Friday, December 21, 2012

Olympian Wins Gold Medal For Escorting

The name Suzy Favor Hamilton sounds familiar. But, then again, I am pretty sure that all women runners for the US use three names, so maybe that is why she sounds familiar. Whatever. The thing is she was a three time Olympian and is 44 and married with a 7 year old girl and also working as a $600 an hour escort. Maybe she needed the spice because The Smoking Gun says she and the family did not need the money. The husband, who knew of her side profession is a lawyer. Suzy, who escorts under the name Kelly Lundy also has a real estate company, gives motivational speeches and works for Disney. Aww, was Mickey a client? Did he leave his socks on? Apparently no one knew who Suzy or Kelly was when they were having sex with her but she told some of her clients out of the blue without any prompting and the next thing you know, she was approached by a reporter and confessed all. Should be a fun day for the husband at work and the kid at school. Hopefully she is out of school for vacation and the family can move from Wisconsin before it resumes.



  2. Emphasis on the "ho ho ho".

  3. They give medals for escorting?!?! SIGN ME UP!

  4. Meh. She's got the body and it's legal.

  5. Not too long ago a local news station did a puff piece featuring her house. She has a huge bright red washer/dryer combo in what looks like the living room.

  6. Kelly Lundy..why not just go for it and use the last name of Bundy..

  7. It sucks that she was found out (for her daughter's sake), but if she and her husband were in agreement, I fail to see the problem.

  8. It's gotta be true love when your husband knows you're screwing other guys for money.

  9. Some wives just sell Mary Kay or Silpada Jewelry...she just has a different pocket money job, and it pays well.

  10. Actually from what I read her husband was NOT happy about it and kept trying to get her to stop but she wouldn't.

    I'll bet things are just awesome for them now. (sarcasm)

    As for the escort gig - consenting adults & all that, sounds like she enjoyed it. Crappy for the fam' though.


  12. The husband wasn't in agreement. He didn't like it, didn't support it, and wanted her to stop. But he stayed, even then, and is with her still. That really is love, and I admire his commitment.

    Although her behavior clearly wasn't monogamous, she seems to love her husband and to be committed to her marriage as well. it's not how most folks experience that, but that's between them.

    It fascinates me, reading the article, how completely the reporter fails to see the larger, and very interesting, story that makes Ms. Favor Hamilton's story possible: the almost tribal subculture and sense of mutual community that exists between escorts and their clients. "You're not part of that world," she tells him. "You wouldn't understand." There's interesting stuff going on there.

  13. if the husband doesn't care,i don't care....

  14. Hunter, how is that a good thing? That means more Kuntrashians and more Blohan.


  15. I'm not sure where the article was but it mentioned depression and she's going into therapy to figure out why she did this.
    I wondered if she mentioned her identity as an Olympian to negotiate more money

  16. Those are dangerous games to be playing when you've got children. They're the ones that are going to suffer when they're old enough to read about it on the internet.

  17. @Leviathan's Phone, if it's true that the husband didn't support it, then I disagree that staying with her is a sign of love. Staying with your husband even though he likes to wear frilly womens' underwear is a sign of loving someone despite quirks that you might not like. Staying with someone who is actively cheating on you and breaking marriage vows is a sign of low self-esteem.

    I haven't read anything but what Enty just posted, so I don't know all the details. But if my fiance was screwing other women, I wouldn't accept it just because I love him and everything else between us is awesome.

  18. That bottom picture just looks awkward, but I can't stop staring at it. Did she have to touch the ceiling to keep her balance? How long did she stand like that? Did she get down gracefully, or did she fall? Aahhhhhhh

    1. How did she walk on the bed w/those heels on and not fall?

  19. My sister spent some time as a high end escort and her main clients were Disney execs.

  20. The list of all the things she does, coupled with this kind of self-destructive behavior screams bipolar/manic-depressive to me.

    Either that or the kind of drive that leads you to be a three time Olympian goes to crazy places once the previous outlet is gone.

  21. And who won the silver and bronze? I can't believe NBC didn't show it.

  22. If she gets a reality show, I'm gonna spit tacks.

  23. Irresponsible and selfish considering she has a husband that doesn't agree with her side hustle and a young child. I'm sure she'll 'have' to make visits to the morning shows to explain herself and why she felt the need to out herself to johns.

  24. Karen, (I'm Leviathan, not on my phone, BTW,) It's a sign of something going on with her, something driving her, deeper than superficial needs like money. That he hung in there was him putting her needs ahead of his own. Yeah, that's love. When your self-regard is more important to you than your spouse, then that is where love is lacking.

  25. @Jonathan, I see your point, but in my mind, I compare this to staying with an alcoholic. Saying "I don't like this and I don't support this" while not DOING anything about it is like tacitly agreeing with it. You can show your love for someone who is struggling with a disease or an addiction without accepting their harmful acts.

    I'm not questioning whether he loves her because I think it's clear that he does. But looking the other way just lets her continue to hurt their family and gives her no incentive to change.

  26. I wish they put escorts on milk cartons.

  27. I'm with Feisty. I think she either had mental health issues or addiction issues (not necessarily to drugs or alcohol)...

  28. I love that she called her self Kelly Lundy. I doubt she had Christina Applegate's titties and butt, but I always enjoy when Married w/ Children gets respect.

  29. 44 and can get 600.00 a trick? That's doing pretty damn good really, the only thing I could get that for hooking was if I was dressed in a leather corset and had a whip in my hand.

  30. I read the story on The Smoking Gun. She said her husband knew but did not agree to it or support it. And her daughter is only 7. I feel sorry for her family. She is indeed free to do what she wants with her body, but she is selfish not to consider her family's feelings.

  31. Wow, that seems old to be a hooker. All of a sudden, I feel young again. Thank you Olympic hooker!

  32. Placing gold in the Box Spring event....

  33. @Feisty has nailed it. This is the acting out of some sort of mental or addiction issue. If the husband sees and understands this it explains why he is hanging in.

  34. I don't see why this is such a big story- consenting adults and all..It's one of those things, I'd rather they legalize/regulate and tax her.

    To me, this is a story that should stay between her and her husband- bu I am a very much live and let live person.

  35. holy crap...poor little 7 yr old daughter. in this age of internet, that ish is going to follow her for a good long while.

  36. LOL @Cheryl

    I want to know more about the subculture. That sounds interesting.

    Personally, no way would I stay with my husband if he wanted to be an escort. But I'm old-fashioned, and believe in working all that stuff out of your system *before* you get married.

  37. this woman clearly just wants to be famous.

  38. That's a hell of a hobby.

  39. I have no problem with being an escort especially since her husband was fully aware. To each his/her own...

    I *do* have a problem with her purposely falling during the Olympics and blaming it on pain when she later confessed to falling on purpose because she knew she wouldn't win. Not very representative of good sportsmanship for the U.S. if you ask me (which clearly you were all dying to know my take on things :)

    Longtime lurker and sometimes poster

  40. From what I read she did tell some clients who she really was and that's how it got out. She also told them her previous Olympic stuff as well

  41. Consenting adults?

    There was a story about this wife who was escorting on the side.She had kids with her husband who was aware of it.They were also swingers.When ol' girl ended up a murder victim,questions were raised concerning her lifestyle and profession.Even public outcry branded her husband a pimp because he knew about her side hustle and seem to have no problem with it.

  42. Is it me or does she look a little "off" in that first pic?
    Wish I had her body.
