Thursday, December 20, 2012

Michael Douglas Goes To Court For His Son

Yesterday in a Manhattan courthouse, Michael Douglas lent his presence to the proceedings in an appeal to get his son's 4 1/2 year sentence for smuggling drugs into a jail reduced. The case is on appeal and as I told you earlier this week, the 4 1/2 years for the crime is the longest ever handed down and that usually no jail time is given for the crime. So, Cameron is appealing by saying it is harsh and now it is up to the appeals court. I'm not sure what Michael can do except look all celebrity like there in the front row and show the panel that Cameron has his support.


  1. It's his son...of course he's there. Why wouldn't he be there?

    1. @Reeses...

      I thought they had a falling out after MD cut him off because of the drug use and that MD thought that if CD didn't go to jail he would end up dead from an overdose.

  2. You post this, but nothing about Alyssa Milano's b-day yesterday? Darn you Enty. Darn you.

  3. That kid's not going to make it much longer in the pen.
    Appears to have a target on his back.

  4. That kid's not going to make it much longer in the pen.
    Appears to have a target on his back.

  5. he doesn't look drugged or medicated, if this is a recent pic (speaking of the blind from last week). Thinner perhaps but considering his recent medical problems, that's to be expected.

  6. He does play lawyers in movies pretty well. Experience!

    1. I spit my apple juice out laughing at this, lmao

  7. Cameron is just one messed up kid, I understand Michael worked and well had other interests but his mother Diandra was around...hope she does a better job with her twins...

  8. This is gonna sound harsh - Michael Douglas is an enabler. Cameron did the crime - do the f'ing time.

  9. Michael has admitted he sucked as a parent with cameron

  10. @brave maybe he always was an enabler but at this point he must be scared out if his mind to lose his son who is now a known rat

  11. There is ALWAYS more time given when one is caught and found guilty of smuggling and trafficking drugs in prison. Enty, you can't be a lawyer and not know that. Sometimes it is an additional sentence if the drug activity was of a massive scale and other times it is a loss of credits therefore you are forced to serve your original sentence in it's entirety without any half time/good time credits.

    1. @liteNOTSObrite

      Sigh...If enty isn't a criminal defense lawyer he is unlikely to know much more about sentencing than you or me. Lawyers are generally pretty highly specialized and know a lot about their specialty and next to nothing about legal areas that aren't their specialty. So as much as you'd like to say, "AH HA!!" it means nothing insofar as enty's status as a lawyer.

    2. @Lola
      It's like a heart surgeon performing brain surgery.

  12. Yeah some mobster put a hit on him. I may have read that here.

  13. Life is all about choices. It's an issue of personal responsibility. Too bad there is a "hit" out on him. It was all Cameron's personal choice. He's a bit old to look to daddy to bail him out. At this point daddy is an enabler.

  14. Well it IS his son so there's that. Also Cameron just got beat up pretty seriously bad and I'm sure that is scary to a father to have your child in that environment, regardless of what he did to get there.

  15. Just because he cut him off doesn't mean he doesn't still love him.

  16. I'm not going to knock a dad who is trying to be supportive of his son. Although Cameron deserves every day in prison he gets.

  17. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Second what Lola said. I worked for lawyers for many years, some of the finest in the city, and they could not have told you anything about criminal sentencing simply because they didn't practice criminal law. Quit trying to make Enty look like an imposter.

    I respect Douglas going to court with his son and at least supporting him. I still have a bad taste in my mouth about the Bush child who went to court and her parents didn't show up. No matter what your kids do, no matter what trouble they get into, no matter what they do to you, you don't stop loving them.

  18. I pray to God every day my kids stay away from drugs. Add an overdeveloped sense of entitlement and privilege to an addict / addictive personality, and it's a recipe for disaster. Michael and Diandra were crap parents, but I would guess they love their kids the best way they know how, which isn't saying much for their capacity to be unselfish, which is what parenting takes and what they never gave. I hope Cameron straightens himself out and has a straight life someday. He's a poster child for what money and privilege can buy, if parents don't behave like parents. Oh -and nice of Diandra and Catherine to show up; Diandra for her son, Catherine for her husband, if not for her step-son.

  19. Just because Michael showed up in court, that doesn't mean that he's a) enabling his son or b) trying to bail him out. He's a father who not only cares about his son, but has an interest in his case.

    And yesterday in the New York papers, it said Michael slipped quietly into the back row, so as not to distract from the lawyers presenting their case.

    I guess everyone will have a different slant on this story.

  20. Well, he is Gordon Gekko after all...he knows how to survive in prison.

    Also, I am a lawyer and I don't know anything about sentencing guidelines, except the Booker case from law school.

  21. So I guess Catherine Zeta Jones let him out of the house for the court date then?

  22. I really wish people could understand that drugs are a social problem, not a legal one.

  23. Wow...Michael Douglas is looking very much like a circa 1980's Jeffrey MacDonald.

  24. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Douglas admitted in the View that he regrets not being there more for Cameron. He's just doing what a.loving parent does. There are not many things, outside of my son being a pedophile, that would keep me from totally being on his side to some extent if he were incarcerated.

  25. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Regardless of Cameron's drug conviction, his life and safety are paramount. Glad Michael is supporting his son. I hope the system doesn't fail Cameron. With the mentality of anything goes for a prisoner, we might as well all support water boarding, allow for the ill treatment in Gitmo. Hell, we might as well let the military be militant and inhumane to enlisted men; they signed up to do the time, right?

    Okay, done with my rant. A loved one was in prison a few years ago...white collar crime. He served his time....but the inhumane conditions made me so angry. Lots of corruption and ill treatment like lights that didn't work (he now has vision problems ), poor heating and cooling (once the temperature was unbearably cold, so he asked the guard for a blanket (which my brother was supposed to be issued but never was), the guard mocked him and called him a big baby. These were the mild things he shared with his wife when she visited him. He didn't tell her bigger things until he got out to avoid upsetting her. This particular prison has had lots of complaints, but people on the outside ignore the issues because they say people shouldn't get in there in the first place. One doesn't have anything to do with the other.

    1. Prisoners tell their families a LOT of things but that doesn't make them true. I have read plenty of letters going out to families stating, "My lights don't work" but they fail to mention that they burnt them out with inmate manufactured lighters that blew the fuse when they were trying to light thwir cigs. I've also heard the "I don't have a blanket or sheet" bullshit but they fail to mention that it's because the blankets and sheets they were issued were being ripped up and used for curtains, fishlines, false pockets, etc. It is so easy to blame the "guards" for everything yet take no personal responsibility for ANYTHING. Just remember...prison isn't mwant to be comfortable. You are there for unlawful, felonious reasons and the prisons job is to provide THE BASIC ESSENTIALS while maintaining the safety and security. If you choose while you are there to use those basic essentials in a manner for which they are not intended and then they are confiscated that is tough shit.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      You are making sweeping generalizations that all prisoners behave like animals, which is what creates inhumane treatment. In addition, good people go to prison not just the dregs of society.

  26. cameron is 34. time to stop blaming his parents. he sold drugs in prison and got caught as a narc. prison is a bad place to be, everyone knows that. cameron thought he was above being caught. he got (i think) 4 1/2 years. would have been out in 2 1/2 if he had JUST done his time.
