Monday, December 17, 2012

Macaulay Culkin Attempted Suicide

The Enquirer has a report today that says Macaulay Culkin tried to kill himself and that the only reason he didn't succeed was that friends were there to save him. Apparently his heroin and pill use was so bad that Macaulay had blood all over him from shooting up and that his breakup from Mila Kunis after 8 years was the trigger for all of it. His friends say that he needs rehab but that he is in denial and feels like he does not have a problem but that he will probably end up dead if he does not get help soon. Quite the image of Macaulay sitting on a floor somewhere covered in blood after overdosing on heroin right after he told friends he wanted to kill himself.


  1. I am sure it is hard to watch someone you once loved and loved you in all the papers with their new spouse. Poor guy.

  2. I'm seriously asking, do we believe anything in the Enquirer now? I always picture it with covers of "Elvis is still alive" type stuff

  3. Oh, mac, i wish you recovery. Just because your sperm donor treated u badly doesnt mean you hv to keep doing it too. You are loved.

  4. @katsm - I tend to give them a little more credit since they did break the Edwards love child story. Plus, this scenario does not seen too out of the realm of possibility. There have been whispers for a year that he's on a slow decline... I loved him in Saved! So good.

    1. Thanks @brooke.... But dammit that's not what I wanted to hear :(

    2. saved is one of my favorite movies!

  5. Oh Mac...wishing you peace, light and love. :(

  6. What I am bothered by is that his breakup with Mila was almost two years ago. I don't think it's quite fair to tie his troubles and demons to her.

  7. Here come all the rags with stories about Mila going to "rescue" Macaulay and making Ashton jealous.

  8. While reading this I did the "Home Alone face"
    I hope he's okay now. As silly as it sounds, those movies were a HUGE part of my childhood.

  9. Times like this, he really needs John Hughes :(

  10. It's a chicken & egg debate. I suspect Kunis left him because he was going nowhere with his life. Junkies make bad romantic partners.

  11. So sad. I sincerely hope he gets the help he needs....and soon....

  12. Anonymous10:52 AM

    since the summer time their have been stories of his drug use . Jesus. Hope he finds his way

  13. Wow, I had no idea they were together 8 years.

  14. The Enquirer is like Hyundai, their quality has improved over the years. I hope this story isn't true, but it seems plausible. Prayers go out to him and I hope he gets help if he does have a problem.

  15. The Enquiere tho... Their source sucks.

    But if this is true man i hope he gets watever help he needz

  16. ..Just because it's been two years doesn't mean he should be over it...he's a drug user ...he hasn't dealt with the breakup at all...obviously

  17. Poor Mac..This seems to be epidemic with child actors doesn't it? I hope he gets some help. And I don't feel like saying it's Mila is appropriate either. It was 2 years ago and her star was on the rise and his was on the decline. "A Star is Born" anyone?

  18. Wow, good to know he has friends who check up on him. I really thought that Mac & Mila would get married. They practically were already. Poor Mac, I hope he pulls through.

  19. :( I really liked him, too. Hope he's on the recovery train.

    LOL @ the Enquirer=Hyundai, kgirl. I, too, remember it as the Elvis is Alive! and Roswell Alien Gives Birth! headlines.

  20. Poor kid. But I guess he isn't a kid anymore. And YEESH, I simply Googled his name and this came up:

  21. Yeah they were together for a LONG time, I remember quite a while ago when she was just starting to rise on That 70s Show, she gave an interview to like, Jane magazine, she said her an Mac lived in their own house across the street from her parents.

    Why do (I wont say all but LOTS of) child stars seem to end up like this?

  22. The poor kid...It must be hard from being the toast of Hollywood to being over the hill by the end of one's teens.

    Hopefully his family and friends can do an intervention.

  23. I don't think it is her fault or she had anything to do with it. But as some of you have said maybe he isn't over it and seeing her with asshat in the rags while he isn't in a clear state of mind can't help. That's more of what I was trying to get at. I like Mila and think her and Kelso are cute together.

    I know breakups are hard and sometimes the guy has a harder time of moving on. Personal experience with a mentally unstable person. I could be completely wrong. Hopefully I am. :)

  24. How very sad. He was wonderful in saved. I thought he was going to come back and be huge.He looks too frail to take much more of this.

  25. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Breaking up is hard to do. He sounds like a fragile person having a really hard time having endless amounts of money and dealing with a big break up.

  26. Ewww! I hope they had the necessary test done before she and Ashton became intimate...HIV, HEP...

    He has been a drug user a long time!

    1. As a recovering drug addict with hep c, this comment really pissed me off. It is REALLY hard to get hep thru sex. Read about it. Its blood borne only. Thanks for reminding me that I shoud just quit the dating game now due to all the stigma. Fuck Im mad. Not really at you, the commenter...more the ideas behind the comment which are perpetuated through ignorance

    2. As a recovering drug addict with hep c, this comment really pissed me off. It is REALLY hard to get hep thru sex. Read about it. Its blood borne only. Thanks for reminding me that I shoud just quit the dating game now due to all the stigma. Fuck Im mad. Not really at you, the commenter...more the ideas behind the comment which are perpetuated through ignorance

    3. Bubblekitten, as a former pathology technician, it is much easier to contract Hepatitis than it is HIV, not just through sexual contact, but in general. It isn't ignorant to list Hepatitis as one of the necessary tests. I know that sometimes random comments can feel like they strike at your heart. I am so glad you are here & beat your addiction, can't even imagine how hard that was for you. Good luck with dating, let us know how it goes, hopefully you won't have any horror dating stories to send into Enty.

  27. I thought he was gay?

  28. I hope he gets help.

    Nice friends to save you from OD'ing but not, you know, try to keep you from doing the drugs in the first place. Yeah, maybe they're all clean and beg him everyday to get help. But I seriously doubt it.

  29. BubbleKitten, Hep B is often sexually transmitted.

  30. ^ she's talking about Hep C, read.

    Bubble Kitten- you keep trucking along and be you, fuck these ignorant idiots. good luck.

    Nom Nom83- yes because all any drug addict needs is someone to come along and smack the needle out of their arm! Seriously, get a clue on addiction.

  31. Jax, I did read - the previous poster didn't say Hep B or C, just Hep. I get why Bubble would be ticked if they said Hep C, I was just saying maybe the poster meant Hep B.

  32. It's very hard to break someone of a habit he doesn't want to give up @NomNom. And heroin (if that's what it is) is an incredibly difficult habit to break, since it's physically addictive.

    Many, many child stars didn't have the most loving, stable background to begin with. What parent would wish the kind of childhood on their kids where they do nothing but work, and be exposed to all the sleaze in Hollywood?

    All that plus the disappearance of the attention they got as children, but no longer get now, makes child stars very vulnerable to drugs and alcohol, I think.

  33. @BubbleKitten

    Hang in there, Bubblebuddy... They know so much more about Hep C than they used to....

    Living healthy, you can beat this...

    (I'm a recovered alcoholic)

  34. Best wishes to Macaulay and those close to him. I have fond memories of that kid in Home Alone and hope he finds his place to thrive.

  35. It's good to know he has friends around, I hope they can help him and he can find the courage to help himself.

  36. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Don't worry BubbleKitten! I sympathize with you having to deal with this, but don't give uninformed people that much power over you. It's not that big of a deal, unless you make it a big deal. If it can only be transmitted through the blood, then there's no reason in the world why that should be a deal breaker to a prospective love interest. Go on a few dates, and once you decide you really like each other and want to go further, tell the person and explain it. It's not the end of the world. Imagining explaining herpes or HIV+. Don't give it another thought, you're not a freak or unlovable, it's no big deal. You'll find true love. Don't worry.

  37. There was talk about Macaulay and his drug use long before he and Mila broke up. You can't stop an addict until they've hit their personal rock bottom.

  38. I always root for culkin, through the good and bad, hang in there kid

  39. 11 months clean on the 21 from opiates .. Woo hoo

  40. I cant believe no one on this chain mentioned MichaelJackson

  41. It sounds like Mac and Demi are both spiralling right now - probably both in large part from their break-ups, and poor support/coping skills. I hope they both survive - life's so rough sometimes.

  42. I'm thinking that one of the possibilities on why Ashton and Mila got together this time around (instead of before) was because of their shared histories with drug-addicted ex's? That and they had both just dumped their junkie significant others...



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