Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

It was actually supposed to be Britney Spears on top because she looks really good, but Bradley Cooper ended up on top.
Look at Britney even trying to be modest, pulling her dress down. Or maybe she has to pee.
Coco premiered in Peepshow last night.
Ryan Murphy took some photos of Darren Criss and then shared them.
Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova are always on their boat. Always.
Evan Rachel Wood on the set of her movie.
Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale trying to make believe everything is all good.
Halle Berry is dressed just like Kanye at the 12/12/12 concert.
Jessica Chastain holds up Al Pacino.
Hello Joan Collins.


  1. I have to admit my favorite episode of Star Trek original was the one with Joan Collins.

    If I saw ERW I wouldn't know who she was.

  2. Coco- you tanned to much or pissed the lady off who does your makeup.

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Where is Coco's belly button?

  4. Maybe Enrique and Anna like to pretend they're pirates. How fun!

    1. No doubt! If I had a boat in Miami, I'd be on it all the time too! With my Captain Morgan hat! ;)

  5. Bradley Cooper may suck but I loved Silver Linings Playbook. It's been a while since I've seen a genuinely good rom com with a dark edge.

  6. How can Coco's tummy be so flat and the rest of her so not? :/

    If I had a yacht, I'd be on it all the time, too. Maybe wearing Coco's bikini. No, cancel that part.

    Brit's smile is just like the one you see in every 2nd grade page of they yearbook - terrified and forced. I feel bad for her.

  7. Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova are stilll together? dayyum

  8. Weren't they always telling holly to lose weight on peepshow?

  9. Are you saying Bradley IS a top? Like in gay terms? Coz ouch, I've seen pictures!!! LOVE Joan Collins, get it girlfriend!!!

    1. Dang you, christopher!! I wanted to tease bcoop of being a top! I think he is more of a pushy bottom though, if i'm being honest.

  10. Blind reveals on Pacino (the ill health one from a week or so ago) and Murphy/Criss (within the last couple of months, TV actor not being able to come out due to pressure from those higher up)?

  11. Jessica Chastain looks gorgeous! I guess the oscar buzz finally convinced her to get a new stylist.

  12. I've mentioned this before but you guys should check out the UK TV show Peep Show (the Peepshow photo above prompted me to mention it now), it's very funny. Also, the TV show The Inbetweeners (both on Netflix streaming).

    1. Peep Show is hilarious! The uk show, I mean.

    2. Just here to second the Inbetweeners rec! (I think MTV made their own version, don't bother with that one). It's one of those shows I can watch over and over and over and not get sick of.

  13. Darren Criss. He sings pretty, he dances pretty, and he poses pretty. I don't think that he's the one being encouraged to stay in the closet though.

  14. I haven't been to this site in a while but I use a iPad and wow! I am loving the way it looks on the iPad! I'm not seeing any ads either. Now I can come here and read and not be annoyed by pop ups and ads!

  15. I haven't been to this site in a while but I use a iPad and wow! I am loving the way it looks on the iPad! I'm not seeing any ads either. Now I can come here and read and not be annoyed by pop ups and ads!

    1. That's how I read the site now too. It crashes my browser at work.

  16. Britney always stands with her arms rigidly straight by her side and with her hands in fists. She seems tense to say the least.

    1. I'm pretty certain she cold. It's been super cold and raining for the past week in Los Angeles.

  17. eeek, Coco deal with your camel toe!!

  18. Britney looks uncomfortable, as usual.

    Coco is gross, I am sorry.

    I love AK and Enrique. They have kept their lives pretty private, and aren't tweeting every move.

  19. Bradley strikes me more as a violent asshole who beats you a week after you are married....

  20. jessica is SO gorgeous.

  21. please for the love of cheese grits....SOMEONE show Britney how to stand on a red carpet or anywhere for that matter. This 5 yo who has to pee hurts my soul bone.

  22. Look at Pacino's outfit---it's HUGE on him, it's wrinkled, the hanging threads, and I think a stain is peeking out on the right side of that scarf. (His left/Our right.) Good lord, he looks like any bum on the street.
    Is there any doubt now about that blind? That picture makes me majorly sad.

    Did someone give him that scarf to cover the stain?

  23. Okay, I blew it WAY up---It's not a stain, but those clothes are DIRTY, and his face looks like he hasn't washed it in a week at least. I am a life-long depressive; I know exactly what your face-skin looks like when you don't wash for days on end.

    Sorry personal TMI.

  24. So libby are you saying Pacino's the answer to the blind?

  25. Pardon me Elizabeth, the photo upset me.

  26. libby, please don't apologize, I was just thinking you meant Pacino must be the blind about the A+ actor that no longer bathes and shows signs of Alzheimers if he lives another 50 years, etc.

  27. It's been cold and raining in Los Angeles for the past weeks. Britney is obviously cold and ONE photo was snapped when she did this. Lighten up people.

  28. brit's had weird body language a lot on x factor, and just looking through a few pap photos, she always hides her hands.

    maybe she read our comments on the blind about the individual who bites her nails?

  29. Surely Joan Collins deserved the top spot here. Right?

  30. Anonymous2:42 PM

    That's brit's signiture pose. I know as i am a britbrit obsessive! They even joked about this on E!

  31. Coco is about 45 years of age and her body is showing it! She is shaped like one her bull dogs to me short limbs! What a Peep???

    1. I agree! She looks so gross and fat. She has no business wearing that bikini. Yuck!

  32. Yes, Elizabeth.

    Sorry, I thought you were poking fun at my upset. I admit I was struck by his appearance----So indicative of a man losing it, for good. So so so sad, especially when it's a living legend.
    I'm not even a Pacino fan particularly. But I do remember he used to be able to dress himself, you know?

  33. @sarah
    Thanks for the show tips. My hubby and I are always trying to find shows to watch together. Have you seen Life's too Short on HBO? Hilarious!

    Jessica Chastain looks phenomenal here. I just saw Argo yesterday (finally, and it was awesome) and caught the previews for Zero Dark Thirty. I can't wait to see that!!!

  34. Tippie Toes--I assume you're asking the meaning of "peep"? "Peep" means to see something just for a moment...'We peeped in the window to make sure they were home, before we knocked.'
    Peep also means to look through a small hole, like a key hole or the hole on your front door---we call it a 'peephole'.

    These days though, "Peep" is almost exclusively a term referring to people secretly watching a woman undress. Men used to peep at women through keyholes, a long time ago and the term stuck.

    So a 'Peep Show' is a term for a sexy show with barely-clothed ladies. The word peep is hardly ever used today without a sexual context. And with a pervert context, somewhat.

  35. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Loved silver lining playbook. despite all the violent gay rumors that Bradley sure is CUTE!

  36. Britney looks lovely in black.
    Another good British sitcom from a while ago is Spaced (starring Simon Pegg).

    1. @melinda9-I LOVE Spaced! I used to watch it on youtube before I got netflix.

  37. Of course Anna is always on a boat. What else is she going to do? Play tennis? Get a real job?!!

  38. Yes Coco is just a stocky woman and I think she's only 36 or younger. I watched ETrue H'wd story about her and Ice and, as others her have said, she seems very sweet and true with Ice. And he seems to adore her also. Once they got together she really helped his finances and life. I really ended unexpectedly liking her.

    Jessica Chastaim is one talented lady. Apparently she and Pacino have been friends for a while. He saw her in something and recommended her for a part that really propelled her career.

    BCoop is really cute but all I can think of is the rumors about his small weiner.

  39. Gwen Stefani is one of my favorite celebrities.

    I like Coco, but how the hell does she find pants that fit her? Do you think her clothes are custom made?

    I miss Anna Kournikova on Biggest Loser. She was surprisingly likeable.

    I love Jessica Chastain's hair.

  40. That baby looks *just* like Jason S. poor Amy.

  41. Is Al Pacino dinky?

    I want Gwen's coat & scarf.

  42. I love Coco. She's sexy without having to make desperate trout lips (Courtney S.) or over-posing (Pamela Anderson). She seems sweet-natured and show business hasn't turned her into a bitch.

  43. Joan looks fabulous! That Coco person brings down the whole shebang though. WTF?

  44. I agree Coco doesn't look great, but I think it's pretty rank to call her fat Becks.

  45. I thought Becks meant the opposite...as in, she's actually not fat.

    I don't know if Becks is a guy or girl though.

    I think Coco looks great - I'm a chick though.

  46. I love that Enrique and Anna are still together. As far as celebrity relationships go, they've been with each other forever.

    Does anyone else think baby Becks' head looks like it's been photoshopped onto that body? Poor kid kinda looks like a bobblehead.
