Monday, December 17, 2012

Kelly Clarkson Engaged To A Cheater

Over the weekend, Kelly Clarkson flashed her huge new engagement ring and said she was the happiest she has ever been. I'm happy for her and I hope she has better luck with her new husband Brandon Blackstock then his last wife/mother of his two kids did. The reason the couple got divorced was because his wife caught him cheating three or four times and just had enough. Yes, he cheated even though the couple have two kids together. It doesn't look like he cheated on his ex with Kelly. He was still married when the pair started dating but the divorce was almost final. If a guy cheats three or four times while he has two kids with someone, you don't think Kelly, who is always on the road is going to get cheated on by the guy? I wonder if they will even make it to the altar. Hey, if the guy has changed, then I am happy for them. I just don't want someone as nice as Kelly to get blindsided when the truth hits.


  1. These colored stones surrounded by smaller diamonds are so fashionable at the moment. I have two friends who got similar rings (their middle stone was blue a la Kate Middleton) this weekend.

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is NOT going to end well. Poor Kelly

  4. Aww...I hope that he changed or will change. I was really excited when she started dating him because he's Reba McEntire's stepson. She and Kelly sang "Because of You" on Reba's Duets album and had a cool music video.

  5. I hope he paid the entire tab for the ring, but that's probably too much to hope for.

  6. Enty, you don't know him or his life with his wife!
    for a guy who says to have 4 ex-wifes,you're very judgemental!

  7. At least Kelly will have inspiration for new songs one way or another.

  8. Way to bring down a happy moment for someone.

  9. I cheated on my ex-husband...a lot. It was a symptom of a relationship that never should have involved marriage in the first place. Second (current) hubby - no cheating, not for over 20 years. People can grow up.

  10. Cee Kay, I never judge on the basis you describe. But I did giggle when you describe your 2nd hubby as "current"!!

  11. Cee, why didn't you get a divorce before cheating on him? Did he know that you were unfaithful?

  12. @Luaninha -
    we don't judge each other here. We judge celebs.

  13. @Lua - Did you read the part where she said "people grow up"?

    Also - what ms snarky said.

  14. I'm not judging, I'm just trying to understand something. I don't really know if I've ever been cheated but I have a 'felling'. I'm not with the guy anymore, so I can't confront him, so I wanted to know why someone would do it. I wish Cee Kay the best!

  15. Not a fan of the ring - mustard colored? I dunno. But she does look happy and I agree, she is very nice.

  16. Cee Kay - My story is just like yours. Best man I ever met is my second husband.

  17. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Fuuuuuuccck........... this is going to end badly. 3 or 4 times you say? Seriously? On the plus side we're gonna have some great new additions to the top 40 because of this. She'll learn, enough heartbreak and she'll learn. Now Lindsay on the other hand... not so much. But Kelly I have hope for.

  18. it's a canary diamond, the symbolism, I have read for yellow diamonds is "hope"

    Hope he doesn't cheat on you!

  19. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Whoa good for you Cee Kay. I get that shit can happen with normal good people, you never know where life will take you, and it's best not to judge because someday you may be the one being judged. I married my husband at the protesting of my whole family, after knowing him for four months, without going in to too much detail, people can have their own opinions about your life but what really matters is how you feel in your heart, when you lay down at night in the darkness. No one can tell you how to live your life.

  20. I was never the most faithful when I was young either. My boyfriend at the time also stepped out. We eventually told each other.

    However I haven't cheated on my husband. It's true that people can change. I've definitely matured.

    I love these canary stones (and I can imagine that a black diamond would also be loevely). I really like Kelly and hope this union brings her happiness.

  21. Lua, I think it's an individual thing. I was cheated on by an ex with ego issues, a college friend's bf was a serial cheater. Honestly, it's rarely about the person being cheated on, but the cheater's issue - and like Cee said, people do grow up.

    @timebob, I see what you did there.

  22. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I believe people cheat because they aren't happy/have unmeet needs/aren't in love/ are bored/are immature whatever with what they have but aren't able to tell their partner. I think the trick is to marry someone mature enough to stick it out through being "unhappy" for a little bit, recognize what's going on and make a change in the marriage to get back on track.

  23. I like Kelly and wish her the best. Nice ring.

  24. I hope that he's been honest with her about his infidelities, so that she accepted his proposal with full knowledge of his situation and on good faith. If she finds out later that he has a penchant for sticking anything with a hole and a heartbeat, she's going to be a wee bit upset.

  25. FYI - Did you know "canary" is just a trendy name for yellow diamonds? Good quality yellow diamonds are called "fancy yellow", and there is a whole scale of "fancy". I just had this discussion with my jeweler about 2 weeks ago. :)

  26. @timebob - nice! I was totally thinking that joke when I read yours!

  27. A one time years ago cheating doesn't make you a lifelong cheater. You can't condem a person for a past indiscretion that's not a habitual occurrence.

  28. She looks very happy in that photo. I wish her the best. *fingers crossed*

  29. a man can have 100 kids with a woman, if he isn't getting any or there are issues he will stray.

  30. I love her and wish her well.

    And would like to call bullshit on the posters saying we don't judge each other here. And even if that were true, having a civil discussion about what drives someone to cheat is not the same thing as judging anyway.

  31. While on a vacation in NYC we visited Tiffany's. the yellow diamond rings in their cases were sparkly and magnificent. I would wear one if someone gave it to me!

  32. this blog post brought to you by... Star Magazine, June issue.

    Wishing these two all the happiness in the world. Being a fan of her for years, I've never seen her as happy as she's been since they started dating. They've known each other for years and she's very close to his family already, so I'm hoping that's a recipe for a long life together.

  33. Sorry but I find that ring very QVC looking.

  34. woah woah woah, I thought she was batting for the home team on the DL?


  35. ditto @ButterKWup...what we don't do is tell people what they can and can't say...good luck with that...Rude is something else though...

  36. Yes, he could've grown up and won't cheat on her, fine. My red flag came up when she started dating him. Everything out of her mouth went from loving yourself/independence to losing weight to look good for him/he needs to hurry and propose. Why the 180? If she looks "hot" he won't stray? We all know that doesn't keep someone from cheating. Hope it works out for her.

  37. I hope it works for her. From what I've read they've only been together for a year. If he was still married and nearly divorced like Enty said, that's not a lot of time to really change. Anything is possible but what's the rush, Kelly?

  38. I like her a lot too. I wish her the best!

  39. Wasn't his father having an affair with Reba before divorcing his mother?

  40. She seems like such a nice person--and she's waited a long time to find the right one-I hope he's the one.

    I like her ring better than Kat vonD's.
