Friday, December 28, 2012

Jenelle Evans Got Hooked On Heroin By Keiffffffah

Nothing like spending the last Friday of the year talking about Jenelle Evans and her addict husband accusing  Jenelle's ex Kiefffffffah of getting Jenelle hooked on heroin. Apparently jenelle's husband knows how to write because he went on Twitter and said this season on teen Mom 2 everyone will see how Kieffffffah got Jenelle hooked on drugs. That may very well be, but the husband is still using drugs and probably doing them in front of Jenelle and how is that going to help her addiction? How can she see her kid if you are using at home? And this is the guy that wants to get custody of his other kid?


  1. Ain't it wonderful we make people like this something to be talked about. MTV should be ashamed.

  2. MTV has one show I love, Awkward. The rest of the shows make you realize how much better off you have it - than you ever realized!!

    1. Hey @Pink I'm a fan of Jenna and Matty and got a huge crush on Jenna's dad ;)

    2. Yes, Jenna and Matty! I think the dad is cute, but Matty - something about him...can't wait for season 3!

  3. Ugh when will this show be off the air. I would rather watch "I used to be fat" any day of the week instead of this garbage. On another note I love writing Keeeeiffahhh.

    1. I'm embarrassed to admit that I like I Used To Be Fat. And Chelsea Settles. I hate myself.

  4. Enty - you are soooo late on this gossip. Janelle is already getting a divorce. Also, I don't believe anyone can be solely responsible for getting another person hooked on drugs. If it weren't Kieffer, it would have been some other boooooyfriend (tm Barbara).

    @pink_palace: You should check out Catfish on Mtv. I just started watching it and I could not believe how stupid some people are.

    1. @michael normally I agree with u but jenelle seems so completely unintelligent that I believe anyone could convince her to do anything, and bc she's lazy it means she will do the easy thing like do drugs instead of things without instant gratification like school, exercise, eat healthy... I don't know why I feel so protective of her and Amber Lol. They r just so messed up and sad to me

    2. @michael @pink I love catfish too! I hate to say it but something has to be faked in it. The one where the girl was posing as a guy to pretend to be her enemies bf was too weird to me. Either the guys know who the mystery person is before they meet or its actors. Something doesn't sit right with me but I love it! Did u see the movie?

  5. This girl never had a chance at life. It will take a miracle for her to turn it around.

    1. @katsm I'm with you on the Janelle/Amber thing. They just can't seem to get out of their own way! I keep hoping they'll get it together

    2. @vip at least I think Amber has a great eye for style and design. Whether or not you like her taste, her entire outfits always match completely and flatter her body. Even her hair and makeup. She definitely has a career there but Jenelle.... It breaks my heart when a person doesn't know what they are talented at or even just enjoy as hobbies even if they suck.

  6. Michael, I watched Catfish and it made me cry - the boyfriend who turned out to be gay but she was in denial and then the best friends/pen-pals where he was so large he had issues moving about. Have any of those had a happy ending? If they did, I might just have to watch more. Thanks!!

    1. There was one happy ending that I saw. The person wasn't who they said they were but the other didn't care.

  7. @Michael, you are right, I read about the divorce elsewhere else this morning too. Janelle & Courtland were married for a grand total of 24 days before calling it quits.

    I don't think there I'd much anyone can do to help Janelle, she needs to want the help herself first.

    1. God I hate autocorrect sometimes. Sorry for the typos.

    2. Someone beat Kim K's record.

  8. As Worf once said on Star Trek, "You were distracted by your own foolishness." Or, in this critter's case, addicted by her own vacuousness.

  9. saying keiffffah is the new blaaaaake

  10. No, in most cases, I would say another person cannot *make* another person an addict.

    This is a sore subject for me: I've mentioned my past addiction to Rx before. Coming up on 5 years free of Perkies/opiates and Soma. Yay me!! What makes it such a sore subject for me is the growing realization that my ex-boyfriend never suggested to me that I stop or even cut back on the drugs. When we first got together, he did ask me to stop drinking; I thought he cared enough that I was acting like an asshole while drinking. As I've recovered from my addiction and also the horror that was my relationship with Jerk, I've come to realize that the reason he wanted me to stop drinking was because I'm rather uncontrollable when drinking. Drugged out on opiates, I was way more docile and controllable. Gahd, I fucking hate him. During my years of active addiction, I never encouraged anyone to abuse drugs so I would have a drug buddy: I was a solitary druggie. I spent most of my 30s clean and sober only to fall again when I was 37/38. Don't fool yourself into thinking it could never happen to you.

    Anyhoo, thanks for listening!

  11. @katsm0711 and @pink_palace: I definitely think that some of the show is scripted (for example, I think that the conversation with the episode "catfish" is waaaay more extensive than what we the audience sees because there is no way that the "catfish" just up and says sure I'll meet the person within a minute of talking. The only "happy" ending I saaw was the first episode and from what I read the ending wasn't actually accurate (the two people didn't keep talking and remain friends).
    @ReesesPeace and @katsm0711: Eh, I'm not saying Keiffer isn't a manipulative POS but I just can't blame him for Janelle's addictions. She was clearly on her way down that road before she even met him.

    1. @michael I didn't mean I blame Keiffer necessarily, i just feel that her intelligence is that of a child so she would be easily swayed by any person near her. Maybe it started before Keiffer? She seems so empty like she doesn't enjoy any part of life bc she wasn't able to discover her skills while she was still in school so she's turning to drugs for a hobby.
      Ur so right! There's no way after 10 years of texting all it took was one or two? phone calls on Catfish for the guy to agree to meet. You're right they must script that part.

  12. Low rent Kristen Stewart. And that's saying something because Kristen Stewart is already the low rent version of Kristen Stewart.

  13. She never had a chance. Is anyone really surprised by this? She has serious emotional problems, obviously stemming from her family life. Not that that's an excuse, but it seems like she'll do ANYTHING to feel loved. Including heroin with that lowlife.

    1. @faith yeah that too! She's looking for love but she doesn't even know what it is :( maybe she would do well working with animals? It just seems like she has no idea what she's good at so she has no way to feel proud of herself.

  14. Reese's- hope you're feeling better today! :)

  15. anyone who abuses drugs should just not exist anymore, it's so stupid

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. isnt Jenelle Bipolar? Many people who have been diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder self medicate...

    1. @lori yes jenelle was diagnosed as bipolar a few months ago but I don't take that diagnosis as truth. Yeah she could be bipolar sure and she definitely has some imbalance or else he wouldn't feel that weed makes her normal. I question te type of dr Jenelle went to and if jenelle was coached on what to say in order to get the prescriptions she wanted. Ive never gotten a correct diagnosis bc once I get to the dr I act like everything's fine and I don't tell them anything they need to know bc I'm too proud and I don't trust any doctor. I'd only believe her bipolar diagnosis if jenelle stays out of trouble for a while meanining the meds she got were correct (if she's taking them)

  18. @Ari - how kind of you to say that.

  19. @SusanB...thank you!!! I can't even fathom the idiocy!

  20. Ari, stop being an ignorant asshat.

  21. @ Sugar, so funny.

  22. Janelle totally had a chance at life. She got pregnant young, her mother is now the guardian of the child, so I have no doubt she would have helped Janelle with the baby. Instead, Janelle verbally and physically attacked her mother when she couldn't get her way. Rather than using her motherhood as an opportunity to mature, she dumped the kid with her mom to party and hang pit with a dude. She gets paid for the show. Rather than using the money to go to school and provide for her child, she wastes it on tickets to see Kesha, and other stupid shit. She has had ample opportunity to straighten out her life, but she decided to remain a petulant child.

    1. Hang out, not hang pit. Autocorrect strikes again!

  23. Hey guys I need help! I'm writing a book report on the three billy goats gruff (bc I'm in second grade) and I can't remember the thing on the bridge that wouldn't let the goats pass. What was that thing called?

  24. @Ari

    That's pretty harsh.... I have to admit I've felt like that about dealers that sell hard drugs bc of some things that have happened in my personal life, but most drug users are just trying to self-medicate.

    People don't start using drugs intending to get addicted.

  25. Wow! Late to the party but - adolescent conduct disorder should NOT be entertainment.

  26. Ugh I read this last night and then had a dream I was hanging out with these idiots.
