Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Jason Trawick Is Going To Break Up With Britney Spears Again

Do I think Britney Spears and Jason Trawick have a romantic relationship? I think that every once in awhile Jason succumbs to the pressure and acts like Britney's boyfriend for a week or two and then goes right back to keeping her at arms length while he acts as her manager and counts all the money in his head that he will get when he is solely in charge. Every few weeks there are reports that the couple are going to split. This time I saw one in Hollyscoop. First of all, nothing would happen until next year because of X Factor and the holidays. Second of all, I think Jason has people in his life that fill the void romantically and that he is perfectly willing to keep up the Britney facade for as long as it takes. She is a goldmine to him and the last thing he wants to do is make her angry and want him out of her life. Then he might actually have to do more work than answering phone calls and going to X Factor shows while cashing huge checks,


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