Thursday, December 20, 2012

Megan Fox "Tuts" In This Is 40


  1. I'm pretty sure this clip is a remake of a documentary about the choreography for the movie "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen". Megan Fox in sweats working out her dance moves.

  2. Her thumb scares me.

  3. Actually Megan looks adorable...Bag must be terrified of her giving him the boot.

  4. I love Leslie Mann!

  5. poor megan fox, having to dance for 4 hours and she only got paid a few million dollars for the movie. it seems like that girl is always complaining about something. and her face is starting to look like she's had too much plastic surgery.

  6. I wonder if this movie will be any good.

  7. Wow, she really comes across as a self-absorbed movie star. "They're not used to making asses of themselves like we are." Has she made another comedy, or is she referring to her Transformers role? And not to hate, but she sounds the way I did when I was on Oxycodone after surgery. Drugs?

    LESLIE MANN! I loved her since 40 Year Old Virgin. "Crab!"

  8. Aw, good for Megan for actually being a dependable professional working actress in her mid 20's, one who shows up to the set on time and causes no trouble, unlike some former co-stars of hers - cough*Lindsay*cough.

  9. I've been crushing on Leslie Mann since "The Cable Guy." She was so cute in that movie. Anybody who hasn't seen it in a while should re-watch it - it's actually really good. Judd Apatow re-wrote a lot of the script. Never understood the hate for that movie.

  10. I saw a screener of the movie earlier this week and i was SO disappointed. The characters are insufferable and the movie is insanely long. I really wanted to love it, but I hated everything about it.

  11. Aw, @allison, I was really looking forward to it, boo

    Cable Guy is the only Jim Carrey movie that I've liked but I only saw it once years ago and didn't realize that was Leslie Mann.

    To me, she will always be Jane from George of the Jungle.

  12. Her face!!! It's so...waxy!
    Love Leslie Mann, though. She is awesome.

  13. Oh no @Allison! I really was looking forward to this movie.

  14. Geez I read the title as Michael J Fox and thought that's a bit harsh Enty

  15. megan has new teeth.

  16. Megan is no longer pretty. Her face is officially jacked.

    I always liked Leslie Mann and thought she seemed like she'd be a blast on the set but I've heard from someone first hand that she's a Grade A bitch. But maybe she was having a bad couple of months (i.e. it was not an isolated incident).

    1. @mango I think I read that was a bitch too, a commenter on cdan a was it you? :)

      Sorry it was a while ago so I can't remember who posted :)

  17. Anonymous1:29 PM

    i have hope for megan.

  18. Megan should have quit having work done about 4 plastic surgeries ago when she hit her peak. Now she's on the decline. I mean, how friggin' beautiful/perfect do you need to be?

  19. I like Megan Fox, she's pretty harmless as things go and I feel sorry for her being married to BAG. Katie should slip her a throwaway phone so she can escape. Run Megan Run!

    1. @hazel ITA :)

      And I think she seems sweet *shrugs*

  20. @JBE: Cable Guy is one of my all-time faves. "He who hesitates, masturbates."

  21. Love Leslie Mann !

  22. All I can think of now that someone mentioned it the other day here, is how Paul Rudd is supposedly a dick..
