Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Jennifer Aniston Ate A Sandwich Again

If every tabloid in the world was not doing a Sandy Hook cover story, I know that this photo would be on the cover of most of them all screaming that Jennifer Aniston is pregnant. Probably with twins. Probably already bought everything for nursery. I have no idea what the tabloids are going to do when Jennifer hits an age where it is unlikely that she could be pregnant. She is 43 now, so I figure a few more years before she is going to adopt stories start hitting the tabloids. Ohhhh, she and Angelina could fight for some baby in a war torn country and Brad has to be the peacemaker. That could work. Get on that OK! Magazine. Meanwhile, Jen would probably best served by not eating a sandwich and then going outside.


  1. Ha if that's a baby bump then I'll eat my hat!!!

  2. Front butt alert!

  3. I've always been Team Aniston, and I loved Jennifer on Friends, but this constant marriage/baby crap is really starting to get on my goat. Time for a new hairstyle!!!

  4. can they start doing "bump watches" for normal people?

    if they did, they would get sued so fast... i get a food baby after every meal.

  5. While I don't like moratoriums on different celebrities here, I'd vote for one on Jen. I'm sick to death of hearing about her possible pregnancies.

    So tired of these 'stories'.....

  7. FSP - laughing at Front Butt! Thanks!!

  8. I just don't see a bump! Call me crazy but she looks exactly the same to me.

  9. Anonymous8:29 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Can you imagine if she really was pregnant? In a way I hope not because a year of tabloid stories (pregnancy plus birth) would drive me insane.

  11. Anonymous8:33 AM

    It looks like she at a flat bread veggie sandwhich from subway, not like a hot pastrami or meatball sub, tiniest food baby ever. People will announce when they're ready, especially with her age she'd need to wait the requisite 6 weeks is it before announcing in case she miscarries. God forbid. This is just like that food baby pic that beyonce posted saying look at my belly, I was def pregnant! No bitch, you just at a solid meal, that's all.

  12. At 43, Jen is already past the age where she could have any realistic chance of getting pregnant without donor eggs. Even IVF patients age 43 who use their own eggs have a success rate (live birth) of just 5%. End of health PSA. Have the tabs considered that maybe Jen's perfectly happy without kids?!

  13. I don't see a belly either, I see a wrinkly sweater is all.

  14. I like Jen, no way she's pregnant so close to her wedding...
    Also if I were her I'd rent a womb and not say a word until the baby arrived...

  15. She does look a teeny bit fuller around the tummy...but that could be because she ate something that day.

  16. I don't see any bump at all. She looks totally normal.

  17. Maybe she has her period and she's bloated. Sometimes that can make me feel like I gained 10 lbs!

  18. I wish I looked pregnant like she does.

  19. yeah all i've been seeing is a flat stomach in recent pictures. tabloids are so annoying about this crap.

  20. More importantly, let's discuss the need for scarves, particularly cashmere ones, with a fucking t shirt. Is it cold there, Jen? It is? Then throw on a $500 St. John's cardigan. Your $300 scarf looks ridiculous with your yoga pants and long sleeve tee, no matter the cost. Anyway, enjoy the fact that you ate today!

  21. I wear warm scarves w/just a shirt all the time when it's a little chilly, but not enough to warrant a coat.

  22. For someone who despises JA, Enty sure blogs about her a lot!

  23. I agree with the person above who said it is highly unlikely someone her age would be pregnant. It's certainly not impossible, but at this point odds are very stacked against it. When will she finally be too old for tabloids to publish these stories? When she's in her 50s? Geez.

  24. You know, Kelly Preston became pregnant and had a baby in her late 40s. So Jen can, too!!!

  25. Did Kelly Preston carry her own baby? I thought she had a surrogate.

  26. @Silly - Well, she claims she carried her own baby and I believe called it her "miracle baby". However, there are plenty of rumors that she used a surrogate and wore a prosthetic. So, the answer is: Who the hell knows? I do know I don't feel comfortable taking anything Co$ members say at face-value.

  27. ** Or celebrities in general, for that matter.

  28. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I don't know why, she strikes me as someone who isn't interested in children.

  29. MISCH I remember years ago Jen saying she was freezing some eggs. I would do the same thing you suggest, rent a womb and not say a word until the baby arrives (should they choose it). The stories are going to happen regardless so just ignore them.

    Should they choose to have a baby, I can't help but think the baby is destined for a happier life. The Brange family always look like a pack of gypsies. They make me sad.

    As an aside, have you noticed how differently Suri is dressing now that Katie is an SP? Ballet flats, knee socks and jackets instead of heels, lipstick and bare arms.

  30. Is JA our version of Kate M from across the pond? Good grief, leave the woman alone already.

  31. Ohhh come on. That's no sandwich. I'd say it's a burrito.

  32. I think if Jen wanted a baby she'd have had one a long time ago.

  33. The first time i ever got pregnant (and unexpectedly at that), i was 44.

    that said...she doesnt look preggers.

  34. I've thought for years that she pads her tummy now and then to keep people guessing and her picture in tabloids. She is a has-been (unless she goes back to TV with the right show--she could be a major player again but she won't because she thinks she's too good for TV now) who was dumped by Brad Pitt, can't make a decent movie to save her life (couldn't act her way out of a paper bag either), and the only 3 things people are interested in talking to her about is the Other Woman, her hair, and babies. So what's a girl to do?

    Jesus, I sound so bitter today. This is why I mostly lurk, and seldom post. :(

  35. @Solitary Angel..I was bobbing my head, going 'Uh-huh...uh-huh...uh-huhhh!' So, please do post again. =)

  36. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I dont know why , but an emoticon with no nose: :)....:(....looks like a person with no teeth. Always remember to add the nose:....:-).....:-(
    . Or not. Lol

    RANDOM .........

  37. I like them without noses :)

  38. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Sorry Doc, your Guy looks dopey. I could "pull a fast one" on him. Lol


  39. Anonymous5:44 PM

    =) :) <-------Larry and Curly.

    :-) <--------Moe.

    Ask yourselves, who did the majority of the slapping? Lol.

  40. In 20 years, when Jennifer Aniston's in her 60's, the tabloids will still talk about her being pregnant.

  41. Hahaha @ Reeses - I often read a book called "SkippyJon Jones in the Doghouse" to kids at my school, and I totally read that as the little Chihuahuas going, "uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!" <3

  42. Mmm, sandwich... ham, cheese, mustard, lettuce, schwarzbrot. Unfortunately, all I have is cheese and mustard. Drat.

    You know what would be awesome? If all the the preggo Jen stories had been true, and she secretly had a hockey team's worth of secret children. The next sound you would hear is every gossip reporter's head exploding!

  43. She doesn't look remotely pregnant to me, a little constipated yes. At 43, she could very well get pregnant and naturally. My aunt had her kids at 39 and 43. Jen could also get help from fertility drugs and then would be more likely to have fraternal twins, like Angie did. I think by this time next year she'll be pregnant and ready to pop, if she's able. If not we'll see a lot of sad stories of miscarriages and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
