Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Right after she announced she was pregnant, Jenna Dewan went to her gym to workout.
January Jones goes really dark. Does make her look edgy.
Where did it all go wrong? Dina Lohan and a 1 year old Lindsay Lohan.
Madonna out on date night with her boy toy. I wonder if they are right before payday or right after.
And then Pamela Anderson lost her balance and sliced open her partner.
Pierce Brosnan roaming the streets of LA.
Romeo Beckham is now a model/photo bomber for Burberry.
 Really think Rose McGowan is starting to lose it. This is just her randomly posing.


  1. Jenna looks pretty Prego

    Rose McGowan PLEASE STOP. she must be on something.

  2. Mr. Brosnan I hope that beard is for a role, otherwise please get it together.

  3. Rose looks AWFUL. I would love to see a side by side of her from years ago. She was so beautiful.

  4. Romeo looks just like his Daddy.

    And the Lohan picture is taking me back to my childhood where our older family friends kept their furniture encased in the original plastic. Ah, memories.

  5. I thought Jenna was Kat Mcphee at first. Rose looks wasted

  6. The Burberry pic looks like they cut and pasted Romeo's head onto the body of another (awkwardly posed) kid.

    1. Totes agree with that Maja. His head looks photo shopped!

  7. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I agree Rose looks like she's been hitting the sauce or maybe doesn't have the cash for botox anymore? Poor girl, I feel sorry for her, she really looks like she's losing it. Romeo's so cute, but his head doesn't look quite right in the pic, like it's photoshopped or something? I like the Lohan kid pic, it makes them look like maybe there was some normalcy and love there at one point.

  8. Look it's little Xander Sudeikis!

  9. I used to *love* Madonna back in the day (when she made that documentary movie, my boyfriend sat through it with me, trooo wuuuvvv), no - YUCK. Sucking on a gun, half-naked on stage with your kids around... blech.

    Say what you will about Pamela, she's one smart lady. She used to write a column for a magazine I read (Jane? I can't remember) and they were pretty meaty.

  10. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Why do women work out in full make up?!? Ugh lol

  11. Anonymous1:20 PM

    To me Rose will always be THAT GIRL who wore that chain dress (naked underneath) with Marilyn MANSON at the MTV awards......Apparently, according to many men, Kim k. Has nothing on THAT Rose.

  12. I thought Rose McGowan got plastic surgery because of a car accident?

    1. I think Rose McGowam may have gotten some plastic surgery due to a car wreck, Lotta. I think she is using it more as an excuse, though. She looks different than she did after she first got work done. Obviously she keeps going back for more. She was gorgeous, and now has destroyed her face. Sad.

  13. Rose McGowan and Lindsey are starting to look a lot alike.

  14. January Jones is having an identity crisis. And is prolly the answer to that blind from earlier, yes?

  15. Yep, that was my exact thought @Maja!

  16. Lil Jason is so adorable. I want to eat his cheeks

  17. Wow, Rose is unrecognizable (even from her previously unrecognizable post-surgical self). Rose, Pamela, Madonna, Demi...all good examples of what train wrecks women can become if they have no sense of self or identity beyond their "sex goddess" images.

  18. Mini Sudeikis right there.

    Jenna went to workout....in full makeup and side do.

  19. Lindsay is at least 3 in that photo, not one.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Nah, my son is almost three, small for his age...Lindsay isn't his size.

  22. Romeo looks like a leprechan.

  23. I'll tell you where it went wrong....the weird eighties couch...they cardboard brick wall and dark hose with a light skirt.....

  24. That's not a little Sudeikis she's carrying, way more scandalous!

  25. Jenna Dewan looks really pretty.

    I know she's got a trashy image, but I like Pam. I think she's a smart cookie plus we share a birthday.

  26. Love January's brunette hair.

  27. Ok. Yes. I am officially on the Jason Sudeikis Is January's Babydaddy train.

  28. I'm sad for the train wrecks of the women that are out there. Get it together, please. Please.

  29. DBZee, I remember when she wrote for Jane. I actually really liked her columns. I have no idea if she got some help with them, but she came across as fairly intelligent and likable.

  30. January's baby looks just like Jason Sudeikis, he can't deny it anymore!

  31. That's a very strange pose that Lindsay is doing.

  32. Hahaha so true! Also, I miss Jane magazine.

  33. The Lohans and their plastic covered sofa. Is that really Lindsay? That kid looks like Macaulay Culkin

  34. Yes, Jane! Another one I liked was "Cookie" - despite its silly name, it was a great magazine.

    I love January Jones in the earlier seasons of Mad Men so much that I ignore any pictures of her now. She was a far better foil for Don than the new Mrs Draper.

  35. Why is Romeo's head falling off? He looks like a jib jab.

  36. You guys, I didn't click on January Jones' picture earlier. How did I miss it. Her baby is a Sudeikis!

  37. I love Rose.... I have no idea why, but I jut can't hate on her.

  38. Did Pam get a breast reduction or is she photoshopped there?

  39. Yes, something is really 'off' about the photo of Romeo. He looks like he's wearing a slightly too-large mask of his own face, right?

  40. About Pammy's column: I've worked as a sub-editor for a fashion/beauty mag and trust me - what we receive and what we send on vastly differs. Many columnists who write for a living are actually not very, let's call it, eloquent. Hell, many journos aren't. People have no idea how much work subs do on articles/columns.
