Monday, December 17, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

Christina Aguilera went Christmas shopping and fit it all into one tiny bag.

Charlize Theron with grey hair is still sexy.
David Arquette's dog really matches him.
A wild looking Dakota Fanning at the airport.
Also at the airport with her pillow was Eva Longoria.
Fergie and Josh Duhamel out to dinner this weekend.
Geri Halliwell takes her booze with her.
Heidi Klum and the family at Disneyland.
Taylor Swift goes out of town and Harry Styles heads over to a party with some women.


  1. Harry Styles is in big, big trouble.

  2. Yeah, Taylor's gonna write a Christmas themed breakup song.

  3. GO HARRY!!! That's the One Direction you should take!!

  4. All those girls better be ready to be slut-shamed by Ms. Taylor.

  5. I doubt Harry Styles is ever in public without being surrounded by hyperventilating girls. It's one of the curses/perks of the role.

  6. Veuve Cliquot is not booze.

  7. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Haven't you all been reading the blind items about them being a p.r bearding arrangement? That she's had several bearding relationships cough cough (Jake Gyllenhaalcoughcough) because her team wanted to keep her in safe p.r relationships after she got knocked up by John Mayer.

  8. @Ethorne: Love your Avi. Patsy is my patron saint!

    Harvey: When was she knocked up? I never heard that.

    Josh is positively orange there.

    1. @Sherry-Ab Fab 4eva! I used to skip school to watch marathons, lol.

  9. Holy crap! Swifty was knocked up by John Mayer??? *shudders* I had hoped that he didn't actually sleep with her and that she was the one that got away. I hope it isn't true.

  10. @Mango - this poster has been trolling. I wouldn't believe anything she says.

    1. @Cathy...

      Harvey used to be Karma Chameleon, she hasn't been here long but is hardly a troll so I'm not sure where you're getting that.

      Further, Taylor was the popular guess for a blind on another site about exactly what Harvey wrote.

      You tend to knee-jerk jump on other posters with some frequency, including me, not sure why....

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      yeah i'm gonna jump in and defend harvey too. just because it isn't a sugar coated comment, doesn't mean it's trolling. i definitely thought that blind was about taylor too

  11. Does Christina's shirt have a picture of HER on it? Hee.

    1. @butter if only! I think it's Debbie Harry or Twiggy

    2. I was just about to say that I thought it was a T-shirt of herself, too, but then I realized it's probably the original Blondie. :)

  12. I hope when I go gray it's flattering and not kinked out crazy cat lady

  13. Charlize is my girl crush

  14. Anonymous2:05 PM

    charlize grey is SO pretty. She reminds me of the lady from walking dead

    1. @nudibelle- lol the pretty zombie?

    2. Was just about to write she looks like carol from twd :) also seals kids are so like him

  15. Someone please feed Josh D. He's starting to look sick skinny. :(

    I've also heard the rumor that John Mayer knocked up Taylor & her team made her abort it. They wanted her to keep her good girl image. Supposedly that's the real reason for the breakup. If it's true I think it's horrible.

  16. NO, what you READ was a blind item that everyone thought was TS and JM.
    Nothing has been confirmed but "Harvey" likes to see the print of her own words and to feel like SHE is "in the know" and therefor, spreads rumors like she believes it to be true.

    Sorry, Harvey/Carmlite/karma whoever you are today, we are on to you. Time to change the name and get a new avi!

    1. @Jax,
      That seems a little unusual. What reason was given for why she keeps changing her name? I'm not judging, I'm just curious.

    2. I'm curious too why she keeps changing her name. I don't even know how others know its the same person :/

    3. @Eve
      She says it's her, that's how we know...she doesn't try to hide it. She said she likes to mix it up. There are a few posters who have changed their name. I was someone else many, many moons ago (I changed because I couldn't remember my login so I made a new account) I guess I don't see the big deal unless it's being done in an underhanded manner.

  17. Yes and to further that, Harvey readily admitted she was Karma so it's not like she's trying to hide anything.(Was she also Ingrid Superstar too?) She said she likes to mix it up. I find her commentary interesting and haven't noticed her being particularly mean so she's okay by me.

    1. @sherry I agree re Harvey she doesn't come across with any malice unlike some other posters.

      It's christmas enough With the bah humbug attitude :)

  18. @Sherry- I really doubt she's Ingrid as well. Ingrid has been here the whole time, whereas Harvey/whoever else this is picks one screen name at a time.

    What's the point of changing your screen name and then admitting it? This chick needs to get crazier if she's going to stack up to Leann.

  19. I think it was blind gossip that claims Mayer knocked up Swiftly but I choose not to believe that site. They tend to post blinds the day they occur. That's only my opinon. But I doubt Mayer knocked her up, hes a bum guy.

  20. I ♥ Charlize. She's one of my favorite actresses. I love the fact that she is herself and doesn't care.

    LOL hard @ Heidi Klum. Those kids are a xerox of Seal. Hard to escape him.

  21. Yes, it was on BlindGossip, but there were other guesses of what the two "did," including rear entry.

  22. Oh man I LOVED Charlize before- total blonde goddess but her with this short butchy hair? OMG *SWOON* (Yes I know it's not MEANT to look butchy but still...)

  23. Charlize with grey hair is not merely "still" sexy, she is even *sexier*. Grey hair on hot chicks is the shizzness! Rawr.

  24. Does anybody else think that picture of Dakota Fanning looks just like Lindsay Lohan? Is that really Dakota, or Lindsay?

  25. I'm loving horrified girl on the left in the Harry Styles photo!

    But moreso, I'm happy to see Charlize Theron has grey hair. That's one of the last secret frontiers of Hollywood, hiding grey hair.

  26. OT But alright CDANers. Ya got me. I just watched Anne Hathaway on Chelsea Lately and I absolutely love her. My once undeniable hatred vanished in mere seconds as I was caught in her charming web. She seemed so down to earth and funny and nerdy on Chelsea, not to mention I love anyone who can make my girl Chelsea laugh until she pees.

    All the Anne haters (I was once there, I understand where you are coming from!) should watch this interview. Life changing.

  27. OT, guys how do you put a picture in the section next to your name (avi????). X

  28. Anonymous9:15 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Wow people, it's a blind gossip website! Don't we all make guesses and conjecture and isn't this the whole idea of this posting section, to guess who we think are the answers to blinds, and piece together theories about what's going on in celeb's lives, then comment on them? I guess I missed the point of this website. I've never hidden that I have changed my name and avi here several times. Yes I am Carmelite Lady, Karma Chameleon and Harvey Manfrenjensen. The reason I keep changing my names is because my husband is a posessive/protective type and wouldn't understand why I do this. He'd also probably feel that I share too much of my personal life, personal info. I enjoy posting here, it seems you all do too. I believe blinds and who they are insinuated to be because they are very often true. I am not an insider and have no inside info, just a normal humble american working a boring job, I just read and wonder about blinds for a hobby and to occupy my time. Plus I'm interested by the human psyche/personality types/motivations, etc.
    And Jax and Cathy, you're both consistently dicks to me for no reason, go attack someone else. Oh and here's the link to the BLIND ITEM THAT is SUSPECTED to be about John Mayer and Taylor Swift for:

    1. @Harvey,
      Thank you for sharing. I inquired about your multiple name changes because I'm very much like you in that I enjoy studying & observing human behavior, personalities, & the why's behind the things that people do, so I was just curious why so many name changes & in such short succession. I had no intention of judging it or you, but I thank you for satisfying my curiosity. :)

      Just a friendly tip, if you don't want your "possessive/protective husband" to realize who you are on here, or for others to connect the dots on past information you've shared under your other aliases, then you might not want to tell what your previous names sere, although inspite of it he may recognize your writing/posting style as others on here have.

      Thanks again for sharing! :)

    2. Typo: *are (not sere)

  30. Anonymous9:39 AM

    And Jax, YOU'RE the one who says that you know Enty, and insinuate yourself as the insider in the know. Popping in to correct us when we're wrong, always rude and condescending. Tell me how am I spreading rumors on a rumor and gossip website? I didn't know I was so omnipotent and could make everyone believe what I said was fact. I had no idea I had so much power here!

  31. @Harvey, I just caught up to all this, and for what it's worth, I wasn't concerned with/who/why you are who you are. Jax is an ass, plain and simple. Rude, rude, rude. As for the 'insider' stuff, who gives a shit? We can all pretend to be an insider, it's just a boost to our own ego. I enjoy your posts, don't stop because of an idiot.

  32. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Thanks Unknown, if he does find out he won't be going back in to every single post til the end of time to track me, most likely he'd notice a couple posts, be bothered, tell me and that'd be the end of it.



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