Friday, December 28, 2012

Katie Holmes Needs To Find A Job

After just 44 performances and 27 previews, Katie Holmes' play on Broadway is closing. The reviews were awful (but the blurbs above from people you have never heard of are great) and there were only so many people that Katie Holmes was able to draw in on her own and the show will close on January 6th. So, if you have ever wanted to see Katie on Broadway now is your chance. She is 0-2 there and I'm not sure anyone is going to give her another chance. This play, even though it sucked had so much publicity and so many things going for it that other plays don't have, that I just can't see her getting to star in anything else. I suppose if she can sing she could go star in Chicago or something that is running, but with her luck she might end up even closing that show.


  1. Was she dreadful or did the play itself suck?

  2. Norbert Leo Butz...I love that name!

  3. Remember when Joey Potter sang at cotillion? My God that sucked.

  4. Norbert Leo Butz...for real?!?!?!? lmaoooooo

  5. Excuse me. It was a beauty pageant. Which made it even worse.

  6. I give her credit for at least doing theatre. So many actors don't even try to do it. I don't see Halle Berry going for Broadway.

  7. Some enterprising/opportunistic director needs to cast her in a plum supporting role, pronto. She's a good actress, but Hollywood would LOVE to give another of TC's ex's an Oscar.

  8. @mynerva:the play sucks (the reviews were decent for her and the casting)

    why i feel that Enty is happy about it?

  9. Haha Amber I totally remember that! Poor Joey. Wasn't her dad in jail for selling drugs?

  10. I saw the play in its debut in Cincinnati a year or two ago- it has A LOT of Cincinnati in jokes, and slammed New Yorkers left and right. Even then, I wondered how it could play anywhere else but Cincinnati. If you know what Graeters or Skyline or La Rosas are you will find it funny. If you don't, it will make no sense.

    1. My three favorite things about Cincinnati.

  11. Katie Holmes is just so blah to me.

  12. Thanks @FrenchGirl. I'd like to see her doing well, although I agree with others that she's very vanilla.

  13. Norbert Leo Butz is great! I'm bummed that the show is closing, but maybe now he'll go do another musical, which is where he really shines.

    1. Is that him in the poster? Super cute!!!

  14. @rej - oh yeah! I think you're correct!

  15. Hey now! That Norbert Leo Butz is a comic force of nature!!!!!!!

  16. katie IS a good actress. i wish someone would give her a meaty role so she could shake off the cruise stank.

  17. Norbert Leo Butz! Haha! In my next life that is what I will name my child!!

  18. Being a heroine to millions of put-upon women does not necessarily make Katie Holmes a great actress.

    At any rate, L Ron Cruise did make several attempts to boost her career, without much success. Didn't he have her dancing very badly on TV at one point? I assume he and his megabucks were also behind Katie's highly questionable fashion line.

  19. Katie had a very successful TV career before she met Tom Cruise...She wasn't a household name but she was well-respected, as I remember.

  20. On my own...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

  21. I read reviews. I think it was the play itself that was the problem, not the actors.

  22. <y husband saw it and said the play itself was baaaad. He also said Butz is a phenomenal actor which is the reason he bought tickets. Katie was not bad at all and did her part.

  23. I loved Joey Potter and still like Katie because of that. She was on track to have quite the nice acting career until Cruise had her start doing crap like Mad Money instead of the second Batman.

  24. She needs another Wonder Boys.

  25. Katie Holmes was really good in that movie "Go" -- which at the time was called a sort of baby Pulp Fiction. Which makes me think, actually, Quentin Tarantino could be the guy to bring her back with the earlier edge she showed in a big big way.

  26. She'll go back to TV....

  27. Katie needs to do a good TV show. I saw a clip from the play and I think she's a bit rusty as an actor. A TV show would help that.

  28. @OReilly
    I loved Wonder Boys the movie, but hated the novel it was based on. A great movie.

  29. she isn't a great actress. but people are wanting her to do well. she could take lady di's place and become a world humanitarian. that would keep her name out there (she seems to like that) and she would be doing good. we need a lady di or 2.

  30. Just adding my voice to the fray. I heard Katie did fine, it was the play that sucked. From what I understand Katie likes theater. Hopefully she will get another gig.

  31. I really like Katie but man, if I were her I wouldn't be all that thrilled with that picture.

  32. She cant sing". In fact, her singing is horrible. She has a very weak voice. How bad is it? Look her up in her first episode of Eli Stone where she opened the episode with a song. She did that right after marrying mr T. I couldn't beleive they would allow her to do that. It proved to me that T Cruise had or has quite a connection in Holywood. Bc she didn't earn that small part!

  33. Actually the producer of Eli Stone Greg Berlanti used to be with Dawson's Creek and apparently wanted her to be on the show. That role had nothing to do with Tom.

    Kerr Smith, Katie's former DC costar also guest starred on that show.

  34. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I'm kind of sad to say this, but I really think that she should have tried to get more money out of Tom. She can't have a normal life and make money at a normal job, she's can't act her way out of a paper bag, she's no beauty, she can't design a onesie, and she's this side of thirty, time to call the lawyers and make an "adjustment".

  35. I think she got a lot more money out of Tom than anyone will ever know.

    She's an actress living in NYC and she got a lead on Broadway. Who wouldn't take it? She can probably make a decent career out of second banana roles, IDK about carrying the show.

    Norbert Leo Butz was the original Fiyero in Wicked, and has won multiple Tonys. You can have a name like that on Broadway.
