Sunday, December 16, 2012

Justin Bieber Gets Tired Of Hamster - Gives It Away To Random Fan

I'm not sure Justin Bieber should be a pet owner. Just six weeks after buying a pet hamster and promising to bring it to every show with him, Bieber got tired of the hamster and the number of followers it had on Twitter and gave it away to a random fan in Atlanta this week. The fan had no idea when she met Bieber with a bunch of other fans after a show that she was going to get PAC. Bieber just picked her out, handed her the hamster and said take care of it. The girl, shouting loud enough to be heard across the country screamed she would and then Bieber touched her when he handed her the hamster and she fainted which caused the hamster to drop to the ground, run away and be lost forever. No, she got it and has been Tweeting photos of it and has almost 15,000 new Twitter followers since her identity was discovered. She has also received death threats that she was picked instead of some other fans who were at the concert. As for Justin? His manager said the singer needed a break. Yeah, six weeks of pet ownership. What if the fan had just thrown the hamster away? He had no idea.


  1. Well, I hate my daughter's hamster, so............
    Love her Guineas though!

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I had hamsters growing up. They're cute, and cuddly but not particularly fascinating or complex critters. I don't think it would have liked going to every concert with him, that's a ton of noise for a very high strung little animal that's heart beats a million times a minute. It will have a much better life with a fan girl stuffing goodies in it's cage every second and making sure it's well taken care of.

    1. ITA, Harvey. Also, since it used to be Bieber's hamster, something tells me the fangirl will take extra care of it.

  3. Bieber is a dipshit. I bet the hamster is throwing a party after being freed of him.

  4. Further confirmation that Beiber is a little asshat.

    I'm glad PAC went to someone who seems to be caring for him.

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  6. As much as I dislike the Beibs, I really cant make the stretch to hating him for this. It must be a pain in the ass to drag a hamster around with you. Sorry, too minor to mock.

  7. Glad that the hamster will be loved and most likely get more attention. I can imagine that the loud music would not be ideal for a small rodent. Still wonder what the hell is wrong with people to give the unlikely recipient death threats. Crazy jealous children.

    1. That was my first thought. Death threats over a hamster? Glad not to be a teen anymore. Them hormones make you bonkers!

  8. what is it with this society where death threats are the norm when somebody doesn't get what they want or some celebrity "in their head" is taken from them.

    It just give me the creeps.

  9. Concerts and screaming crowds are no place for any pet. What a douche.

  10. Anonymous10:29 AM

    How on earth did bieber bringing a hamster to each show become a thing? Am I missing something? Was the hamster part of the show and if so why and who would care? Why a stupid hamster and not a cool dog or some such? Definitely don't get it

  11. Be careful, little girl. You don't know where that hamster has been.

  12. This is much better for the hamster, I'm sure it will get loving care.
    He was probably jealous of it's twitter followers.

  13. Seachica, I had a Richard Gere wth moment there, too.

    Death threats. Is there something in the water?

  14. I'm disgusted with myself for taking Beiber's side with this. If he can't take care of it (should not have got it in the first place) you know this fan will love it like crazy. Odd thing to do, but best for the hamster in the long run. It probably made this little girls year!

  15. I hate when people buy small animals because they don't think it will be a lot of work and give it away when they do.

  16. I used to party in high school with a guy we called "Rat Man" because he carried a pet rat around in his jacket pocket. I'll never forget, one night when we were blitzed he engaged me in a very earnest conversation about whether bras ever get dirty, because he couldn't conceptionalize that girls sweated there. Good times. Ah, my wasted youth!

  17. Yeah I'm not thrilled either when people don't know the responsibility required for a pet. But I'd rather they give it away than just forget to feed it (side eye to Wonky McValtrex) and have it die. Gotta admit, giving it away was much better.

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  19. Ugh, what a douche. Poor lil ham. Their ears are so sensitive, thing was probably scared to death. Hope it gets a better home than what that kid provided it. What a way to treat a living creature, a supposed "pet". Jerk celebrities promoting irresponsible and callous attitudes towards animals!

  20. What an asshat way to give away a pet, and what an asshat thing to have a nervous pet at a feckin concert. He is not doing himself any favours at this point.

  21. Timebob I agree with you.

  22. Oh, how stupid is this guy? And why the phuck did he buy the hamster in the first place? Did he wake up one morning all hung over and think "I'm going hamster shopping."???? I hate this bland, plain looking, talentless little douche sooooo much.

  23. I hope he wasn't keeping the hamster in his hammer pants.

  24. Ugh...where do I start? Yes, I am an animal lover who has 3 rabbits and a cat (all spoilt rotten mind you - I swear they have a better quality of life than I do sometimes)...I think he is being a terrible role model. Especially with xmas coming up where there are going to be a lot of pets abandoned after the new year (a pet should be FOR LIFE), he shouldn't be conveying the message that it's ok to be irresponsible and not honour the commitment when you buy a pet. And passing it to a random fan? Yes, this hamster is Justin Bieber's hand me down (ohmigawd) and she is probably going to love it to death right now but who's to say she's going to still have it in a month? How did he know she was even allowed to have a hamster when he passed it to her? Did he ask her parents? I just think this is obnoxious behaviour but then again, it's him so what the hell was I expecting? End rant.

  25. he's such a shitbag, animals are not disposable.

  26. Death threats? Are you freakin' serious? What's with death threats against random people who like (insert celeb name)? This was never a thing when I was going crazy for anyone.

  27. I saw Esperanza Spaulding on TV the other night; the name rang a bell, then I remembered she was "an American multi-instrumentalist best known as a jazz bassist and singer" who received numerous death threats from his fans for having the audacity to beat out Justin Bieber for the Best New Artist Grammy in 2011. His minions went on to her Wikipedia page (where the quote comes from) and altered her biography to read that she was an American jazz multi-instrumentalist "who should just kill herself," "who deserves to die," etc. Incredible.
    What I personally find more disturbing is that Justin Biebers hamster has Twitter followers, in the thousands. Think about that.

  28. It's a good thing Bieber didn't have two hamsters -- he'd have to do like the Partridge Family and give out free hamsters with every record purchased at a record signing! According to 1970's sitcoms, hamsters breed quickly.

  29. Glad the poor thing went to a supposedly decent home but I really hate when people treat their pets like they are disposable. Agree with Enty on this one.



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