Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Paul Rudd making his way into Letterman.
Amber Rose always seems like the happiest person on earth.
As much as it pains me to say it, I think Russell Brand should go back to his old boots.
At first when I glanced at this photo I thought Russell Crowe was a huge 98 Degrees fan. I could almost hear him humming Una Noche under his breath.
There are never any more Reese Witherspoon exercising photos. She is always on the phone or shopping now.
Apparently you can buy the clothes Snooki is wearing other than at Halloween.
AnnaSophia Robb on the set of her television show.
There are so many sexually inappropriate jokes I could make about Tom Cruise spraying Jimmy Fallon with water, but I will leave it up to you.
William Levy gives himself two thumbs up.


  1. I love the thumbs up caption game!
    "Who looks like a cross between Hugh Jackman and Josh Duhmel?" THIS GUY! And he's pretty cute. I wonder if he gets "claustrophobic"?

    1. He really does look like a new hybrid man. Wow. This must be how guys feel when they see vs models

    2. I'd add Harry Connick Junior to the mix too!

    3. Who IS this man?! Dayum!

  2. William Levy's man boobs ruin it for me. Choose a better shirt!

  3. I give William Levy two thumbs up too. And Snooki, if you're going to take stupid phone photos of yourself, at least clean up the shit on the floor behind you. Sheesh.

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    What is Snooki thinking with all of that? Yikes. William Levy doesn't even look human, he looks like an action figure come to life. Why wouldn't Amber Rose be happy? To go from being a "model" (of what I don't know)to being known a rich man's girlfriend, and now as a rich man's baby momma. Not sure if they are engaged. She's made alot out of nothing. Even got endorsements for sugary vodka.

  5. I hate hate hate stockings and open toed shoes

  6. Amber Rose... I think it's the pink or maybe the way you're standing but you're reminding me of flamingos.

    Love love love Paul Rudd!
    William Levy is so freakin hot.

  7. Yummy Paul Rudd. Thank you. I just watched 200 CIGARETTES the other night, and I'm not even sure that the dude ages.

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Looks like everything has been covered.

    Flamingo resemblance ....CHECK
    Various Levy comments....CHECK
    Rudd looking good......CHECK

  9. Who is William Levy??? He's gorgeous! Although his head looks a wee small for his body.

  10. Is William Levy that guy in the M&M's commercial? He looks like that guy to me.
    Who is he?

  11. Amber is looking goooood. Also that ass. Wowzers

  12. That's the M&M dude but is it true he was suspected of touching/carrying-on with a minor?

    I hope not!

  13. I was just having a conversation about how I still want to have sex with Paul Rudd all these years after Clueless.

  14. levy was the hot guyshaking his hips on DWTS 2 seasons ago. he got on DWTS because he is the mexican brad pitt. thats what i remember. and he is my new boy friend!!! (a girl can dream)

  15. Anonymous1:41 PM

    its over for those jersey shre kids, hope they stashed their coins

  16. I have no idea who William Levy is, but I give him two thumbs up too! Yum!!

  17. Paul Rudd!! I just saw the trailer for "This is Forty" and can't wait to see it. I've loved him since Clueless, too.

    William Levy, yummy!

    Russell - Wednesday reveal for the BI about the skeezy boyfriend?

  18. I love Paul Rudd, but I have heard nothing good about him. At all. Breaks my heart.

  19. That M&M commercial is actually funny--the first 25 times. I prefer the long version where she sighs and accepts that he's dumb, but looks great.

  20. William levy was mop head's DWTS partner.

    Gotta love the 'selfies'!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. "I love Paul Rudd, but I have heard nothing good about him. At all. Breaks my heart."

    Wait...WHAT?! I don't think I've ever heard anything bad about him. Spill, per favore!

  23. Really? Paul Rudd is a jerk? Aww maaaannn!!

    Count me in as one of those who's lusting for William Levy. Yowza.

    Why oh why with the duck lips? Never ever sexy. Just looks stoopid..And clean that damn house.

  24. William Levy doesn't appeal to me at all. You guys take him while I look after Gosling.

  25. @LottaColada - Thanks for the flamingo reference. I stalled on her picture trying to think what was wrong and what she looked like them bam you nailed it!

    Yup, echoing all your thoughts about this William Levy dude. No idea who he is and he has a bit of a douchey face in that photo but once I got past the face I was sold. Big time. I think I'm going to take that photo for my own 'personal use'. Thanks Enty!

  26. Anonymous2:50 PM

    william levy is super famous from being in a lot of spanish soap operas. HUGE fan base of teens/young adults watching novelas after school and bored housewives

  27. Thank you Mom for helping me discover the gorgeous William Levy!!!! ..... Drooling now

  28. @ bored soccer mom - please spill!!!

    Actually I think Amber Rose looks like a big, pink duck!

  29. HE-LLO William Levy! I forgot what I was going to say...

  30. I can't see Paul Rudd without thinking about Clueless. That is a good thing.

    Thank God the Jersey Shore idiots will soon fade into oblivion.

  31. Wow he's hot as HELL!

  32. hahahahahahaaa... Now that I know that William Levy was in a bunch of Spanish soap operas, I keep picturing him turning his head and saying "Que?" like the guy in Psych. *giggle*

  33. I love amber rose .. She's a bad bitch

  34. That picture of William levy reminds me of that scene in fight club when brad Pitt and Ed norton were on the bus and brad (Tyler ) looks up at a men's underwear ad and says to Ed " is that what a man is supposed to look like? " .. I think that dude is a cliche of himself .. Ew..

  35. William Levy looks like his head is growing out of his chest. Stand up straight dude, we get you have killer traps.

  36. William Levy looks like his head is growing out of his chest. Stand up straight dude, we get you have killer traps.

  37. Amber Rose has a huuuuuge butt! I'm not pointing this out as a flaw, I just never noticed before.

  38. There is something really sexy about Paul Rudd.

  39. When I first moved to NYC, I worked my day job and on the weekend worked retail at Anthropology to make sure I could save some money.

    Paul Rudd came into the store and asked for help as he was looking to buy something nice for his mother who liked the shop. He was super nice and very easy going. i must have spent more than 15 minutes with him as we tried to find something nice for his mom.

    It was a long time ago so I can't remember what he bought but I remember him being a nicer than average customer with a nice demeanor and great sense of humor.

  40. @amy h nice story! Pleased to hear he is a nice guy

  41. Yeah, see, THAT'S what I want to hear about Paul Rudd! Thanks, Amy! :-)

  42. Amber Rose looks like a Dr Seuss character in that photo.

  43. I don't really know what @bored soccer mom was referring to, but I have literally never heard one bad thing about Paul Rudd. I have only heard stories like the one @Amy divulged.
