Police Raid Home Of 9 Year Old Girl Accused Of Piracy - Seize Her Winnie The Pooh Laptop
Police in Finland decided that maybe they looked like crap for raiding the home of a 9 year old accused of copyright piracy and seizing her Winnie The Pooh laptop. They had charged her with all kinds of crimes but decided to go ahead and drop them and just fine her dad about $450. Great, so make dad pay. I get that. But, are you telling me that a $450 fine made this all go away and that was worth raiding a home of someone? It had to cost way more than $450 to raid the home and people could have been injured or killed all because some 9 year old was getting her torrent freak on so she could watch Justin Bieber 24/7? That is ridiculous. Oh, and police have held on to the laptop.