Monday, December 17, 2012

Random Photos Part One - All Reader Photos

Four parts today.

Reader Photo #1

Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Reader Photo #8
Reader Photo #9
Reader Photo #10
Reader Photo #11
Reader Photo #12
Reader Photo #13


  1. Wooooh!! Japan! Where were you, #12?

    1. Hi! I was just outside a maid cafe in Tokyo :) Coolest city in the world! x

  2. Reader #4 here. I've lost over 80 pounds this year, so I'm pretty proud of this picture!


    2. That's awesome! :)

    3. @Melanie Wow, you look GREAT girl! And so you should be proud! I wish I had your determination and motivation.

    4. What an amazing accomplishment, you are gorgeous!

    5. Congratulations.

    6. You look very healthy and happy! Good for you. :D

    7. Congrats @ Melanie! You look fabulous!

    8. Well done! You look beautiful

  3. Fucking amazing readers!!! So many great photos! I want to comment on each one but am in a moving line at the post office :) thank goodness!! Everyone have a fantastic fabulous Monday!!!

  4. You are all beautiful! Sending best wishes to all CDANers for a safe and healthy holiday season!

  5. Readers look phenomenal. I'm.going to hide under a paper bag.

  6. Good lord, I've never wanted to be a piece of bread so much in my life.

    1. @Maja - HAHA! Oh, totally with you there! Umm, do you think he'd be willing to have our babies? You know, just putting it out there...*blushes*

    2. I'm glad in not the only one who had dirty thoughts @ Maja and Misspeg! Lol!

  7. Right?! I want to butter his toast.

  8. Congrats, Melanie!! You go, girl!!

    Biting my tongue...mmmmmm. ;)

    Every day I'm struck by the loveliness of our readers. Loving the photos!

  9. @Vicki and Maja..Now girls!~

    Congrats Melanie!

    I am loving the wedding shot on the swing. Nice picture. And mwah mwah on those bebees.

    Everyone looks amazing.

  10. Congratulations, Melanie!! Great work :)

  11. All the photos are amazing. Such beautiful readers. I hope enty puts my picture up soon. Sidenote, I'm happy there are some male readers its makes the site more diverse and not seem like a bunch of ladies commenting on the lives of the rich and famous (which is a pastime hobby for this young lady lol!)

  12. Another gorgeous group!!!

  13. Thanks everyone! Now I just need to keep it off! :)

  14. #7 is me!! that's me on the swing!! We got married in May :)

    everyone looks so beautiful/handsome and happy!

    1. You both look so happy and in love. Definitely one of my favorite of the reader photos.

    2. @Evenundomiel - That is definitely one of the most beautiful wedding photos I've ever seen. A picture definitely speaks a thousand words with your photo. Congratulations!

    3. What a lovely wedding picture, you look straight off of pintrest

  15. I'm #12!!! Thanks Enty :)

    1. So cool that you were in Japan! Very pretty shot!

  16. Anonymous1:19 PM

    You guys are all so frickin cute! I love these pics. I love you on the swing with your hubby Evenundomiel, that is one of the CUTEST wedding pics I've ever seen.
    Congrats on the losing 80 lbs Melanie! Woohoo! Keep up the good work. It's true that keeping it off is rough, but at least now you know the skills to lose.

  17. Everyone looks awesome! Who knew a webcam pic of someone eating could look so inviting?

  18. #13 what a cutie! Such great pics everyone. Love it!

  19. @Bulldog Fart

    I laughed so hard I almost fell off the chair.

  20. Replies
    1. Great costumes, you guys look like my kind of peeps!

  21. LOL @ toast comments

    Reader #7 love your wedding picture

  22. was sup #13....that looks like some chewy ciabatta.

    I'm gluten free, so really that bread makes you look so badass.

  23. I forgot to say that #6 looks quite boadacious!If you got it...You know the rest.

  24. Great set of photos! #3, you make me want to pack up and head north ASAP. We only make it to NC once a year, but spend most of our time hiking on the AT...I miss it SO MUCH the other 50 stupid weeks we live in Florida. :/

    Melanie, that is frickin' AWESOME! You look amazing, way to go!

  25. WOW! You guys look great!
    Luv the twins. So cute!

  26. The gods have served this one to me on a platter:
    I'm number 1!! I'm number 1!!!!

    @Andy Cane
    Sweeeeeet photo! I went to the Dia de los Muertos celebration at the Hollywood Forever cemetery this year. It was so awesome, and you look amazing :)

    1. The outside of you is just as lovely as lovely as your inside,Miss Sunny! What a gorg shot!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sunny, my pic hasn't shown up yet : (
      And you are gorgeous!

    4. Hi Sunny,
      Lovely to put a face to a name. You're beautiful, is that Florence?
      All the readers are lovely x

  27. @Sunny - your name fits you perfectly! :) Where, exactly, are you in the pic? Looks like Venezia, yeah?

  28. Sunny you are so so pretty miss!!! :)

  29. Sunny, you're quite a cutie.

  30. Thanks again for the lovely comments! Everyone in the photos look fabulous.

    1. Fantastic job melanie! You look fabulous :)

  31. Thank you, Amber, Smash and JBE!

    That is the Ponte Vechhio in Florence, one of my favorite cities in the world. One day I would love to live in a villa over there. A girl can dream!!

  32. Hi Sunny!! You are as beautiful on the outside as you are inside!

    Congrats Melanie, that's awesome.

    #13 you should out yourself sir, I think we are collectively swooning over you.

    Everyone looks wonderful!

  33. Oops *Vecchio*
    Thank you RCB! You're my girl xo

  34. @Sunny - Dangit! I was close! I was there 11 years ago. Worked my way up Rome, Florence, Venice & Milan (with Siena and Tuscany in between). Florence was by far my favorite. :)

  35. Readers #3 and 5, no fair with the darling munchkins, tugging my heart strings today for sure!

  36. #3 is me :) Family cabin in the Uintah's...

  37. Wonderful pics!!! Sunny, you are too cute!

  38. This set of photos are terrifically AWESOME!!!!

    I am in there today:) Yaaa!!!

    I didn't snag the top spot but Sunny girl you deserve it - your so pretty!!!! Italy can't be beat!!!

  39. #8 where is this pic taken?

  40. Thank you Roman, Curly, Lisa B and E Gee Bee!! I feel so at home in Italy. I have to convince my FIL on a weekly basis that I'm not from there - I'm a hand talker

    @Amber - I have hit all those same spots, in addition to Cinque Terre and Lucca. Lucca is also very special to me, because I saw an opera performance there in an old church and realized every time the Alto hit a certain note it made me cry. I finally had my Pretty Woman moment :)

    @Lisa B
    I don't think I harassed you into sending a photo until at least a week after I did. It may be a while, but I'll be on the lookout :)

    I know which one YOU are, but if you're not going to out yourself, I won't either

    1. Ohhhh, I'm headed to Italy in September and will be visiting Cinque Terre and Lucca! I'm so excited, Lucca sounds magical!

    2. Oooh! Go to Corneglia!

    3. Oooh! Go to Corneglia!

  41. Anonymous6:21 PM

    dem twins!! i'm totally on boat with everyone on the last pic, i'll wait in line lol!

  42. @ Sunny you're the best!!!!

  43. Oh boy! You people just keep bringing the hotness!

  44. @Curly
    Oh, September is the BEST time to go! We stayed in Vernazza (in Cinque Terra) and it was the only place we had to wing it for accomodations. We wound up renting a room from a shop owner (great experience). Are you able to rent a place ahead of time? (Make sure you pack shoes to "hike" in)

    Rent bikes in Lucca if possible, and try to see a concert at this church

    (I was a travel agent for ages. Not trying to be super bossy xo)

  45. I love these pictures! Always beautiful and interesting people!

  46. Sunny, be bossy! Especially when you know best or have good knowledge. My "other" name is boss lady Erin, cause I love to boss people into better vacations, campsites, restuarant choices, etc. I love a true bossy recommendation!

  47. That's me with dem twins - my pride & joy 24/7!! I honored to be included with all these wonderful CND readers! Happy Holidays to all of you & to you, Enty!

  48. Great photos and so happy they're being claimed!

    @Sunny you're so cute! I thought you were brunette but sunshine blonde suits you too

    Hi number 13 *call me sign*

  49. Oh, and well done Melanie on losing all that weight, I've put on about two stone in the last few years (too much wine me thinks), however I'm 5 ft 9, so didn't notice it creeping on, any tips? X

  50. You guys all look so great!! Love all the readers with the pics around the world!
    Melanie, congratulations on losing weight, I admire your determination, that's awesome!!

  51. #7 your dress is gorgeous and I love that you didn't pick a sleeveless dress. Only a very certain type of body look good in them (you probably would be one that looked good) but EVERYONE gets one now, to the point of being cliche, and 99.9999% of them look awful.
    Ever notice on those Say Yes to the Dress shows, pretty much every dress they pull for a bride to pick from is sleeveless, like that is all that exists. Horrible. Anyway, sorry to ramble, you look fabulous.

  52. @Sunny, I appreciate the tips! :) We're going with another couple, and she is super planner (thankfully-because I'm not!) and has taken care of booking all the rooms,etc. We were supposed to go in April, but had to push it back to September. Everyone has been very accommodating, she's even scored free bike rental in Lucca! Will definitely try to see a concert at the church, thanks for the link! :)

    Sorry to hijack the thread, but if anyone has any tips/must sees for Munich, I'd appreciate any input!

  53. @Vicki E
    Yes! That is Florence, and you are right about the hair. I am naturally brunette, have had blond highlights since I was 16, but went back closer to my natural color within the last year. I love it!

  54. thank you everyone for the nice comments :)

    @Jessica -- thanks!! yes, I was slightly obsessed with my dress. I am from the South and wanted a dress that my future daughters (if we have any!) would be able to wear...something classic. I also needed a dress that my grandmother would approve of. It's a Priscilla of Boston...they're out of business now, but were once a big name for girls in the South.

    I can attest that we are real people and not on pinterest at all!! thanks though...being on pinterest would be pretty fun!

  55. @Vicki E,

    I started watching what I eat and running a couple times a week. I don't deny myself food I want, but I use portion control. The running has really helped with the weight loss, it was hard going at first, but now I'm addicted. You can lose the weight!

    1. Thank you, I'll try running again, I have heaps of stamina walking and swimming, but really struggle running x

  56. Number 13...... You are amazing

  57. Number 13...... You are amazing

  58. Hi guys, #6 here. Thank you Enty!



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