Friday, December 21, 2012

John Mayer Is Cheating On Katy Perry

Remember when John Mayer and Katy Perry first started going out and everyone knew he was cheating on her or going to and the split was inevitable and then they split and everyone said, "I told you so." Then they shocked everyone by getting back together because John can talk some good game and can be charming and because he likes to mess with people's heads. So, they have been doing the fairly steady thing and I'm pretty sure Katy thinks it is monogamous and exclusive and that he would never cheat. Umm, well, I have been saying for awhile that he is still cheating and Life & Style this week published that he is cheating with a woman that he was having sex with before he hooked up with Katy and has not stopped just because he is also having sex with Katy. Can you imagine if it was Jennifer Aniston? It isn't, but that would be a way better story.


  1. i am pretty sure that it's not an exclusive relation

  2. Someone get the smelling salts because I'm going to faint from disbelief and horror.

    1. Clear the way! Give her air! We were all shocked Karen. John Mayer screwing around? No way,dude. No way.

  3. Katy can't be that gullible can she? Maybe she doesn't read gossip, haha.

  4. I'm glad this happened before Christmas. There's still time to get Katy a gift certificate to ride the Dennis Quaid Love Train.

    1. Omg!!! Hilarious, I just spit out my ice tea!!!

    2. @karen that was amazing!!!

  5. Maybe Katy knows and is trying to convince herself she doesn't care, and that she'll be the one to make him realize how awesome she is and settle down.

    1. Maybe she doesnt care either, just in it for fun. But i doubt it. Man, she sure can pick 'em.

    2. @amber that's an interesting thought, haven't most Of us girls tried changing the bad boy we knew wouldnt change? :) I always thought she and russel split because she wasn't ready to really settle down.

      Maybe she is in it for fun?

      What I don't get about the women who date Mayer is how can they not know he likes to bring his or hers (ew dont even want to think of the logistics) ""boom-boom" to the bedroom! Stinky yucky stuff!

      Surely if we know, they'd know??

  6. *karen* I just shot tea out my nose at your comment. I should make a mental note to not be drinking anything when reading CDAN comments.

  7. Can somebody please tell these stupid girls to stay the hell away from John Mayer? What, exactly, is his appeal? The fact that he looks like he showers three times a year is such a turn on.

    1. Yes, i believe it is a complete given that he is a douche.

  8. What??? John Mayer is cheating on Katy? I don't believe it.

  9. And #1 on iTunes-John Mayer is a Player by Katy Perry Featuring Taylor Swift and Jessica Simpson.

  10. I'm going to give Katy some credit here, she knows who he is and gives him his space, she isn't like the other women who rode up his but and couldn't stand not to be 5 inches away from him.

    I don't think this is as exclusive as Enty says it is. They seem more like casual dating and two hot people having sex. I don't think she would be devastated if he sees other women, who's to say she doesn't see other men and is just more stealth about it.

    She is a young divorcee having fun. Good for her, and it will be good for her music.

  11. I have the hardest time seeing his appeal. I think Adam Levine has a douche-y sexiness that would be fun to play with (a sure thing, no strings attached, no guilt involved) but Mayer? I would be imagining him rubbing shit on Jessica Simpson. No sexy there.

  12. He looks like he's auditioning for Dexys Midnight Runners.

  13. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I'm not sure why Katy would give this guy the time of day after she misfired with Russell Brand. Don't know why she is attracted to the guys that can't help but cheat. You can almost see John Mayer cashing their checks and laughing all the way to the bank.

  14. @Stew McG, tea out of your nose?! Don't drown!

  15. I've gotten to the point that I hear/read about/see John Mayer, I automatically think of genital warts.

  16. Katy likes drama and she likes everyone talking and worrying about her

  17. I don't see his appeal either. I imagine he has bad breath.

  18. Playas gonna play! lol

    In all seriousness cheaters suck but on the other hand don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned... both are at fault of stupidity.

  19. @amber...agree with the part about Katy thinking she's awesome....

  20. @ chriscruz...and he's fug and his songs...suck...

  21. Every time I see or hear of John Mayer I think of E coli.

  22. you can't convince me katy doesn't have some weird issues going on...this whole marrying/dating men who have philanderer/douche/sex addiction personalities has to stem from somewhere and that's a damn shame.

  23. Katy thinks that she'll be the one to tame him, just like all the stupid girls before her. He let's them around his family, cleans up a bit and the girls think they've won, all the while John's douchey behavior hasn't changed at all. This is what happens when women don't listen to their intuition, pretend red flags are "quirks" and allow themselves to have selective hearing. C'mon, we've all done it, except she keeps doing it. Dear Katy, Rih Rih, Jessica & Taylor, sex does not equal love. Merry Christmas.

  24. @tookiesmum
    I think Adam Levine has a doucheyness that kills all sex appeal. But to each his own! : )

  25. It would be a better story if he was seeing Jessica the same time as Katy.

  26. I'm not a fan of Mayer or Perry by any means but since when does having a few dates equal a monogamous relationship?

  27. I wouldn't touch John Mayer with a ten foot pole! Have you seen that movie Contagion? I feel like he's patient x waiting to happen and we're all about to catch John Mayer disease! Yuck!

  28. Anonymous10:58 AM

    another girl who swears shes so dope that she can make an asshole settle down and be faithful

  29. Anonymous10:59 AM

    i dont see the appeal of him either. He has a big ass head

  30. @ms snarky...yeah I've even questioned myself about why I find him

  31. @chopchop - I agree. Even after a couple of showers, I imagine him still smelling faintly of shit.

    No thanks.

  32. Or pee... Doesn't he like golden showers? Also, why isn't there a rehab facility for unrelenting douchbags???

  33. Of course, this is the woman who thought Russell Brand was good husband material...

  34. Katy you may not need more than your bewbs to sell albums but you do need more to keep a man.

  35. Tardy to the party; already know everyone else's comments are golden.
    That's why I can't stay away.
    Mayer is a herpes vector of patient zero this why websites keep covering him?
    He's not attractive in any conventional sense, but seemingly due to his celebrity status as a singer.
    That all he got, playa?
    And Katy. Without the the internet I'd never have known her.
    So two folks, with low morals, unknown to me, with commitment issues.
    For once, I'm speechless.

  36. Can someone please tell me why so many drop their drawers for him? He is not cute and is clearly a user/loser. He prob has STD's out the ying yang. Can't believe Jennifer wasted her time w/ him.

  37. He must be the vagina whisperer.

    1. Hahahahahahaha!!

      All you guys need to take a collection and get me a new inhaler.....the non stop hilarity is making me cyanotic

  38. Why why why why why do women think they can change a man? I'm serious. I want to understand this stupid phenomenon.

  39. It's an ego thing with a lot of women, "see he changed for me!" The changes are always superficial.

    I don't care about the gross connection with Meyer. I want to know about why Katy freaks out whenever Russell is near. There are numerous stories of her trying to avoid him OR acting up when he is around. Maybe this is all to get back at him. Meyer and Brandt are pretty similar.
