Friday, December 21, 2012

LeAnn Rimes Loses To 13 Year Old

So, Wednesday night, I was going to do my normal skipping the X Factor because I just don't find it all that compelling. I had watched it a couple of times so I could get a feel for the contestants and to see Demi Lovato and Britney Spears and just so I could write about it or converse with someone in the liquor store line if it came to it. I got some texts from east coast friends that said I had to watch it Tuesday and that LeAnn Rimes was awful. Always willing to see a horrible LeAnn Rimes I tuned in and watched her get her butt handed to her on her own song by a 13 year old. Was LeAnn drunk? Maybe she was hopped up on laxatives and needed to speed things up so she could hit a bathroom. She seemed drunk or whacked out or on something. Then again, to me she always does. So, yesterday, TMZ asks for a statement and they get one from LeAnn's people. At the time, TMZ made it seem like they spoke with LeAnn directly who said she wasn't drunk and that LeAnn was trying to help 13 year old Carly Rose because she was having trouble with the song. LeAnn then said later yesterday she never gave a statement which is probably true because her spokesperson probably just speaks for her and it is far better to throw a 13 year old under the bus than your client. The problem is that everyone who watched it knows LeAnn got her butt handed to her.

What I think happened is that LeAnn was drunk or on something. She gets up on stage like she has a million times and thinks she can handle it because she is LeAnn Rimes and the kid is 13 and f**k it. Then the 13 year old starts singing great and LeAnn feels 50 years old and threatened and starts singing over the top of the kid and if she could, probably would have thrown her off the stage or at least bumped her or tripped her and then grabbed the camera and told them to follow her while she finished the song by grinding on Eddie's lap.


  1. Big deal, who cares now?

    1. Probably the kid who lost a $5 million recording contract.

  2. I didn't survive the apocolypse only to be sickened by that mental image of her grinding on his lap, blehh. Stop it, Enty.

  3. I loved the side eye Carly Rose was giving her, then realizing it, then smiling. That girl out sang and out performed LeeAnn. Leeann's career is over...

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      carly's face was the best part lol!

  4. When I read LeAnn's first "statement" I was pretty surprised/dubious. Carly Rose can sing her ass off. She's a little prodigy. I'm not caught up yet, but I knew there was no way CR was up there choking.

  5. I just watched it & just saw the side eye lol. Carly Rose was amazing, Leann not so much.

  6. Remember when people called her the second coming of Patsy Cline?

  7. It sounded like a drunk diva karaoke session...

  8. If you saw the performance, you would see it was ALL her doing, not the kid. She was a mess. The girl had a few 'wtf?' faces, I felt so bad for her. Leann is a mess.

  9. Carlton Rose has performed is Les Mis. She has been around. She was a gorgeous voice. Rimes destroyed that performance.

    1. Carly, not Carlton, thank you autocorrect.

  10. The irony is she was about Carly's age when she sang this song and is now seeing the reality of how she is a has-been. Carly Rose owned her, even while Leann was doing her best to ousting her.

    I'm happy for Tate but I believe Carly will have a longer career.

    1. Out sing* not outsting lol

    2. I agree, Lotta. Carly has an amazing voice.

  11. I have the original LeAnn version - I was a fan back in the day - and she didn't sound remotely like herself. I'm wondering if all her dental work had anything to do with it. Nah, probably just the booze.

  12. leann used to have a great voice. i never bought anything by her, but i heard her songs and thought WOW. now she's just into the vocal gymnastics thing that so many do, and it drives me insane. just fucking SING already.

    as for this performance, she was pathetic. i could barely hear the kid and don't watch that POS show, but it's not hard to believe she's better than leann.

  13. The funny thing is had she just let it go the story would have blown over in a day but she just can't help herself. Also, I loveddd TheSuperficial's latest write-up where he included the phrase "making Christina aguilera hands like you nailed that shit" hahaha.

  14. @katsm, NOOOOOOO. As soon as I read the words, "Big deal," LeAnn's song of the same title from several years ago popped into my head and now it won't get out.

    1. @karen at least it's better than 'Achy Breaky Heart' ;)

    2. @katsm haha - got it, loved it!

  15. Yes, Onyx, I am so sick of the air-poking by singers. It's worse than played out. wtf? STOP doing that with your hands while you sing. If you need something to do with your hands, learn the drums, like Karen Carpenter.

  16. Oh, TheAnn. You would think that a former child singer would be more gracious, but it's TheAnn so I guess not.

  17. I'm not a LeAnn fan by any stretch, but she's always had a great voice. I'm not sure why she's trying to go all Aguilera with this song; it's just not her style. Obviously. If she had just sung it normally, she would've sounded so much better. She's just trying SO HARD to stay relevant. It's actually very sad.

  18. @katsm, ....touché. :)

  19. LeAnn's career has been over for years. I can count on one hand the number of hits she's had in the last decade. The only reason why she's a thing again is because she went all Hollywood, cheated with Eddie, married Eddie and engaged in twitter wars with Eddie's ex. And while we're on this topic, why is Eddie a thing? He's just the former Cole Deschanel to me. God, I miss Sunset Beach.

  20. Ok i don't watch this show but had to see this clip. I am a former college voice Prof. For a 13 year old, Carly is good but not great. The song was not a good fit in her voice and LeAnn has a naturally "bigger" and deeper sound. She's been like that since forever and it is just the way her voice sounds even when she sings softly. (I wont bore you with the technicalities behind it.) It's apparent even when Carly sings her solo parts in the song. Plus her upper register is weak. Not every song fits every singer even if they have the technical range for it.

    1. Oops published too soon. Wanted to add that even though LeAnn is a big ho and has serious mental issues right now, I just can't blame her for that fiasco of a duet. If Carly didn't win, i just can't blame LeAnn. The song showed Carly's vocal flaws.

    2. @pugstermom

      I was just coming here to say virtually the same thing. Carlyle has a lovely voice but it is a 12yo (13?) immature, lovely voice. Women's voices aren't fully developed until their 30s-40s. She has a lovely, rich voice in her mid range but is slightly thready and unsteady in her upper range. Saying she sang in les miz is immaterial

      . Listen to the vocal range/maturity needed for Castle in a cloud vs I Dreamed a Dream writers are very cognizant of the limitations of a young voice.

      This was a bad song for her voice capabilities add in that it didn't appear as though they had rehearsed together.... LeAnn didn't do great but I don't think she was drunk; watch her walk out, she walks down the stairs and walks straight to Carly while singing, no problem.

      In sum, I don't think it was horrible but neither one of them sang fantastically so imo it

    3. Gah... Cut off.

      It was hardly LeAnn's fault. Blame the producers who picked a bad song/match up for her singing capabilities.

      Jackie Evanco was an anomaly, Carly is no Jackie.

    4. Lola, so true! All my teenage private students wanted to sing "Castle..." because of its easy range, which is exactly why I did NOT like it! Everyone has a "gift" part of their vocal range and singers and their teachers need to figure that out on an individual basis.

    5. ... and while the bulk of notes sung should fall into that range, the rest of the vocal range needs to be exercised, used and developed.

  21. Having had my own mental broad for 10 years, I love to see mental broads fucking up in public.

  22. I can't stand Leann, but she does have a great voice. Wasn't she discovered when she was like 12 yrs old? If so, that would make her a year younger than Carly Rose.

  23. I can guarantee you that if they get this Carly Rose girl to sing this song again in 15 years, in the same key, she won't sound great either. Yeah, Leeann seemed like she was a bit drunk or high on pills, but she could also have been nervous and singing in a key that just doesn't fit her register anymore. Your voice changes, sometimes dramatically, as you get older.

  24. I just watched the video and Leann was terrible. It was a little embarrassing and Leann definitely seemed drunk. Also, her voice appears to have some damage. When a person is an alcoholic and drinks heavily on a consistent basis, it will damage the vocal cords and deepen the voice.

  25. I am no fan of Leann, and I definitely can't wait to hear Brandy talk shit about this... Leann was definitely under the influence of something, but I didn't like Carly's version of this. I never watch x-factor and only youtubed the performance so that I could see Leann making a mess of herself, but Leann still has her voice... I think you guys are trying to hard to make something out of nothing. I do think Leann ruined Carly's performance by trying to make it about her and stumbling over her own lyrics, but my verdict is that Leann still has her voice and drunk or not she still sounded better than Carly. This was not the right song for Carly's voice to shine. But yeah. Leann totally ruined her performance by being drunk and turning it into a Drag Race-style sing for your life competition.

  26. The way Leann grabbed her at the end was really weird.

  27. Also, I am so done with the LeAnn hate. Everytime any site publishes something about her a huge group of people start in with the "whore" "cunt" comments. So she had an affair? So did a bazillion other people. So she's somewhat nutty. So are a billion other people. She's harmless, unlike the Loans of the world who are eventually going to take someone out.

    IMO, a lot of this LeAnn shit has crossed the line into online bullying. I really think that there is a group of people who would delight in seeing her hurt herself or seeing something horrible happen to her. Is she a paragon? Good god, no...but this has really gone too far.

    And fuck the fact that now I feel like I need to defend her.

    1. Oh no, she's being bullied?! I hope she goes on twitter to talk about it!

    2. @Alma...

      Yep, you're exactly the kind of person I'm talking about.

      Bullying is fun isn't makes us feel SO much better about ourselves. :/

    3. @lola that was so well said and you make an interesting point.

      Don't worry I won't think you're a LeAnn supporter!

      I can't stand her, but that's more for her attention seeking behaviour (endless photos, pap pics etc) and I just assumed that her "anxiety" was a ploy for sympathy and that really bugs me because I work in mental health Employment and anxiety can be such a debilitating disease for some people and it feels like she trivialized it. There is still such a stigma with mental health and as someone famous she could have really used her profile to help others.

      Sorry for my OT mental health rant everyone! :) hope I didn't bring you all down.

      In conclusion: I can't stand her, but I dont want her dead. Maybe humiliated to the point where she cam finally see what she is doing to herself.

      Will I be getting a lump of coal from Santa for that last line?

      Sorry everyone!

    4. Also @Lola I don't see it as bullying becaue we (ok me) are bitching on a gossip website about celebrities. But I do remember shit went down when someone said that some reality star looked fat in a bikini in the random photos (last week I think) a few were up in arms over the use of fat (or something similarly blunt). I guess my question is: Why defend fat comments but wont defend the comments about her eyes (which I don't think she can do much about right?) is it because majority of us hate LeAnn or was it because the word "fat" was used? Genuine question there everyone, would like my fellow cdaners' opinions!

      But I think if people were directly abusing LeAnn on something like twitter (I'm not sure if people do, I don't even have twitter) and saying nasty, personal things then yes I guess I would call it bullying (a la the Charlotte Dawson Vs. twitter trolls incident for my fellow Aussies)

      But then again you can't be liked by everyone and being in the public eye means you have to deal with criticism I guess *shrugs*

      I guess I just really can't stand her. She seems so fake. And narcissistic. And arrogant.

      Also if any of you disagree please do so respectfully and without mocking. (I'm not a celebrity and so can't handle sarcasm) :)

      Thank you all. We will now return to your regularly scheduled gossip comments :)

    5. Lola, please calm down. I think the word bullying is now being used by people who hear something they don't like. I have opinions and they are different from yours. If you can't handle the snark then maybe gossip sites are not for you. I sure hope you never say anything negative about a celebrity. That's bullying right? So i am assuming all your comments are warm words of encouragement.

    6. Once again, only kids "bully", adults are just being assholes. There's a difference and this IS a gossip site....

  28. I thought Leeann sounded all right but I just watched part of the video...I can't..with all the face contortions...too early in the morning...she was obviously trying to upstage Carly...that... was pathetic

  29. "online bullying"...can I just insert a "giggle" here and be obnoxious, probably not just this once...and toss in a "bitch, please"...?

  30. @katsm ... I see what you did there LOL

  31. LeAnn was a trainwreck- and shame on her, not only is she obviously wasting her god given talent by not training her voice and continuing to do vocal exercises/work- I'm sure she believes she doesn't have to do anything other than parade around in bikinis all day..but to blame the kid?

    Stay classy! And, LeAnn puts it all out there and constantly seems to fake illness/create drama for sympathy. If she took a a step back and lived her life instead of paying the paps, cancelling on her fans constantly and whining all the time people would back off her. It's not so much outright bullying as people are tired of her fake BS and started calling her out on it.

  32. It was the 13 year old. That's why she was stumbling around and forgot the words to a song she has only been singing forever. This is your brain on laxatives.

  33. smdh. #teamcarlyrose

    total ot how times have changed. back in the mid-90s when LR recorded the song, i remember the 'con air' licensing peeps wanted it, but the film execs ended up having trisha yearwood record a version of it bc they thought it was too adult a theme for a tween leann to be singing in the film. now it's like screw it/whatevs, tv ratings is the name of the game, let's have little carly do it.

  34. Wait, wasn't it obvious that she was drunk? Didn't she burp when she came out on stage? "Without yoooouuu, BUUURRP!"

  35. No. She tripped a little and it threw off her vocals and she said "Oh!" Or "Whoa" -- something like that.

  36. Just watched it
    LeAnn was soooooooo fucked up. Embarrassing, her drunk fake love schpiel and Carly Rose totally backhand complimented the shit outta her in the end, let me give a translation:
    "That was one of the most fun moments Ive had on the stage, amazing, a blast. I was really comfortable, LeAnn made me so comfortable"

    "That was hilarious, it was totally fun owning LeAnn on that stage. I was so comfortable because you were all noticing how much she sucked, instead of how this song does nothing for my voice."

  37. FWIW, I never watched X Factor, and only googled Carly's performances after I happened to catch her audition as I was flipping thru channels. Girl will go far I have no doubt, at the very least she'll get even more prime coveted Broadway roles

  38. That's probably the reason Britnay didn't sing with Carly, the girl has a great voice and would outsing her too.

  39. She was horrible. I watched the show and I am not a fan of that song so I was kind of listening and doing something else and it was so bad I had to look up and find out wtf was going on.

    And to then throw Carly Rose under the bus --the kid is the one who was keeping the song going Lee Ann was so far off.

    I felt bad for the girl--the duets are supposed to be the contestant's dream singer and you know damn well Carly Rose never asked to sing with her.

    I bet Brandi Glanville was laughing.

  40. I think Leanne was off too but Carly didn't sound that great either and I'm not a vocal coach. She has a nice voice but not a good performance for either.

    I don't watch this crappy show but the video was hilarious! I don't know which was better, Leanne tripping, Carly's side eye, Britney's face or Khloes outfit!

  41. Oh and ditto on the hand thing! Only Xtina and Mariah get a pass from me on that and only because they have the voice for it

  42. Anonymous11:19 AM

    bitch going down

  43. Saw the clip and I want to find the person(s) who originally started the hand waving/air stabbing and the excessive vibrato and punch them in the(ir) face(s).

    Thank you and have a pleasant day.

  44. Carly Rose is good, but not a great singer. Will not be a star.
    LeAnn should not have had a drinky poo before going onstage.
    A couple of nights ago LeAnn was on Leno, and sounded fabulous. I'm not a fan, but I walked back into the room to hear her, it was lovely.

  45. LeAnn wasnt horrific but man she needs to straighten herself up. Using laxatives also depletes the body of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, which also can affect the mind. But I believe she was on some sort of substance. Her ex husband went to high school w a friend of mine. I hope she wakes up

  46. I don't think she was drunk. Everyone knows drunk singing is the loudest singing on earth and she wouldn't have even needed a mic if she was drunk.

    She was definitely on drugs. How else to explain how she didn't sing anything but the chorus to a song she's been singing for 10 years? I kept waiting for her to sing the lyrics, but she just kept Waa-Waa-ing them. Its what singers do when they forget the lyric.

    I'm no fan, but I've spent enough time in waiting rooms so even I know the lyrics to that song, and I didn't hear them coming out of her mouth.

  47. Gotta be honest. I watched the clip online and saw nothing off or weird or different in LeAnn whatsoever. I know she's reviled and don't really get that either; I'm no fan, but I don't actively hate her and I actually feel kinda sorry for her. Gonna assume that the hate is why everyone's freaking out over her performance. Let the hate begin! (Still think you're the best bunch of commenters ever, though.) :)

  48. I didn't feel like she was drunk but I definitely felt like she had that slow, forgetful thing going on from an opiate high.

  49. @Alma, I am a fortress of calm however, I appreciate your condescending comments nonetheless.

    Yes, this is a gossip site and as many here will tell you , I can snark with the best of them. Further, when people cross the line (again, like LiLo, who lies and steals and is going to end up killing someone) they are deserving of our revulsion. And sure I say negative one has to love everything about a person. For instance, I irrationally dislike Jennifer Aniston. I don't know why, I just do. I will regularly post that she annoys me or that I hate her movies or her outfits or I think she seeks attention with the boyfriend thing...but I DON'T write that I think she's a whore and an attention seeking slut with squinty ass bitch eyes and that I hope she gets what she deserves for being such a whoreslutbitch.

    There is a difference, you know.

    And I love how everyone argues that we should respect mental health issues but then so many turn around and mock LeAnn's perceived mental health problems.

    And yes, I have as much of a problem mocking her eyes as I do people's weight, etc. Plastic surgery, Botox, etc. is fair game but not when it's something you can do nothing about.

    And you know, Alma...opinions are like assholes; everyone has them and some of them have a shitstench about them.

    But you keep telling yourself that what you're doing is okay. As I said, we all need something to make us feel better about who we are inside.

  50. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Great first comment @kats! You win 15 Internet Bonus Points.

  51. @Katsmo

    And bullshit adults don't bully. Tell that to that St. Louis teenager who committed suicide after a classmate's mother bullied her mercilessly on facebook. Or the 14 year old girl who committed suicide after being bullied by the 20s year old guy who got her to send topless photos.

    Tell those kids' parents that adults don't bully.

    Utter bullshit.

  52. I watched the episode and I thought they both kinda sucked. Carly is super talented but it was the wrong song choice for her. Leann doesn't sing it as well anymore, She may have been a little loopy though. But I have to say, I thought Leeann looked kinda pretty the other night.

  53. Lola, you sound like a fortress of calm! All of that was just zen. So everyone has an opinion and sometimes it's ok to be snarky and other times it's not. It's ok not t like anniston but not ok not to like leann. And you are the one who decides which comments cross the line and who is a bully. If leann googles herself and reads negative comments we wrote,she is being bullied? People that use words over and over until they mean nothing are hurting their own pet causes. You are comparing people that have been harassed (truly harassed) to the point of suicide to a celebrity drawing a butterfly on their hand and crying publicly about how unfair it is to be disliked. Their families must be thrilled that people like you use their loved ones memory to defend a celebrity who makes a constant spectacle of herself. I think that's actualy worse than the meanest thing I could say.

    1. Alma, if that's what you think I was saying, you have serious reading comprehension deficiencies.

      Attempting to shame my use of a situation where an adult engaged in bullying (to highlight the fact that adults DO indeed bully) shows an utter lack of an ability to form a cohesive rebuttal argument on your part.

    2. Lola, you are just adorable. A cohesive argument such as listing my irrational dislike of someone while trying to shame others for disliking someone? I suggest you look at your being condescending and rude comments while calling others condescending, maybe your reading comprehension is a little off. No one has managed to make a mockery of your initial rant quite the way you have.

    3. You have failed to make your point. Every example you give proves the other person's point. Also, you tried to insult my intelligence. For someone who was trying to condemn others for bullying, you managed to be rude to someone for disagreeing with you and show that youare lacking in class as well.

    4. Well I'm glad I'm adorable! There are many days I love in the mirror and think, "Lola, you are ADORABLE!"

      I'm glad you agree.

  54. I thought LeAnn looked good last night but maybe had a few too many drinks?? I also think that it really bothers her that people actually dislikes her and that is why she tries so hard!

  55. @Lola- I don't know why you felt this was the post to lose your shit over. I even scrolled up and reread every comment to see who had said anything bad about Leann's squinty eyes or her being a whore and found nothing. All the comments here refer to her seeming drunk and off-key and trying to act like Christina Aguilera. While I agreed with the sentiment behind the first comment, your continued targeting of other posters who dare respond to you are extremely uncool and make it seem odd that you feel that strongly about ANYTHING.

    who DOES care now?

    1. @butter

      I hardly "lost my shit" and the only poster I "targeted" was someone who responded to me and then condescendingly came after me. If you read my comments, I didn't initially go after any specific person, just the culture of attacking (yes, bullying) LeAnn for no reason.

      The squinty eye comment was in response to @BlindItemMe's question (so maybe you didn't reread every comment?) and was a legitimate answer to a "legitimate question"...sorry if you missed that.

      As to @Alma, I suppose" rudeness" is subjective and I also suppose that who was rude to whom is subjective.

      In any case, I'm done with the subject. Anyone who's offended by the fact that I think LeAnn has been bullied (or harassed if that word suits you better) and/or that adults are fully capable of bullying...well...honestly, I am at a loss at what to say.

    2. Hi just chiming in. Lola did answer a legitimate question that I asked earlier. And I just wanted to add that I basically interpreted what Lola said as merely an observation of the level of hate directed toward LeeAnn (please correct me if I'm wrong) and just being over it. I don't think she singled out cdan specifically I think it was gossip sites in general. That's how I read it.

      I personally don't think that what we do here is bullying/harassment but hey, that's just what I think and everyone feel free to disagree - I'll respect yours if you respect mine.

      Oh and just re the squinty eye thing - I just put the question out is there a difference between commenting on leanns eyes Vs commenting on a "fat" female celeb. Or is it because I just dont like her and that's how I justify it? Apart from realizing I am a bit of a hypocrite (because I love Renee z and her eyes) I just wanted to see what others thought


      I thought we were all on the same team - none of us are actual fans of Leann are we? No more bah humbag with each other, it's Xmas!

      Happy holidays :)

    3. Just to reclarify - not that anyone posted about her squinty eyes today, I was going to then realized that I wouldn't say that about Renee z and I had an 'aha' moment.



  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I am certainly no LeAnn apologist, but I'm sorry. that little girl doesn't have her pipes. It was cool for her to go on and sing it. She then went on to talk about how talented Carly is.
    For all of the crap we toss her way, at least she actually put her singing shoes on and wasn't in a bikini.
    She's a fantastic singer, no one can take that away from her. Not even her shady husband.

  58. Addendum to the above: I don't think teens should sing songs about love that are deep like that. This is why I had no problem with the movie folks going with Trisha Yearwoods version over Leann

    Kids singing about love and heartbreak don't resonate with me.

  59. I'm a fan of LeAnn's voice.
    Easy peasy

    She nailed a song that is really hard to sing,no help needed

    1. @ablake - the girl cam sing, even I know there is no point in denying that :)

  60. <3 BlinditemMe
    Listen, I know she's a trainwreck but holy cow, if I had half of her talent I would be stepping on every stage I saw.

    I just hope she focuses on her singing and not twittering stupid pictures. Her strength is her voice, a blessing in and of itself.

    1. @ablake funnily enough I never really thought much of her until all the the drama started really. I mean I appreciated her voice but she didn't phase me. I actually thought she would have grown up to be one of the more normal ones. Like a Charlotte church type of thing.

      I don't watch the housewives shows so I don't know what Brandi is like. I just hope they are all focusing on the kids.

      Gosh. Now I've been sucked into their vortex of drama lol :)

      Oh and ITA about kids singing songs of heartbreak etc (exception for MJ singing "who's loving you")


  61. Blind

    I feel sorry for her. I really really do.
    er parents pimped her voice out, she had to sue to get the money she earned as a teen. She removed herself from them and did what the american dream required (marriage). He actually appears to be a really cool guy. Then she met Eddie on some piece of crap Lifetime movie. Well then, LET'S CHEAT.
    Then it turned into anorexiaville and boob job junction.

    I still hold out hope for her. Maybe Willie or Dolly will hold an intervention.

    She can out sing anyone on x y and z Factor

  62. Oh wow thanks for the info ABlake. I had no idea her parents pimped her out so young. That's so sad. What is up with these parents??? I remember she got married young, had no idea she had all that drama to deal with beforehand. Yes it seems the drama only happened once she met Eddie

    Hmm in light of this new info I hope she seeks treatment for whatever issues she has - but I hope she does it for real and not for sympathy. That's really my beef with her, nothing she does seems sincere and it feels smug to me I guess (and i hope she stops posting bikini pics to twitter and engage in twitter wars - actually maybe just get off twitter altogether?) hopefully she will see that all this drama is backfiring.

    Surely she isn't stupid. Perhaps just gifted at self-delusion? :) or maybe she is going through a state of arrested development seeing as she grew up so young and was married young, young breadwinner etc she certainly acts like a teenager

    Sorry, the armchair psychologist in me couldn't help herself!
