Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lindsay Lohan To Lose Storage Locker

Although Storage wars might be fake, thanks to the show, i think everyone knows how a storage sale occurs and why they happen. It turns out that Lindsay has a huge storage locker. She also has a huge bill. To the tune of $16,000 she needs to pay or her locker will be auctioned off. This won't be a quiet Paris Hilton locker sale where the sex tape was found. Nope. This will be a fully covered all cable networks standing out there while Barry rides up in skeleton gloves and a wheelchair to bid on Lindsay's locker. The thing is I think the amount people pay for it will be crazy. She has a ton of designer stuff in there and maybe even things that were not hers before they ended up in there and you know there will be naked photos and tapes and other things she doesn't want to see the light of day. There is also no way she is going to get $16K to pay that bill when she has the IRS breathing down her neck for the money they are owed. They want their money first. That being said, if you want Lindsay to come over to your place for the weekend in the next few weeks and have $16K, well she would probably be very grateful.


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