Monday, December 24, 2012

Real Housewife Son Escapes Jail For Beating Homeless Man

Back in October, Peter Rosello, the son of Real Housewives Miami cast member Alexia Echevarria, was charged with felony battery for beating a homeless man and then posting the video to YouTube. Pretty serious charges he was facing with significant possible jail time. Instead, the case is going to get dismissed like it never happened because he went into a diversion program, is performing 100 hours of community service and paid off the homeless man. So, beat a man and post it to YouTube, but because he has the money to pay the guy off, then nothing happens to him. Poor person? Jail time. Lots of it.


  1. Disgusting.
    Google Alexia's past, they're nothing but drug money. Trash makes trash.

  2. This guy -- that video was beyond disgusting.

  3. He looks like a real prize doesn't he?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I served dinner last night to a group of homeless guests staying at our synagogue for two weeks. They're kind, thoughtful and grateful for the interfaith network helping them get back on their feet. Reading about this privileged snot makes me want to cry. Karma... That's all I can hope for.

  6. It was obvious from season 1 that Alexia lets her kids get away with murder and then praises them for it.

  7. I doubt that this pouty little brat has learned anything from this. Oh well, I guess he learned that mistakes can be fixed with money. Probably another victim of Narcissistic Mother syndrome - screaming for attention and getting none.

  8. I've only seen a few episodes of the new Miami season. Alexia seems quite trashy. I am not surprised that her children are such winners.

  9. If he completes the terms of the program, his record will be sealed. His behavior was inhumane, what will he do for an encore? This really bothers me.

    Damn, I promised I'd be cheery all day, sigh.

  10. @Agent*it - the record may be sealed but the story will live on forever on the net - whenever anyone googles this kid, this story will come up. So while it may be irrelevant legally in his next crime, at least the world will know the truth.

  11. Anonymous8:08 AM

    That's our legal system! If you say, I need therapy (Lindsay), I need rehab, and have a good expensive lawyer, even better if you can pay off the victim, then yes, you get off scott free. Are we surprised here that the little guy get's screwed? isn't that usually how things go?

  12. Welcome to America!

    1. I take exception to that timebob. This sort of behavor isnt limited to US.

  13. This kid is a sick f*ck. stay far away from him. Whats next for this boy? A mass shooting, videotaped? Id have to have alot more proof he is redeemed than community service. I mean, i hope he is but he did a heinous thing. And to video it!!!!!!!!

  14. take exception all you want @auntliddy but money talks and freedom is bought most of the time

    1. That may be, but my point is that isnt exclusive to america. Not that this is anything to brag about for any country.

  15. Pure scum. What kind of coward attacks a homeless person?

  16. Disclaimer: Although this happened in Florida, where I currently reside, I am not "of"Florida, I am "of" Massatwoshits where it was announced Ted Kennedy JR will NOT be running for Mr. John Heinz Kerry's Senate seat. There has to be a God.

  17. What a little shit. As if the beating wasn't bad enough, putting the crime on youtube shows he was proud of it.

    IIRC, Alexia helped put William Levy (from Dancing with the Stars and that M&M commercial) on the map when she featured him in her magazine a few times. He was already on a soap but her mag got him broader coverage.

  18. auntlikky is correct. This sort of "justice" for the privileged is endemic, in pretty much any country that has any form of legal system. Twas ever thus, twill ever be.

    Unless he diddles his taxes.

    Then he'd be fucked.

  19. your point is invalid since it happened in America

  20. sound like an ignorant dick...and if it walks like a duck...

  21. what he did is completely disgusting.
