Friday, December 21, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Katherine Heigl actually looking like herself and not someone in her mid 60's.
Kendra Wilkinson and her family do the whole train thing in your pajamas for Christmas. Unless you are riding on top of the train in the blowing snow in Siberia, it just is not the same.
Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts out riding bikes before
Naomi gets all dressed up for Letterman.
A first time appearance in the photos for Ashley Madekwe from Revenge.
Marcia Cross takes her daughter ice skating in the bone chilling arctic tundra of Santa Monica. They went swimming later.
Even when Matthew M finishes this movie, do you think he will look like he did before. He better win an Oscar for this.
Scarlett J in the premiere of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof on Broadway. Heard she was really good.


  1. Regarding Matthew...this is proof positive that you don't always look better thinner.

    That first photo of Scarjo she looks like Casey Anthony in the face.

  2. I just had this exchange:
    "Look baby, it's that girl from Revenge out and about. I've never seen a picture of her."
    "Me either, I didn't think anyone gave a shit."

    Really, I have nothing nice to say about any of these pictures. Why am I here. Showing myself out now.

  3. Matthew's head is smaller than those boobs next to him.

  4. Anonymous12:37 PM

    @LottaColada: my thoughts exactly.

  5. The woman with Mackonahey(sp) has a phenomenal rack.

  6. Matthew now knows exactly how he will look as an old man.
    Sometimes it's not good to know the future.

  7. Remember when Matthew M was hot? Sigh.

    I love Marcia Cross. She played the best character on Melrose Place.

    I don't know why, but I kinda like Katherine Heigl, even though she's a bitch. I also like Kendra. I'm hungover today, so maybe that's affecting my judgment.

    Naomi Watts sure is pretty, but those shoes are atrocious.

  8. I love Ashley Madekwe from Revenge. She was really funny in Secret Diary of a Call Girl and has a cool fashion blog. Oh and she tweets back lol

  9. ScarJo takes really big risks acting wise - such as doing broadway - and always comes out on top. it took me a long time to warm up to her, but I think that she is super talented. I saw lost in translation for the second time the other night and she was just great. not a false note.

  10. Ashley Madekwe is the coolest! She has great style. And I love that she's married to Ben from Secret Diary...

  11. I love Ashley's shoes!

    I'm sorry, but I do not get it when people talk about Scarlett's talent, unless talent is code for nice tits. She doesn't vary much for me, kind of one note.

  12. Don't hate me, but I adore ScarJo. She did a film with Ewan MacGregor (The Island) that sold me on her acting - if two actors can make a pretty weak script work, I'm paying attention. She looks good on the set of one of my favorite plays!

    Ditto @greenmountaingal - I've heard she's a b*, and her character on Grey's Anatomy was so annoying, but for some reason, I like her. Huh. She was great foil for Leslie Mann and Seth Rogen in Knocked Up, a movie I was sure I'd hate but actually loved. That outfit is very nice on her!

    Liev, my precious, one word: HELMET.

  13. The woman's breasts are making Matthew look quite tiny indeed!

  14. Katherine Heigel looks like a politician's wife. WTF is Naomi wearing!?

  15. Yeah Naomi's dress is poorly hemmed. Wait, it's just plain Uglay!

  16. Scarlett's boobs are so little now! I suppose she figured that removing her large implants and replacing them with smaller ones would make her seem like a serious thespian.

  17. I like K Heigl. She seems grounded, and her priorities seem to be straight.

  18. Notice u never see marcia cross, kids and hubby? Hope his health is good:)

  19. I have to admit, I too like Scarlett J. And when she did Avengers I liked her even more.

  20. How is that kid staying on that bike? Surely he isn't just hangin' on.
    Wonder how Kendra deals with her sons hair. My kids have curly hair and sometimes it is a nightmare.

  21. I loooove Katherine Heigl's dress especially the color! Even after reading this blog I still don't get why people don't like Scarlett. She only seems boring if anything. However, she's freaking hot and I like the movies I've seen. My FAV and maybe why I find her so hot is the Justin Timberlake video she did.

  22. OOOOOOooooohhH @auntliddy- Are you referencing a certain blind about the crazy actress who is keeping her spouse sick?

    If not, then please ignore the salivation over that blind being possibly true...'cause I hate these dark and horrible blinds!!

    (Am I convincing anyone?)

    1. I wasnt..... But wasnt she guess for being gay but stayed in closet and got married? Still i hope not. Creepy

  23. I like Katherine's skirt/dress, but mostly the skirt.

    And I think the family in the jammies with Santa pic is just too cute.

    I love Marcia

  24. I also like Scarlett.

  25. That top pic of that POS has been apprehended in Florida.

  26. I like Scarlett for the exact reason that annabelle mentioned. She doesn't just sit back and make money off of her looks, she takes risks and is very talented. Two classic, challenging plays where she's been one of the leads and won a Tony her first time out, that's no fluke. Compared to someone like Hathaway, I can see how people would think she gives a boring interview. After I saw Scarlett on Letterman, I realized she is actually really witty and funny, but her personality is on the dry side.

  27. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Heigl is beautiful, but her hair always needs help. Though to enty's comment that Heigl doesn't look in her mid-60's here, her hair looks like it is from that era.

  28. Katherine Heigl is just the greatest...

  29. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I recently saw KNOCKED UP. I have a new found appreciation for Heigl. Ad want to see more of Jason Segal naked. Saw Sarah Marshall a few months ago and appreciate that Jason is a man who likes to put it out there. Now if only Hamm would b so generous and playful......;-)

  30. Anyone who can put their foot on Sean Penn's crotch is a better woman than me.

  31. Another ScarJo fan here.

  32. I've always liked Scarlett too! That's all :)

    1. Could scarjo be a reveal for the meds blind?

  33. @Della, I had SUPER curly hair as a kiddo, and my mom used Infusium 23 leave-in conditioner on it to help comb/brush and get through the tangles. I don't know if they still make it, but it was a lifesaver. Spray it on and brush it through.

    I hope ScarJo is doing Cat on a Hot Tin Roof justice...that's one of my all-time faves.

    Love Heigl's dress!

  34. So I live in teh arse-end of Africa so this quote from today's newspaper could be real, or totally made up: ScarJo: "I think that the one Christmas that was really nice, was spending Christmas eve with my family, and then the next day having a friends' Christmas. It was nice. No Presents. No expectations. Just friends joining each other. A BUNCH OF ORPHANS. And everyone's cooking. It felt so civilised. You forget Christmas is a holiday for children".

    A BUNCH OF ORPHANS casually slipped in there? What?

    1. @kerr that totally sounded like she was referring to her group of friends not being with their parents and nothing more.

  35. Ya reckon, Kats? I live far from my parents and usually have friends who are are far from theirs over for Christmas. Never would it occur to me to refer to us/them as 'orphans'. That's just plain weird. I know LOTS of actual orphans (this is Africa) ... it's not an affectionate term for rich people and their friends spending Christmas without their loving families. Apologies, it just sits uneasily with me. It's a silly ting to say.

    1. @kerr weird. It's totally fine to say where I live.

  36. Soz, Kats ... prolly me just being over-sensitive. It's just not a term we'd bandy about willy nilly here - too many actual orphans - way, way too many. AIDS, poverty, violence. Okey dokey, off my soapbox then.

  37. Matthew looks like one of my uncles who had the cancer, that's bad. ScarJo looks trashy, very appropriately so, for this role. Heigl has on a dress I like. Are we sure the apocalypse didn't happen?

  38. "Christmas orphans" is not uncommon here, either, for people who spend it with friends, all of whose families are fairly far away (like me and mine). I can see how that might strike the wrong chord with you. :(

    Matthew McC reminds me of that CBS Mystery Movie guy, McCloud/Dennis Weaver.

  39. Naomi Watts looks glorious in that outfit. She does high fashion beautifully at times. I also love her relaxed off duty look.
