Monday, December 17, 2012

Kate Middleton Is Pregnant - Right?

For the first time since she was admitted to the hospital and for the first time since she announced she was pregnant, Kate Middleton made an official appearance somewhere. It was with David Beckham (of course) to present the BBC Sports Personality Of The Year Award. Apparently Kate is still really sick and did not think she could make a lengthy appearance anywhere but that somehow she managed to summon up the fortitude to spend an hour or two with David Beckham. Kate is pregnant right? This is not just a hoax because she looks exactly the same as she always has. Maybe her face is a little fuller?


  1. My SiL is tall and thin and didn't begin to show until 6mos and even then it was only from the side. Different body types, different ways of showing!

  2. She looks like she is wearing a wig there

  3. no surprise, she's very thin, Im guessing she wont show any significant bump up to her 4th or even 5th month. Right now she only has a couple of cells inside her

  4. I'm only average height (and am short waisted) and I didn't really show until about 6 months... I didn't look REALLY pregnant until about 8 months.

  5. Why would she look any different? She's not past 12 weeks yet, and she spent 2 of those weeks throwing up.

    I'm glad she feels well enough to do an appearance. It's central London, not far from home, and Becks could have stepped in to give the trophy if it was too heavy for Kate!

    1. exactly! she's only in her first trimester, wth is enty expecting her to look like?

  6. I used to babysit for a family, and when the mom got pregnant again she only looked about 6 or 7 months pregnant at the time the baby was born. She was a model and total workout freak. She'd have me babysit every day during the summer for a couple hours while she went running.

  7. She's probably lost some weight with all the upset. I hope she didn't lose the baby.

    Most women could drag themselves out of bed to meet David Beckham....

  8. good grief, give her time. most people don't look real pregnant at this point.

  9. It's very common to lose weight during the first trimester especially considering how sick she was recently.

  10. Her hair is bigger. She needs to take out one or two of her tracks.

    In Kate's defence, she's had morning sickness. I suspect she's skin and bones under there. My friend was obese when she got pregnant. She finished her pregnancy skinnier than she had been her entire life. The kid fed off of her, because she couldn't keep food (other than cream of wheat which they discovered in the 6 month) down.

  11. for god's sake, the girl left her house for a couple of hours. She was probably thrilled to be able to see the outside world instead of the inside of a toilet bowl.

  12. @ms snarky - to be fair, I'm sure she has an incredible toilet bowl with a recreation of the Sistine Chapel ceiling and real gold leaf painted inside.

  13. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I think she looks a little thinner, probably from all the sickness. Give it time Enty. You have to admit, she's glowing and looks positively thrilled. That tells me all I need to know.

  14. It's very early on...some women don't even know they're pregnant at under 3 months...

  15. @Amber - hee! I needed a Like button for that comment!

  16. It's still early and not only that, vomiting makes you lose weight. I hate that the second a woman announces her pregnancy her physical appearance is often scrutinized.

  17. Geez, just let her alone. All pregnant women are NOT all alike, any more than all overweight bacon loves are all alike. (and I should know about overweight bacon lovers!)

  18. My SIL is 13 weeks pregnant, tall and on the thin side. She had serious morning sickness (not as serious as Kate's) and has lost close to 10 pounds she didn't really have to lose.

    Until Kate can keep food down and is closer to 5 months, I don't expect her to look very pregnant.

  19. Yeah, she looked a little thinner to me, too, definitely around the face. I'm just glad to see her out and able to make it through the program... life's been horrible for her the past few weeks, hopefully it gave her some normalcy.

  20. Rag on Kate because she's too thin and rag on Jessica because she's too fat. Which way do you want it, Enty?!

  21. My doctor told me tall women show later because the uterus has more distance to rise. I'm 5'8 4 months along and am not showing at all. I am however broken out like a 15 year old boy (thanks pregnancy acne you hitch) with morning sickness and look like an extra from the walking dead. Kate looks positively amaaaazing.

    1. I had the same problem and Cetaphil worked for me. 3 days and I was back to normal skin - THANK GOD! Cos I was so oily I'd wash my face and it would be a shiny oil slick within the hour.

  22. You can't always go by the stomach bulge. A better telltale sign of pregnancy is looking at breast size, and her's do look a little fuller.

  23. Seriously--what is with the constant baby bump and baby weight policing at this site?

  24. From this male's point of view a little weight would do wonders for Kate. Chest bones are horrid looking on anybody (and sadly the rage). Her slightly fuller face has me dreaming of just how milfilicious she'll be at 40.

  25. Geez, not everyone is like Jessica Simpson!

  26. What everyone else said... give it time and thankfully she's found a few hours in a day where she isn't puking in a royal bucket. I lost 15 lbs the first trimester(i was about 30-40 lbs overweight) and I didn't even have morning sickness. Metabolism went into overdrive. First time in my life someone said to me "you need to gain weight" - and it was a Dr. Ended up gaining back the 15 and weighed 1lb less when i came home from the hospital then before i got pregnant.

  27. I didn't know I was pregnant for a few months due to the way my cycle goes. I did not look pregnant until much later. I was on bed rest and it really started showing about 5/6 months in. I had a very rare complication and had to have him 6 weeks early. I was back to my shape within a week. People have different bodies, different complications so you never know. She was very very sick, but even then as small as she is I would not expect to see much until later. Especially with the first one.

  28. Most women would pull out an IV and throw on a wig to see David Beckham.

  29. @Amber

    Good one, Amber

  30. Just think of the few women on the show 'I didn't know I was pregnant' whose stories you actually believe ;) maybe half of them since it's reality tv? But my sister in law is 5'9" and wears size 4 jeans. With her first baby she gained enough but so little that she still wore her normal jeans, she just had to wear them unzipped with that stretchy band belt thing to hold them on. And she didn't look pregnant until the very end.

  31. I didn't show for so long my doc had me take a sonogram to make sure the dates were right. As for her hair, you don't lose any while pregnant so it always looks wonderful! I wish people had told me about that, and about losing it all after delivery, I thought something was wrong!

  32. That...has got to be a wig...

  33. Haha, Hollyweird!

    Love Kate but that hair is like Ann Margaret wig. Please no!

  34. Connie - I hate the "baby bump." It's complete crap! The celebrity pages think somehow it's natural that every woman has a completely flat stomach, and if not, she's either pregnant or a cow. Disgusting.

  35. My hyperemesis showed up at 5 weeks and stayed through delivery. I still taught my classes up until I was 5 months pregnant and went on maternity leave at 7 months. I lost 15 lbs the first trimester. I didn't start showing until around 5 months. My students thought I had cancer and was on chemo or something because of the fact that I had to run to the bathroom and throw up about every 20-30mins and I looked like the walking dead. After pregnancy I actually weighed 5 lbs less than I did going in,
    Women with hyperemesis find ways to cope.

  36. With all her morning sickness and it being her first pregnancy, I doubt she'll start showing until the second trimester. A lot of women don't show right away with first pregnancies, especially with awful morning sickness.

  37. She could just blow up one day. I had a colleague who was slim and BAM---belly! It was really weird to see her get a belly out of the blue.

  38. Considering they admitted she was pretty early on in the pregnancy when she was hospitalized, she wouldn't be showing very much. I'm very petite and I didn't really start showing until I was about 4 months along.

    Cut her some slack, Enty.

  39. Typically Kate's hair is amazing so I'm suprised she's wearing a wig. I wonder what is up with that. Poor thing! Doesn't seem like she's catching much of a break her first time being pregnant.

    And she won't show til tiowards the end since she is tall and thin. She's gioing to be a gorgeous pregnant lady though!

  40. geeeeeeeeze shes not even that far along... I had a teacher in elementary school that was rail thin, like thinnest person I've ever seen, and didnt show till abut 8/9 months, and even then she only looked a few months pregnant.

  41. poor little thing. i doubt she has a choice in making this appearance. .

    there's a woman on our local newscast that had a baby last friday. i only noticed she was pregnant about a month ago. she's very thin and tall like kate. skinney-minnie body type.

  42. They announced it much sooner than they wanted to because of her hospitalization. She's still in the first trimester. I'd be surprised if she shows more than a little bump by Month 7. Her hair is fuller because of hormones and higher red blood cell count. That will all fall out ten seconds after the baby is born.

  43. I am surprised people want to see bumps at the very start of the pregnancy. No wonder they have to refute it. I would have to deny it every month when i get bloated.

  44. You don't develop a basketball in your stomach at the moment of conception... Sheesh.

  45. Sorry to pile on. I'm in my 6th month with twins (my first kids!) and if there is anything I have learned about pregnancy so far, it's that no two will ever be alike. Showing early, showing late, gaining weight, losing weight, etc. All you can do is make healthy choices and let nature reveal your pregnancy body type. So glad to see so many of you agree. Ease up,'s early, she's been terribly ill, and her appearance should not be judged.

  46. First pregnancies hardly ever show till at least month 4, sometimes later.

  47. @Call Me ..yndy

    You poor thing. That must have been a long pregnancy. God knows normal morning sickness (lasts a few weeks) is bad enough.

  48. It always takes longer to show with your 1st pregnancy. She is sick on top of that.

  49. First baby. Probably LOST weight from constant vomiting, she looks gaunt to me. If she's 12 weeks pg, baby is the size of a normal thumb. She won't show 'til at least 16 weeks, maybe later.

  50. Her hair is probably because she couldn't go to her normal hairdresser cos of the sickness and had to do it herself or something. Or she just threw up backstage and messed it up.

    It's true you stop losing your hair when your preggers but I doubt she's far enough along for it to make a real difference.

    I HATED that part (in addition to all the normal stuff to be hated) of pregnancy cos I have lots of hair and not losing any made it impossible to manage. My baby is now a month old and I've hardly lost any - I can't wait for it all to start falling out so I can fit a hair tie around it properly!

  51. Jeez, women can never win, can they? Either you're too fat or too skinny. She's not even 3 months pregnant and it is her first pregnancy so it is so common not to show at this stage. What's up with all this cattiness, Enty? You sound like a jealous little person...

  52. Enty - sometimes you are a raging idiot. First of all you don't really show in your first months of pregnancy. Secondly if she was in the hospital vomiting her ass off she probably LOST weight. I really think you should stay away from "female issues" unless you've been through it yourself.

    And for the record, with both of my pregnancies I threw up violently for the first 8 - 12 weeks. It's not fun at all. You have to figure out what your body will reject. I love orange juice and could not go near it when I was pregnant. Certain smells would make me run for the nearest bathroom. And those vitamin horse pills you're prescribed take are brutal.

    She's probably on an anti-nausea meds.
