Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jessica Simpson & Her Bridesmaid Dress

Cacee Cobb got married yesterday. For those of you who have no idea who she is, she was in a few of the seasons of Newlyweds and is Jessica Simpson's best friend and former personal assistant. Then she hooked up with Donald Faison from Scrubs and stopped working for Jessica and started working on love. Too cheesy? It's a Sunday. What do you expect? Anyhoo, Cacee got married yesterday and Jessica was a bridesmaid. Unfortunately for all of us who would like to speculate whether Jessica is pregnant, it looks like the bridesmaids got to pick whatever dress they wanted to wear sooo they actually could wear it again. As a consequence, Jessica picked black and probably waited until this week to get the right dress which makes it very difficult to determine whether she is pregnant. She probably is or would have said she is not so the Weight Watchers people would not freak out. Why couldn't have Cacee insisted that everyone wear some hideous bridesmaid dress that forced Jessica's belly out like a a case a day beer habit under a dirty white tank top. The wedding was held at Zach Braff's house. You would think he could have mowed the lawn and done some trimming. Some raking of leaves.


  1. Am I supposed to care about this?

  2. She's pregnant, no doubt about it. She looks pudgier than she has in recent weeks, saw it in my sister before she announced it, too.

  3. Puffier!!! Bloody autocorrect!!! I would never say pudgy.

  4. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Wow...I remember her from their show . Well, good for her, she knows how to hold on to a man (cacee).


  5. Looks like it paid to be Jessica's friend. Assistant to the wife of a working actor, good for her. I bet Jessica asked her to do some weird stuff.

  6. Anonymous9:05 AM

    That lawn does look messy!

  7. She's fat and preggers....and fat...

  8. it's a slow gossip day...

  9. All I care about is Zach Braff, I want to know what's going through his head in this picture.

  10. Love Donald and Zach's friendship. Cacee and Donald have been together for a long while so good for them! :)

  11. I thought CaCee cheated w/ Nick or something like that? Shows what I know, huh? Jess's hair looks amazeballs here, I cant decide if I like the choice of bridesmaid dress. Its too much like a black wedding dress. :/

    Alsom is that Zach Braff shes walking with, he looks old there? LOL, no idk.

    1. It looks like she's walking with a corpse....he looks awful!

  12. I've loved Donald since Clueless and Cacee seems like a nice girl so good on them.
    Zach looks very old in this pic.

  13. She looks beautiful

  14. I don't know if Zach looks old as much as over it. He seems to be thinking, "Goddammit, I haven't been photographed in years, and here I am, finally in a photo, and it's with f-ing Jessica Simpson! I need a new agent."

  15. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I think she looks perfectly fine, and quite nice as far as pregnant ladies go. It's hard to dress a pregnant belly. Considering how she looked for the last pregnancy I think she's keeping it together quite nicely on this one.

  16. A little off topic- I spend my summers (I'm a teacher) working at a law firm in Jersey. The office next to ours is owned by Zach Braff's dad. Super nice guy. Really proud of his son.

  17. Zach IS looking old there. But good for Cacee and Donald. They have been together for a while!

  18. I adore Zach and Donald. Good for them!

  19. Also, I always think of Sarah Silverman burping out Zach Braff when I hear his name.

  20. This post is exactly why I'm certain Enty is a woman and not an overweight man.

    1. Funny...thought I was the only one. There was a post a while back (also about Jessica) describing a typical day with a newborn. Very descriptive.

  21. Why in the world would she want to wear that dress again, icky.

  22. Slightly off-topic: Zach might look a bit older, but he's in no way struggling. Pictures of his NYC apartment:

    1. HOLY SHIT @ his apartment. That bathroom...there is a couch in that bathroom.

  23. I didn't realize the whole Jessica pregnant thing was a rumor, I thought it was fact.

  24. You can see Jessicas legs through her dress, its a weird picture, its like her body isn't lining up right with her skinny legs sticking out the bottom.

  25. Oh she'll blow up like a balloon this time, worse than before....
    She shouldn't marry Eric this will be the fastest marriage in history as soon as he can cash out via the terms of the pre-nup he's gone....

  26. C'mon, ENTy, who else from the Scrubs crew was there? Did Carla watch Turk marry someone else?

  27. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I too think Zach and Donald's friendship is cute! Good on them.

    @Smash, I emailed you back! Sorry it took so long.

  28. i want jessica's hair stylist. seriously, her hair is so pretty.

  29. Donald Faison seems like such a nice guy - was there something about him being not so nice, or cheating? I can't remember...

    Zach Braff's apartment is awesome. I don't usually go for that look, but it reminds me very much of my favorite McMenamin's pub. And the pole with the pictures - so sweet!

    A black dress to a daytime wedding? I'm not hiding anything!

    1. Are you from Portland? I looked @ the pics to see which McMenamins it reminds me of, I haven't been to everyone, but I'm thinking Edgefield or Kennedy school. I like the chapel that is next door to my old high school the Blue Moon lacks charm to me and I've never been to the one in Forest Grove, my former inlaws owned a gas station across the street from that building (way before it was renovated)it was beautiful on the outside.

  30. The spelling of Cacee drives me crazy.

    Say something nice... Donald Faison was hilarious in Clueless.

  31. Who's that in the corner of the pic in a knit dress and uggs? Strange wedding attire - kids these days :-)!

  32. lol @frufra. those look to be rain boots. perhaps that is one of the organizers who was running around outside?

  33. For no reason at all, i cant stand donald faison. Weird.

  34. For some unknown reason I can not hate on Jessica Simpson. Which is weird because I can hate on most people for no reason at all. Especially those with better hair than mine.

  35. I was wondering that too!

    1. Whoops that was meant to be a reply to who is that lady wearing uggs... Also, idk if she's pregnant but that dress is not very flattering either way. Yikes!

  36. I didn't think she was pregnant until I saw this pic. Definitely pregnant. Jessica probably thought she wouldn't show until later like the first time. She went and shot the new WW commercial thinking after it came out she would announce it and barely have a bump. Nope, people usually show earlier the second time. She's waiting so she can claim she didn't know she was pregnant while under contract. Not that WW has any grounds to sue, but for her reputation's sake. She'll gain that same 80-90lbs back and do Nutrisystem.

  37. So how did Enty get such a photo, exactly?

  38. I am! It reminds me of McMenamins Rock Creek - after it burned down, they rebuilt is using old timbers form local barns. Cornelius Pass Road McMs is a lot like it, too. Grand Lodge in Forest Grove looks impressive, but not so much once you get inside.

    Fun PDX side note - my best friend's doctor is married to one of the McMenamins.

  39. and *from

    Good grief, I need more coffee!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @db a d @green I got a baby name story for you!
      My neighbors son is an EMT. He delivered his first baby ever in the ambulance. The mom was oh god after we discussed it, latina,? Hispanic? I already forgot. The mom was so grateful and kept in touch. Neighbor asked, what did you name her? Mom replies, You already named her for me! Huh? We did? YES I looked down at the bed my baby girl was laying on and there was her name, Faymawlee (rhymes with tamale;)

    2. @ Katsm - 1. Urban legend. Go to snopes.

      2. You're a racist jerk.

      3. Shut up.

    3. 1. Not urban legend. She lives in Norwalk Connecticut.
      2. I mentioned the ethnicity so the reader would know how "female" would be pronounced in Spanish.
      3. If you don't understand you can ask me to clarify something instead of assuming I'm racist.
      4. Nobody is forcing you to read my posts

    4. You're missing the point completely. Look down. Your privilege is showing.

    5. your plasticity is so transparent...traceable and stupid. Lose your ego.

    6. It's not ego. These stories that continually circulate about children's names are just perpetuating racist, classist crap. If you have no problem with it, that's between you and your god. I don't find anything to chuckle about when it comes to persons with mental deficiencies, persons with little access to education, etc. living their lives as others do. Not asking to be mocked on a message board. But by all means, tell these sorts of stories at your next cocktail party. You'll be a hit.

    7. And @Agent, what are you saying? That you know my real name? Are you trying to intimidate me into not responding? You seem well-versed in technology from your precious, fair question.

    8. *previous, not precious

  41. Those shoes and dress are terrible. If her hair wasn't done she'd look completely hideous. Zach Braff looks like he's on drugs, old and tired.

    And what's to celebrate? He strung her along for years! What was he waiting for? This won't last.

  42. @O'Really

    I know - same here. She actually has a beautiful voice, and she tries to be a good person. I don't think she's as stupid as she acts. She seems to have found peace with Eric J. and I hope he doesn't disappoint her. They seem very comfortable together.

  43. That is a racist joke.
    It's not your neighbor's son's story.

  44. Loving her hair! That will be my inspiration for my holiday hair story this season! (And yes, that is a thing, I like to do a rift on one idea several different ways for an event season). TOT, but Katsm, did you ever get an answer about comfortable high heels? Because you need to try the Nike for Cole Haan platform pumps. I promise you can wear them for hours happily! They go on sale periodically, you will be so stylie and your feet will love you!

    1. @egee there's an outlet here thanks!!!

  45. @PugsterMom, that was the only reason I was commenting on this post! All it did was make me miss Scrubs even more. :( What was the stuffed dog's name? I hope he was at the wedding!

    Re: Jessica's dress...the style isn't too bad, but I don't like black. Unless that was one of the colors in Cacee's wedding, then I can see wearing it. I did that at my wedding...gave the girls the color I wanted, but let them pick their own style. They were all shaped differently, and I wanted them all to look beautiful.

    Her hair gives me a Lana Turner vibe. Styles like that are the only reason I'm sometimes jealous of straight hair...but only sometimes.

  46. Cornbread- his name was Rowdy!

  47. "Agent**It said...
    She's fat and preggers....and fat..."

    how original.

  48. @ Plasticfantastic13 said...
    These stories that continually circulate about children's names are just perpetuating racist, classist crap.

