Friday, December 14, 2012

Jon Stewart Hates Hugh Grant

Want to know the worst guest Jon Stewart has ever had on The Daily Show? Hugh Grant. At a fundraiser, Stewart told Stephen Colbert that back in 2009, Hugh Grant was a guest on The Daily Show to promote Did You Hear About The Morgans and was a diva and a pain in the butt and demanding things and having the staff run around all day doing stupid things and that Grant complained about everything. By the time the show aired everyone already hated Hugh and after viewing a clip of the movie, Hugh said, "Was that the clip? It is a terrible clip." Stewart replied, "Well then make a better f**king movie."

Needless to say they have not spoken since.


  1. Jon tells it like it is. That movie was awful.

  2. I can't stand Jon Stewart, but good on him for this.

  3. I don't think I've seen anything with Hugh Grant in it since Love, Actually. That and Bridget Jones are the only movies of his I like.

    Oh, and that movie he did with Kate Winslet and Alan (sigh) Rickman.

    1. On board with the rickman love. *sigh*

  4. goooddd for theeeemmmmm!

  5. I read about this and thought it was funny. Jon Stewart thought Grant was stupid for appearing on his show because Jon never holds back.

  6. I really didn't like Bridget Jones. I read the book first, so I think my expectations were sort of high. Grant has always had the douchebag vibe to him, so this isn't surprising.

  7. The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are my only must-see tv right now.

  8. oh Vicki, Sense and Sensibility was wonderful ~swoon~

  9. That's what it was! I love, love, love that movie!!! Alan Rickman is so dreamy.

    Puggle, I love the book and the movie. I hated the sequel to both. The second book was forced and Renee looked horrendous in the second movie. She looked perfect in the first.

  10. How can anyone not love About A Boy? I can't stand HG but that film was really, really good. For the record, I have a mad crush on Jon Stewart. He's more intelligent than most and he makes me belly laugh.

  11. For Vicki Cupper and Vera L:

  12. Et por vous, jordansmom...

  13. Shoot the glass.

  14. I love that line!!

    Ah the evolution of a comment section. lol

  15. fml, Rickman is older than my father.

  16. About a Boy was good, as was the book and I love how that boy grew up to be such a hottie. JLaw is a lucky girl.

    And Sense and Sensibility is also amazing (and again, so was the book!)

  17. Vera, I don't see how that's a bad thing.

    See: Sean Connery.

  18. Hugh Grant has worn out his welcome with me. Not a Stewart fan, either.

  19. Good point Vicki, I've also always had a thing for Clark Gable...

    1. Ha!My Mom met Clark Gable at a military base in FL during WWII. My Aunt was getting married and my Dad said Mom fainted after Clark kissed her on the cheek. To the day she died he was her special "fella"!

  20. I like that he was peeved Grant was nasty with staff, and stewart didnt like that. Shows hes a mensh.

  21. OT, but relating to Love, Actually. The kid that played Liam Neeson's stepson does the voice of Ferb on Phineas and Ferb. That cartoon is adorable.

  22. I'm a huge Stewart fan and feel like he's my best buddy. I don't understand how people can possibly not like him but I don't like some people so whatever.

  23. And I don't watch GoT but he's evidently Jojen Reed. Had no clue until I just checked his IMDB.

  24. I'm with you, hunter. Jon Stewart is all kinds of awesome.

  25. I love Love LOVE Jon Stewart! He's hilarious and brilliant and I just feel like I know him, he's so warm. Even my Republican husband loves him.

  26. But yet, I can't help it, I love Hugh Grant too, I don't care how much of a douche he is. I am just forever grateful for Sense and Sensibility and everyone in it. And Four Weddings and a Funeral too.

  27. I can't with Four Weddings.

    "Is it raining? I didn't notice."

    That line ruins absolutely everything about that movie.

  28. Oh yes, Clark Gable.......and Humphrey Bogart. I love those old 30s - 40s movies.

  29. I love Jon Stewart and have mad love for Stephen Colbert (and his writers). I love Hugh Grant's Richard Curtis movies but a bad word from Jon Stewart is like losing a seal of approval for me. If Jon Stewart says Hugh is an asshole, I believe it and like Hugh less.

    If you read Daily Mail, there are numerous comments from people that have met Hugh Grant and nearly all say in person he is an unbelievable jerk. I did not know this so Jon Stewart has provided a public service.

  30. "The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain". Good film.

  31. Love Stewart and Colbert. Even named my two highly intelligent, and extremely cute dumbo rat brothers after them.

  32. "The Lair of the White Worm," anyone?

  33. Love Jon Stewart.

    Hugh Grant was good in S&S and a few other movies but he has gotten away with turning in the same performance for decades now.

  34. I expected to get on here and be the only one to say I am so over Jon Stewart and FSP and Christopher Cruz made my day. I used to be a fan, and he is still funny at times but I really am sick of him. I think he's too scared to have the chops of a real political commentator and just hides behind Comedy Central, so he can just say "ha, ha, funny" if the heat gets turned up too much on him. He can rip on Hugh if he wants though. Not like he is doing much of anything worth while these days.

  35. I'm astounded when people say they don't like John Stewart but to each his own. I Happen to adore him and like that he isn't afraid to say how he feels.

    Never cared one wit for Hugh Grant. He's just meh to me but if he's an asshole..fuck 'em!

  36. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I never felt one way or the other about Hugh Grant, but when the blind re: the A list guy who likes to romp with barely legal girls, then had a link to Hugh getting boozy with a bunch of young girls made me realise, yep he's a scumbag.

  37. Anonymous11:33 AM

    The aforementioned link for your viewing pleasure:

  38. Kinda glad Hugh got his comeuppance.

    I did love the movie *Love Actually* with the dreamy Colin Firth, Alan Rickman, and my secret fave, Bill Nighy.

  39. @Sherry

    I see why people like him and I was a fan for a long time. But I feel like Jon Stewart was a bit weasely about the whole Anthony Weiner thing because he was buddies with him, and it made me look at him in a different light after that. I lost a lot of respect for him because he didn't step up right away and treat Weiner the same way he treats other newsworthy people on this show. The bloom is off the rose for me I guess. But I understand why he had the fan base that he does.

  40. Love Jon Stewart. Love Hugh Grant and his movies, and I fervently hope he was just going through PMS or menopause or something the day he was driving Stewart's staff mad.

    I applaud Hugh Grant for going after a powerful media group and testifying about the phone hacking scandal. If you didn't lead a perfect life and went up against Murdock who owns media around the world, would you have the guts to do it?

  41. I'm sure no one will see this since it's so late in the day but this comment is on Gawker. Too funny:

    "Hugh Grant has a history of hooking up with women under 20 at my current university, the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. As a result, he is not allowed on campus."

  42. Add me to the list of Jon lovers.

    @Lurky Loo... I'm not sure what you mean about Jon & Weinergate. Jon was on vacation when the story started breaking and when he returned (5/31/11) he covered it for the next 7 shows. He also brings it up every now and again.
