Friday, December 07, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Is A Groupie With A Tax Bill

Lindsay Lohan got her wish yesterday. She got to be the groupie of a boy bander and ride on The Wanted's bus from New York to Boston. I'm guessing by the first toll they were sick of her and were ready to push her out but since they are from another country didn't want to risk losing their work visas so let her stay. Lindsay has been desperate to have sex with Max from The Wanted and it looks like she finally got her wish. Max didn't want to admit he was having sex with Lindsay because he knows that other women would find that a huge turn off and would probably require Max to layer himself in Saran Wrap before any sex with them. When Lindsay got on the bus though, he had to admit they were together and unless he can convince one of the other band members to take her, Max is going to be stuck with Lindsay until he buys a handcuff key or helps out with that tax bill.


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