Monday, December 03, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Anne Hathaway and Amanda Seyfried love each other up.
Later Anne loves up Hugh Jackman.
Jude Law out with some of his kids.
Jennifer Lopez and Casper in Malaysia.
Katherine Heigl with her youngest at the airport.
So, since Kim Kardashian has a cold sore, we can just go ahead and say she has herpes. Easier to type anyway.
Katy Perry gives some love to Aubrey Plaza and Amy Poehler.
Zoe Saldana was at the same event as was
Anna Kendrick.


  1. Replies
    1. But what's up with the shoes??

    2. Love it too! Anyone know who makes it??

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I know she's wearing heels, but Katy is taller than I realized.

  3. I hope Les Mis is wonderful! Love Hugh.

    Oh, Jenny, you are beautiful, a diva, yes but really this Casper douche?

  4. Hugh Jackman is sexy

  5. Zoe's whole look is fab!

  6. Zoe is so gorgeous!!! Dang Kim you need some abreva stat!!!

  7. Nice to see Anna Kendrick on the carpet!

    I get cold sores - miserable.

  8. Given the pounds of make-up Kim usually wears, I'm surprised she didn't cover that thing up.

  9. Anna Kendrick has the same face as Shenae Grimes. It's celebrity twin day!

  10. Everyone gets cold sores its society that makes it a big deal.

  11. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Ann hathaway looks gorgeous her haircut doesn't look so harsh now, horrible dress tho!

  12. I FUCKING HATE KK, but as a chronic cold sore sufferer I hate cold sores being called HERPES EVEN MORE. It's not genital herpes people!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

  13. Love Amanda Seyfried. Who knew when she did Mean Girls she would be more professionally stable than LiLo?

    Kim K has a what now?! I was a firm believer she never stepped out without being done up.

  14. No, it's not genital herpes. However it IS oral herpes. It still doesnt have the stigma of genital herpes, whether it is called a cold sore, or oral herpes, or whatever it's called

  15. Anne Hathaway looks amazing here! Ever since she hosted SNL, I couldn't get over the fact that she looked exactly like a young Liza Minelli, kept waiting for her to break out the jazz hands

  16. The first pic is awk-ward. Typical (of men) that Enty didn't notice the tension between them. You can see Amanda Seyfried muttering through gritted teeth: " Do NOT use me as your picture prop, you're my competition bitch!"

  17. @noseygal48, not entirely true; I've never had a cold sore. (Also, after I was raped, I spent a couple of years being tested for EVERYTHING that could be sexually transmitted. Everything came back negative, thank God). I agree, though, even if it IS technically herpes, it shouldn't have quite the stigma that it does. It's the social equivalent of that other "herpes", Chicken Pox--and shingles--and no one blames people that get THOSE.

    In our (usually) harsh Ohio winters (it's nearly 70 degrees here today!), I do get this weird cracking in the corners of my mouth, which tends to look a little bit like cold sores, though. It sucks hugely, I can only imagine how miserable a cold sore would be.

  18. LES MISERABLES is wonderful!!! And no lip-synching phonies. An incredible creative achievement on every level.

  19. Use Sudo-Cream. Cold sore disappears within 2 days. i was given this for my sons 1st & only diaper rash - its fu*kin amazing - I use it on everything, from burns, rashes, to cold sores.

  20. Those of you suffering from cold sores all the time, frequent outbreaks are a sign of poor immune systems.

    Not sure if this is available outside of Canada, but there are similar products - St. Francis' DEEP IMMUNE.

    It works. When I use it, no cold sores. When I don't, I eventually get one.

    Cold sores are a type of herpes. Not genital herpes, but herpes just the same. And it is transmitted the same way. Looking back, I wish I would have sued the guy who grabbed my head and attempted to kiss me anyway at the end of our date - despite my being very forthright as to why I would not kiss him. Best part is the bastard is a NURSE. Of all the people to know better...

    His lip brushed my nose and that's where I get my cold sore. Now it has migrated and I get it inside my nostril. No one sees it, but it is painful and my nose swells a bit.

  21. Oh ya, with all the make-up KK wears, why wouldnt she have this covered up

  22. Aubrey Plaza! Go St. Ann's!

  23. You can transmit oral herpes. Stays on a toothbrush for days too. I'm supa careful now before snogging a girl.

  24. And I think if you have oral herpes, you're won't get genital.
    Casper is so in love - with his own face.
    Ann looks so pretty - love that shade of blue. Amanda's smile does look strained.
    Lots of pretty pictures today.

  25. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I remember reading that a lot of people get oral herpes before the age of six. Folks kissing babies and kids sharing sippy cups, I imagine.

  26. @ Melinda9 - they are related, but are different viruses. Having one of them does not protect you from getting the other(s).

  27. @Chilie, several years ago, I had a friend whose sister had herpes in her EYE (no idea if it was considered "oral" or "genital"). I lost touch with them, but back then it was pretty much certain that she would eventually go blind because of it.

    What a horrible thing to live with.

  28. My mom had oral herpes - I think she got it from her mom. She used to have horrible outbreaks (this was back in the 50s, 60s & 70s). Her MD tried giving her a smallpox vaccination in the late 70s, which helped a lot. I don't know if they still do that or not. And I have no idea why it helped.

  29. I have two friends who have gotten herpes in their vaginas because a man with a cold sore went down on them.

    Call it "oral" or call it "genital" but both versions can happily live in both places so watch out.

  30. You know, considering that about 90% of the population has the oral herpes virus, and 20-25% the genital version (not to mention there's a certain amount of transfering going on due to the popularity of oral sex...), plus everyone who's ever had chicken pox/shingles/etc., it might be a good idea to start destigmatizing the virus in general. Yes, it sucks, and no, no one wants to get it, but it doesn't mean that you're automatically filthy, slutty, or any number of unflattering adjectives--just unfortunate. At any rate, the way things are going, we'll all end up w/both versions anyway...

  31. I give props to amy poeler. Even divorcing, which i somehow dont think was her idea, she out and about and has smile on her face. She isnt whining or saying oh poor me. She keeps on working and doing her thing. Way to be Amy!!!!!!!!!!

  32. I love you guys! From looking as celeb pics to learning about herpes. I love how you never know how the conversation will wind up at the end of a thread. Makes my 2hr round bus trip to work that much easier <3 Thank you all!

  33. It's official. Someone from the Daily Mail writes this column. "Loved up" is a VERY overused term of theirs. Seeing it with Anne's pics....I'm on to you Enty.

    That and the fact that most of the blind items come from pics on the DM's site the same day or next.

  34. @Elissa, I have a girlfriend back home who also has herpes in one of her eyes (or would I call it "herpes of the eye"?)! She still has vision, but it's not what it used to be. So terrible (and weird).

    I LOVE Ann's hair now that it's grown out a bit...if I could work a super short cut like that, I totally would. I thought Seyfried was just one of those girls who looks better smiling with her mouth closed, but now that others point out the tension, I can see it. She isn't even hugging Ann back.

  35. Aubrey Plaza has been bringing the hotness all year. Her smile is gorgeous.

  36. Zoe Saldana is just beyond gorgeous, always.

  37. @cornbread and elissa, i think it is called herpes of the eye or herpes zoster? I am not sure how it is contracted, may be touching your eye after touching herpes or it may be a different strain. I can't recall. I looked it up because one commercial, i think latisse, says not to use if you have herpes of the eye.

  38. I am sick of Anne Hathaway. If she wins an Oscar, I will poke my eye out with a pencil.

    JLo's boy toy is butt ugly. She must have a need to be the pretty one because why else would she bump uglies with him and skeletor?

    Not a huge fan, but Katy Perry is very pretty.


    1. For the record, I am not laughing at anyone who suffers from cold sores - Mr Green Mountain gets them & it sucks. I'm only laughing at Kim K.

    2. Me, too!!! Kim is just so easy to hate on!!!

  39. I've never had a cold sore in my life and my mother, father, sister, brother AND husband gtet them. I've even kissed my husband when he had one accidentally. Do you guys think that might mean I have a dormant version of the virus that doesn't cause the sore? I always thought that was weird.
    Also, I just went back to college and had to take Health this semester. Anyway, we just learned about eye herpes. You give it to yourself through "autoininoculate"-ing by touching your cold sore and then touching your eye.

  40. I wouldn't mind being loved up on by Anne Hathaway, especially now that her hair is starting to grow back.

    Agreed though, she and Amanda Seyfried have a pretty awkward picture there. I wonder who won that bitch fight.

  41. Reno it's very possible you do have it and do not get outbreaks. They say people can have it and not even know. I would think that with your family having it, unless they were all VERY careful when you were a child, which I am guessing not if that is were your bro got it, you may. I don't think you would need to get tested, unless to have peace of mind when you kiss your hubby :) plus, the most accurate way is to test during an outbreak

  42. I guess what goes on in Kuwait, doesn't stay in Kuwait.

  43. I get them too and I'm so relieved that so many others get them too bc I thought I was gross. I've had them since I was a kid. Probably from sharing food and drinks at school. Luckily I only get them if my lupus is flaring which is very rare. I can't think of the name but I use a tiny tube from the drugstore that costs $18 and I swear by it. It lasts forever. Also change your toothbrush and lip glosses and wipe off your lip and chap sticks. There's herpes simplex 1 for I think genitals, simplex 2 would be oral, and maybe also covers eyes? I was also told I can pass it from my lips if I give oral. Sorry if that's gross but people should know. I'm the one talking and I even find it gross. Hell, I have it and I find it gross!

  44. Did Amy have some work done?! :(

  45. 1 is oral, 2 is genital. But you can have hsv2 orally or hsv1 genitally. Oral to oral or genital to genital is the easiest way to spread i think.

  46. I think Anne Hathaway looks fabulous! In fact, it took a few seconds for me to realize how heinous her dress is. Those pom poms remind me of my mom's 1970s bathroom curtains! The color is very flattering at least.

    Another herpes story... my partner has Type I diabetes so her immune system is very weak. A previous lover had cold sores once in a while but nothing genital. She went down on her, once, and she wasn't broken out or anything and my partner still got the most raging breakout of genital herpes imaginable. I mean, her cookie was straight busted, lol! Needed a catheter and everything. So I'm helping take care of her and wouldn't you know it, I get a "herpetic whitlow" on my hand and thumb! Then, to make matters worse, before I even knew what it was or that I was contagious, I passed it to my son somehow when I was cleaning his nose. So he still gets an occasional one in his nose. My partner and I are on valtrex for life and I've never had another episode. She had one more like a year later but it was nothing like that first outbreak. Now I realize it's not such a big deal but at the time I was livid and disgusted and humiliated.

  47. Renoblondee, you could have the virus with no outbreaks. I had one cold sore when I was about 8, and that was it. Ditto with warts - one when I was a kid, and none since. I know I have both viruses, but they're both completely dormant, thank goodness.

  48. Amy looks FIERCE.

  49. Anne Hathaway looks GORGEOUS in that pic with Jackman. he always looks gorgeous.

  50. I LOVE Aubrey Plaza, she is so hilarious it's actually a crime that she is also so pretty!

  51. Amy hasn't had work done - you can tell in other pictures when she's not wearing as much makeup. But YES girlfriend looks super fierce. And I love to see Aubrey smiling - she has a gorgeous smile and her character on Parks rarely smiles!

  52. I got herpes of the eye when I was younger, 13 I think. I wore my contacts to be two nights in a row. This was before the overnights/daily's etc. my eye got really messed up and I could not wear contacts for years. I just recently started wearing them again, 15 years later and they still bother me if I have them in for longer than a few hours.

  53. Lysine supplements help keep cold sores at bay and zovirax prescription pills kills them quick!!
