Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Day 2 of Justin Bieber's search for his peen. This could be like a whole series of Where's Waldo type books.
And Kate Moss almost goes down. She actually managed to save herself here.
Kate Walsh looking very lovely.
I really hope Madonna brushed first.
Psst. MJ. They make larger bikinis. Love that you want to rock the bikini, but maybe just one size larger.
Miranda Kerr, yeah, yeah. But Mango was there. Where was Mango?
Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis getting a couples massage.
Matthew M in front of a green screen. Hmm, airplanes behind him? Food?
Rob Kardashian says he respects women so he spent some time at a strip club throwing dollar bills at women. But he respected them while he was throwing them money.


  1. Who the hell is that in the bikini?

    1. She's on some bravo show that Seacrest produces.

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      i just realized my replies aren't attached to anyone on the full site -_- my comment was for faqturd

  2. Bieber doesn't HAVE a peen. Because he's a girl.

  3. Abby, I'm with you. Who?

  4. What Abby said and that Karruche Tran in the bottom pic with Rob K?

    1. No, some random. I think Karrueche won't be seen with straight men until she's convinced Chris isn't coming back.

  5. It looks like somebody photoshopped Lesbeaver's legs on backward.

  6. Who is that fat big with the corona in her hand? Maybe it's time for a 1-piece and water?

  7. Bieber dressed like Rihanna.

  8. Omg I think we needed the **WARNING DISTURBING CONTENT** headline before seeing that bikini pic. You can almost see her nipples!

    Is the beaver showing off his 12pack? Haha

  9. Looks like Bieber's trying to find his nipples...

  10. Do Kate's the lady lover?

  11. Kate Walsh = blind reveal?

  12. Madonna, that is gross. Please retire already.

  13. There is a toddler mouth hidden on MJ's (whoever that is) body. See if you can find it.

  14. LMFAO, seaward! I see it!

  15. Matthew M's okay but he's become so thin it's getting hard to look at him. It actually changed the shape of his face and bones seem to be sticking out everywhere.

  16. "FalseProfit said...
    Who is that fat big with the corona in her hand? Maybe it's time for a 1-piece and water?"

    what are you, fucking 12? Keep that childish shit to yourself, readers here are of every size and don't appreciate that shit.

  17. Massage in the first trimester? Tisk tisk.

  18. Damn you, seaward!!!

  19. I've always found Kate Walsh to be really sexy. I've only really seen her when she was on Grey's Anatomy but gurl always looks like she's on top of the world and owning that shiz!

  20. The woman in the bikini is Mercedes Javid from the reality show The Shahs of Beverly Hills.

    Thanks Google Image.

  21. Hey Jax, it's like looking in a mirror, eh?

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      eww, you must have tons of friends. so charming

  22. Hey Enty, I'm right here!!!!

  23. I think she needs better support for the girls and possibly a more flattering cut, but that woman (whomever she is) looks fine to me. But that's about how I would look in that bikini too, so....

  24. @FalseProfit

    Haha!! Nice typo on your insult.


    More likely *you* looking in a mirror since you're so insecure about it.

    Lotsa deep thinkers and sensitive people on this thread today.

  25. I am thinking justin is hung like a mosquito

  26. Wow, the woman in the bikini doesn't look that bad.

    Kate Moss even looks fabulous slipping over.

  27. The chick in the bikini, I thought was a huuuuge Kim Kardashian, ah well there goes that...

    E! Channel posted an instagram making fun of Beebs outfit earlier, its like a leather cowel neck sleeveless monstrosity...

    also I thought Kate Walsh was Sarah Jessica Parker

  28. Also also- really, you people on here with the bashing fat jokes? Grow up. Jax dont listen to those butt nuggets

  29. That's not Karrueche it's a video model named yaris sanchez she's of melissa ford/rosa acosta fame

  30. Perhaps she could have chosen a better fitted bathing suit, but the fat jokes and mean spirited comments are not necessary. How can we ask society to stop all the objectifying of women to look like a skeleton in order to be considered beautiful, when we as women can't even do that with one another. Sad!

  31. I wasn't bashing her, I just had no clue who she was! Agree that she needs better support for the girls, but otherwise it's refreshing to see a real woman here instead of the lollipops and stick figures from Hollyweird.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. @abby, your comment cracks me up. So just checking again, not okay to bash someone for being big, but perfectly fine to bash skinny chicks. Got it.

  34. Not bashing MJ but she looks bad. The suit doesn't flatter her. Done. Tore up from the floor up. (oldy but goody)

  35. Exactly how I would look like in a bikini. Except for he big boobs.

    And the comments on here are the reason I would never wear a bikini

  36. Is it just me or has Mila starting looking really rough since she got it together with Asston? I barely recognise her in some recent photos!

  37. All I have to say about the bikini shot is "WHERE'S YOUR FUCKING NECK?!"

  38. Hahahaha!! Here's letting all Mercedes haters know that she's a millionairess several times over.

    I'm sure they could all get over their fat-phobia knowing that though. They are very likely the type.

  39. Anonymous4:28 PM

    MJ isn't fat, except by Hollywood standards, but her suit is several sizes too small and the top is crushing her chest...not a flattering look at all.

  40. I like women who look like the woman in the bikini, except other photos show that her hair is overprocessed and yes, she does need a larger bikini top. BUt as Mickael K. says, I'd hit it. (Except that I'd ruin my marriage).

    I agree that bashing women for their bodies is inappropriate. Skinny women, fat women, chunky women, curvy women, straight-as-a-board women: there are people who find all of those body types attractive, and more importantly, accepting our bodies is part of learning to love ourselves. We don't bash Seth Rogen or Jack Black---men who are perfectly happy with their body types. We do make comments about Matthew M., but I think it's primarily because many of us are concerned about his health, since this is not his natural body type.

    As for Jax, love you.

  41. Everyone on here is talking shit in one way or another. If you can't handle being mildly offended, please go fuck yourself.


  42. Half the comments aren't even saying she's fat but saying how horribly nauseatingly unflattering that bikini is on her. If we can rip apart red carpet dresses then we can rip apart a millionaire who has the money for a properly fitted suit AND a mirror. She looks awful.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      @Katsm0711....yeah she looks pretty bad. She is not an ugly woman, she just made an unfortunate choice.

  43. I dont care about joking about how awful a celeb looks, they're celebs thy should assume if they go out looking like trash we will call call them accordingly.

    However, I dont think its cool to bash other commenters with fat jokes in a gossip column.

    and I still think she looks like Kim Kardashian +50lbs

  44. Somebody help me understand the Bieber. He looks like a cute girl lesbian. If he happens to have a little tiny weinie peen, who would want to take the time, effort and possible spelunking you would have to go through to find it. Plus those weird diaper pants?????? I don't understand. And I am grossed out. Ok-I will calm down.

  45. I have a theory, now bear with me.
    I think he's got the monstacack. Or else why else would Selena always be coming back? I mean its either that, or he knows how to give that good D with a short P.

  46. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Beiber is just a way to get publicity, IMO. Your average Hollywood chick doesn't DO dick, they do publicity.

  47. Not criticizing her body, but the bikini just does nothing for her. It is just and extremely unflattering suit for her curves.

  48. @False Profit

    Actually, most people on CDAN don't criticize body size -- most people are more sensitive than that.

    They criticize when people are being jerks or taking advantage of situations because they are celebrities.

  49. I am not a model and I don't scare people by wearing a bikini. It's just common sense. Cover up what doesn't look good, wear clothes that actually fit the body part you've stretched them over.

  50. When Mercedes Javid stands on her wallet, she looks much thinner....

  51. then the home girl can afford a decent-fitting bikini.

  52. Bieber. What an idiot.
