Monday, December 24, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Is Upset Again

Instead of enjoying what will hopefully be her second to last movie appearance ever, Lindsay Lohan is complaining about producers of Scary Movie 5 and threatening to sue them because you know that will make other producers thrilled to work with her in the future. TMZ says  that according to Lindsay, there was supposed to be a joke where Lindsay screams at the television and it reveals that she is watching Herbie Fully Loaded. Instead, the clip (1:55 in) now shows her probation being revoked. Lindsay does not find that amusing at all and says she was supposed to have final joke approval. You know, because her sense of humor is amazing and she never gets upset about stuff. Only the movie Canyons remains in Lindsay's pipeline and lets hope it is the last movie we ever see Lindsay in.


  1. Since when does she get final approval in her movies? It's a small cameo in a crap movie. She caused problems for the production in the few days she was there. This chick is completely useless and I hope we don't hear from her or her family for a long while.......

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If they're willing to pay off Lindsay's credit cards or tax bill, I'm sure she'll overlook this most serious transgression of her 'final joke approval' contract clause.
    Somehow, other people paying her already-accrued bills always makes it all better.

  4. And if that trailer hadn't reminded me, I might have forgotten Lindsay has a little problem with getting arrested over & over.

    Does she think the joke defames her or something? Like we all have no memory or can't read?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Reeses, I agree and double it for me:)

      - 1000000000000000000 x 2 =
      Well, I don't know but it's a lot and I'm sure there's a smartie pants reading who will tell me:)

  6. Her tax bill is out of control -- it was something like $230,000 in back taxes owed for 2009 and 2010. That doesn't include last year, when she probably received the $1 million Playboy money, and that also of course doesn't include tax year 2012 yet and all this stupid Liz & Dick and Scary Movie etc. earnings. The Playboy money alone will more than double what she already owed.

    The Scary Movie people seem smarter than all the rest -- they made her pay for the busted toilet system. I'm assuming that they're not even going to offer to help with the tax bill, but that if they did they'd be sure to categorize any such money as 1099 income that she owes taxes on, because sure as shit she's otherwise going to claim it's a "gift" (Charlie, you may be in trouble), in which case the person/company doing the good deed owes the tax, not Lindsay.

  7. Not one shit is given here. Pay your taxes, stop hitting people with your car, and quit stealing shit. The cost of her multiple rehab stunts is probably more than I will end up making in the next five years. Give the publicity to people who are actually doing something with their lives.

  8. I watched the trailer for this POS movie and that news clip was the only thing that made me giggle.

  9. No one can be surprised about this can they? Didn't LL also threaten to sue Glee because they made a joke about her? She has zero sense of humour and obviusly zero self-awareness.

  10. Isn't the point of these movies to make fun of yourself. Hell if you pay me the crazy salaries lindsay gets you can take a swing at me, we'll play russian roulette, go to thailand, or i'd jump out of a plane into a giant crater filled with jello.

    At this point the most surprising news would be if she keeps herself out of trouble for a while.

  11. I'm sorry - I know Charlie Sheen is a POS. But he always makes me laugh. *hangs head in shame*

  12. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Keep bitin' that hand Lindsay, keep bitin' that hand.

  13. SusanB---You know you're awful when you make Charlie Sheen seem so lovable & charming by comparison.

  14. I'm sure they didn't have the money to pay Disney to use a Herbie clip. They just rope-a -doped her into thinking they would use the clip when it was always going to be her perp walk. Which is infinitely more funnier.

  15. This nonsense aside, what I want to know is this: if her probation was revoked a few weeks ago in LA, how is it that she's still hanging around in New York? Are people [Lindsay?] allowed to turn themselves in when they feel like it?

  16. @surfer her hearing is set for January 25 so she has to show up then and hopefully be sent to jail for 245 days

    fingers crossed!

  17. I don't think I've seen all the movies in this "franchise", in fact the first one (SM4) was bizarrely when I was on holiday years ago in the Balkans, met "the girl", a Croatian who freaked me out, and we went to the movie to watch this in Ljublana in Slovenia, where she lived.

    Unlike in, say, Germany, they don't dub movies, just use subtitles, but her English was perfect, so she was able to laugh just ahead of the other 3 people in the cinema.

    When I asked her how come her English was, well, better than mine, she looked at me quizzically and said "We have cable TV. I love the Simpsons".

    Sorry to bore you, but gonna call her now to wish Happy Holidays!

  18. I don't blame the producers. Didn't she delay filming and they had to pony up for a private jet just to get her to show up? IMHO, they can do what they want with her footage. She'll be lucky to get work in film again after that "Liz and Dick" crapfest.
