphones and walk all around the dorms (probably about 3 miles total) just to get out of the house and get exercise.
    She was known to hunt me down in her beat up car (with rollers in her hair) because she didn't think it was safe for a young female just wandering around.

    One afternoon (around 4p) she got off work early and let me know that she was going to the store. I told her I didn't want to go and would just stay home. As soon as she left I put on the headphones and began to walk. Around dusk I was heading home and took a shortcut near my house, an alley between a 7-11 and a mini mall. I had been feeling uneasy because a car (old sedan, white,tinted windows) had passed me at least 5 times over the previous hour and a half.
    I entered the alley and could hear a slow moving car behind me. Yep, it was the sedan. There I was, no witnesses.
    All of a sudden I heard my mom's voice yelling my name from the house (again I was less than a block away from home). She then SCREAMED my name and it sounded even closer. Like she was just on the other side of the building. The car revved it's engine, backed out of the alley and sped off.

    I made it home and went inside to let my mom know I was okay.

    She wasn't there. Car wasn't there. I figured she had gone out looking for me.

    She arrived home 10 minutes later and asked me to help get the groceries out of the car. I told her she probably saved my life and that I was sorry that I worried her with my walks. She asked what I was talking about? She had been at the grocery store the whole time. She was just now getting home.

  81. I have "the shine" and have been communicating with spirit for several years. I can't wait to read everyone's stories!!!

    Being an intuitive medium psychic person is a blessing and curse but I love getting to help people talk to their deceased loved ones. Just yesterday my patient got to connect with her brother who passed by suicide. Most spirits just want to let you know they are safe, some want to apologize or ask for forgiveness. It's a little different every time. And it doesn't have to be a big dramatic episode. Spirit is usually subtle when they try to get your attention.

    I'm still working and won't get to read all the stories until later. Big hug to everyone! Spirit is always with you!!

  82. Funny dia, I'll share the only other story I have and you may appreciate it.

    My father passed away when I was young.
    I recall asking my mother the next day if she thought he went to Heaven. She said that she had a dream the night before of him wearing a red sweater and sitting on a hill eating fried chicken (his favorite).
    The thing is, my dad never wore red anything. He had red hair and just didn't care for the color in clothing. So she took it to mean he had been washed in the blood of the lamb and was indeed in heaven.

    I never shared that story with anyone, it was too precious to me.

    Fast forward 10 years, I was interested in ghosts etc so I went to the bookstore where I met 2 Wiccans who were in the same section. Nice girls.
    They both lived about 30 minutes from me (in the country) and came to see me at my house one day with an Ouija board and books (for me) about the Wiccans and their beliefs.
    I saw them about a week later (at their house, it was Halloween) so they once again pulled out the board and named me as the one who would write down all the letters/numbers that they were able to channel. Okay, I can do that. It was pretty much benign until they looked at me and asked
    "What color was the man wearing who was glaring at us from underneath the tree last week on our way home? Why was his gaze filled with so much hate?"



    I screamed and dropped that notepad like it was on fire. I HAD NEVER SHARED THAT WITH ANYONE!!
    I hauled ass. One of the other girls was right behind me. I think her quote was somewhere along the lines of "If that board is preaching to me It's about time I get back to church"

    Easily the weirdest/creepiest/yet somewhat comforting thing I've ever experienced.

  83. Dia, I know you have talked about this before, and not to bug, but I am FASCINATED by your stories.

  84. Our family stayed at a supposed haunted hotel in Gettysburg one night in August. We were told that the resident ghost, George, was playful and liked to trap people in elevators or move things around in the rooms. We happened to be staying on the most haunted floor. My 9-year-old son was all over that and having been spooked by the ghost tour we took earlier, ended up sleeping in one of the double beds with me and my husband slept in the other bed.

    For some reason, I woke up in the middle of the night. My husband was sleeping in the bed closest to the bathroom. We left the bathroom light on as a nightlight for my son. When I looked at my husband, his skin black all over (and we are a pasty lot). His clothing wasn't, and neither were the covers. I was convinced he was dead and started yelling his name - he awoke and his color was completely normal.

    It was mildly spooky and definitely something I can't explain!

  85. Never seen a ghost but I've seen lots of angels

  86. Sort of OT, but definitely beyond any explaination I can come up with. When my daughter was 2 she started going to a little preschool located at a nearby church. I asked her how her first day was and who her friends were.She said a couple of names and "Lenny". I didn't recognize the name from the class roster. I asked the teacher and she had no clue, either. Lenny was her best friend but no one else could see her. She eventually came to live with us. And over time she disappeared. Imaginary friend or ghost friend? I never researched the history of the church, because I was honestly a bit frightened.
    I've had a few dreams of my deceased grandma and one very vivid one where I saw her unlocking the front door of our old house and I ran across thhe street and gave her a hug and said, "but Grandma you're dead!" She replied, "I know it! I love you but I have to get going. I'm busy helping people on the other side". She was much younger and healthier looking and kind of distracted and almost annoyed that I was bugging her. I felt much better after that dream.
    Another weird one: The day after my ex-husband suddenly died, I was walking my daughter to her school bus pickup when a hummingbird dropped down directly in front of me, about 12 inches from my face. It flew with us for over a minute, at the same pace, in the same spot. It was so weird and I have never experienced anything like it. I think it was some kind of message from him, Idk.

  87. Wow. Stepped away for dinner and just caught up to all the stories. Thanks for continuing to post. This subject fascinates me and I could go on F.O.R.E.V.E.R. just listening to everyone's stories and experiences!

    @ReesesPeace - There is no doubt your dear Grandma was there for you. Though I can't make sense of what she said to you, it sounds like you found comfort in it and that is all that matters. It was for you only and I hope you are at Peace now and forever more!

    @Cornbread and @ABlake - Yours is a crazy cool story! ABlake, your Wiccan story was especially freaky.

    @IDoTheRobot - I figured there were more situations out there where children display the type of behavior as discussed previously. As someone else later commented, it is said that children are a conduit to the paranormal or spiritual realm. I know there was a show on for a bit that explored this. Don't remember the name of it, but it was interesting.

    @Dia Papaya - How do your readings work? In person or over the phone? Would be great if you could tune into some of the spirits and energy that posters have been contacted by and give them some insight.

    @Reese - I found your story about your twin niece and nephew fascinating. I read once that spiritual contact is more dominant with twins.

    I was a twin, but when my mother gave birth, my other half didn't make it. She, nor the doctors, knew until that moment of birth because in those times, ultrasound was new and not nearly advanced as today. The whole pregnancy they thought she was carrying one child.

    I was told my experiences and connection to the spiritual/psychic/paranormal realm stem from my lost connection to what was to be the "whole" of me. I walk with one foot on this earth and the other in the spiritual world that is connected to my twin.

    Another story I wanted to share: I remember I was at a lunch with co-workers when it was revealed that a new employee among us was a numerologist. I had never heard of one before and was intrigued in what they do. There were 6 of us that she agreed to do a quick numerology chart on...I being the last.

    As she would do a chart, she would put it in the middle of the table and explain the meaning of all the numbers. Each person before me had numbers all over the place that meant different things.

    When she got to do my chart, she stopped and looked at me with a look I had not been given before and it is hard to explain. We all noticed and asked her what was wrong. She put my chart in the middle of the table face down and said she had never had anything like it happen before. She asked my co-workers to tell her which number they saw the most of on the paper.

    When she flipped it over, the majority of the paper was filled with the number 8. By then, we all knew the number 8 signified money! She told me that in my later life I would have EXTREME wealth.

    Well, nearly 20 years later, I am still waiting for that wealth to hit me in the face! LOL. I am nearing what I consider to be a later part in life and am hopeful it awaits me.

    In my young life so far, I have tried to attain it by honest and hard-working means, but the damn lotto has not hit my numbers...yet!

  88. When I was a teen my sister and I and our boyfriends thought it was cool to hang out in cemeteries. (We also played with Ouija boards, but that's another story...) Anyway, one day we were at a very old cemetery taking photos. It was really bright and hot and the sky was a perfect clear blue. My boyfriend climbed up on a mausoleum, about four feet high, and posed in a classic lotus meditation pose and my sister's boyfriend snapped a photo of him. When we got the pictures developed there was a gauzy cloud about a foot or two above his head. It wasn't a problem with the camera's flash because it was a perfectly bright sunny day, no clouds and a flash hadn't been used. The "cloud" is three dimensional. There was NO WAY we wouldn't have noticed the cloud at the time the photo was taken. I came across the photo not long ago when I was packing for a move. I still think whoever was buried in that crypt was pissed off that my bf was sitting on his/her grave!

    I used to work with a lovely woman who used to tell me stories all the time about her brother and how he had "the gift". Her cousin had it, too. Anyway, anytime a photo was taken of her cousin, there were orbs of light around her in it. Every time! Camera, cell phone, whatever. You take a photo of this girl and there are orbs in the photo. She showed me a couple of the photos. Apparently this chick is a spirit-magnet.

    One time when I was visiting my mom I was in the guest bedroom lying in bed with my back to the door watching TV. The bed depressed like someone sat on it. My body actually shifted. I turned around to address my mother -- and no one was there. She was in the other room and we were the only ones in the house. I was freaked out. THE BED MOVED. SOMEONE SAT ON THE BED. At the time my sister and my father were both deceased. I don't know if it was either of them. I just turned back to the TV and willed whatever it was not to hurt me, LOL. I didn't get a malevolent feeling, but I was definitely startled.

    Now my mom is gone, too, and there have been times when I have thought that I have felt her presence but I think that's just wishful thinking.

  89. It IS pretty amazing how a speck of dust flies in front of bright lights and reflects white onto the lens.

  90. Hey @Dia, if you would care to email me I have something I would love to talk to you about! Thanks!

  91. Here's my story: My best friend's sister died suddenly and violently at 19. The day after, I went out there to attend the funeral. That night I was sleeping on her sofa when I suddenly woke up to someone calling my name. It was like a "Psst, hey Karena" kind of thing. I looked up and saw "someone" walking across the room into the other room. It freaked me the hell out! My friend's cousins had been sleeping in the that room and so when I heard laughing and talking I assumed it was them. Next morning I asked them if they were up late and they said they weren't. Everyone was in deep mourning so I doubt they would be up to playing practical jokes on me. Later I heard that my their other young cousin had seen her too that night and others had dreamt about her. She was a character and would probably have gotten a kick out of scaring the crap out of me. Years later I had a reading done by a psychic and she came through. It was pretty weird. I was a skeptic before that but not anymore!

  92. I have fond memories of Myrtles. My husband and I got married in Feb 2010 and did a surf and turg honeymoon. Road trip from California to New Orleans, cruise out of New Orleans and road trip home to California.

    I have a thing for ghost stories so we made sure to spend a night at Myrtles. It was wonderful, no ghosts, but wonderful.

    I wish the South was not so far away :-)

  93. @Reese, I'm so sorry you had to go through this and as others have said it, I too, believe that your gramma was trying to help you the best way she could.

    @Dia, I'm so happy to know that someone here in an intuitive medium. It is commom among some Brazilians to believe in spirits and some of us consider ourselves spiritists. I don't know if you ever heard of Allan Kardec, but if you haven't, google him, you might find him interesting.

    Everybody else who shared experiences, I'm touched by your stories.

    About kids, what spiritists say is that kids are more sensitive to seeing spirits and as we grow older, they start to became invisible to most people. Also, we all have protectors, so most of the time that's who kids are seeing.

    I have some good and bad ghost stories. The good ones... my mom's dad died in surgery while my granny was 4 months pregnant with my mommy. Later on, a medium told my mom that he was her protector and once she was conceived, he disincarnated (died, left his human body, etc) to be by her side. Another story with my mom, when she was pregnant with my oldest sister, she woke up in the middle of the night to see a little girl sitting in the room, she said it was pitch black but she could see the girl perfectly. Later on, she noted that the girl was indeed my sister as what she would look like when she was about 2 years old.

    Now the bad ones. Well, I guess it's just creepier stories. I lived in a hunted house with lots of bad energy. We all fought a lot and strange things happened. Later on, we discovered that the neighborhood we lived in was a "dump" site for bodies back in the day. Something else about the house... Back on Christmas in 1989, I had a cousin who decided that it would be fun to play russian roulette in the living room (his living room) while his other cousin relunctantly watched. Needless to say that he killed himself. Earlier that day, he had a fight with my sister and they were very close, so she was very upset that he died while they had an argumment. I had many pets in that house and one of them, a female cat, loved to spend her time up in the roof for many years. One time we had a medium over our house and she told us that it was my cousin who was up in the roof and that my cat liked to keep him company. She also said that he couldn't let go because he didn't wanna leave unless he was in peace with my sister. He then apologize to her for the argument and my cat never went back up the roof again...

  94. wow, I'm sorry guys for the long post!

  95. I have lived in a number of houses with a past, we have all experienced odd things, my logical husband always had an explanation for weird incidents, except for one Saturday morning when he watched a can of hairspray move across a flat surface and tip over or smelling lily of the valley perfume in one spot in the living room and later smelling it in the dining room. Our daughter's first apartment was haunted our granddaughter would chatter away with something, But sometimes she would be upset and not want to sleep in her room. For economic reasons they moved back home, we had the carpet cleaned, she left one of the windows open to dry it quicker and forgot about it and left. She remember later and told me. I went back to her apartment and felt nervous, her cute little apartment seemed dark and cold, I quickly closed the window locked the door and left when I was walking to the car it sounded like I was being followed. I got in the car and drove away. When I got home I felt something unusual on my skin so I lifted up my sweater just under my breasts and to my mid back where three fine deep scratches. We had movers and I didn't lift a thing or do anything that should cause the scratches and there was no pulling on my sweater. My husband was baffled and my daughter said it appeared as if someone with sharp nails had grabbed me from behind.

  96. These stories are great! Thanks for sharing. I don't have any personal stories but I believe after hearing so many like these all these years.
