Tuesday, December 11, 2012

If Jennifer Aniston Was Pregnant The World Would Explode

If you think that Kate Middleton pregnancy mania is something, I think it would be nothing to Jennifer Aniston pregnancy mania. The reason? Easier to photograph her. It is pretty tough to have pregnancy mania if there are no photos to document someone everyday. Unless Jennifer Aniston were to stay in her house everyday, there would be photos. Lots of them. It has been chilly here the past few mornings and when I say chilly, I mean in relation to what it usually is here and not chilly in a Chicago kind of way. So, Jennifer wore a coat. A large coat. So, of course she is now pregnant. And on the seventh day God rested while opening up tabloids to look at the photos.


  1. I'm so tired of her. She's a terrible actress and still keeps whining how Brad left her. Isn't her 15 minutes of fame up yet?

    1. oh shutup she hasn't said anything about brad in years. why would she whine about him when she's engaged to another man? she's been around since the early 90s she isn't going anywhere, learn to deal with it.

    2. No, she hasn't talked about Brad in years however her minion Chelsea Handler talks about Brad and Amgelina constantly which leads me to believe that all those two woman do is drink wine by themselves and bitch about Brad Pitt and 50 Cent.

  2. I'm just baffled. Other than to congratulate the happy mother, who cares? Who cares if mom gains 10 pounds or 50? I have no problem with Jen but damn, I just don't care if she has 1 child or 10 as long as I don't have to support them.

  3. I'm kinds over Jennifer Anniston. I would be happy for her but not obsessed with her pregnancy like I might be over the next king or queen lol!

  4. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I agree the pregnancy speculations are ridiculous. That being said, she's been around the " when will Jen get a ring" rumor mill so many times, and that happened, so who knows? I'd imagine she would have gone off the pill when she thought they were gonna last and maybe she got preggos before she thought she would. It was a little odd, knowing how much they speculate, that she covered up her belly region strategically with a jacket and a shopping bag the other day in a parking garage pic. Congrats to her if she is, I can't imagine what she's gone through over the years being publicly cheated on, dumped, then alone and never having any relationships work out, all the while aging. Fuck celebrity. Who'd want that? The millions aren't worth hit.

  5. As I've said before, I really want her to get pregnant (because the rag mags have programmed it into me). I would love it if she got pregnant and then denied it...like, denied it even as she's being wheeled into the hospital to give birth. "Nope, no baby here. Just fat."

  6. @Karen - that would be the best ever, Jen doing a Reese.

  7. @karen - I've already told my mom and one of the managers at work that when I get pregnant, I'm not telling anyone and I'm just going to let them think I got fat. :)

      I think I'll do that too!

    2. Damn- I'm ALREADY fat. And a guy. I never get to have any fun!!!

  8. I wish her the best. All i.see are happy pictures of her and justin theroux. IF they want a baby then i hope they are blessed with one. If not then i hope they are happy together.

  9. I think she likes her life as it is, hell I would love her life.

  10. Off topic, but "Harvey", you do realize that we all realize that you're the poster formerly known as Carmelite Lady, right? I think there were one or two other names between that one and this one...

    1. I don't think she's ever denied or tried to hide it...

  11. I think the royal baby would still be much bigger news. At this point I think if Jen would have kids it be via surrogate or adoption. Others have gotten pregnant at her age sure, I just don't think she wants to be pregnant if you catch my drift.

  12. She does look preggers, so does Mila Kunis.

  13. Yes she never talks about Brad...it's the other side that keeps bring Jen up..
    And if I were Jen I'd rent a womb and not tell anyone until after the baby was born...

  14. How do I say this nicely. I really don't care what this woman does. She's been riding the sympathy train for how long now?

    Please. How much money do her people pay the rags to keep pushing her into the public eye?

  15. I think there's a difference between the 'world' and US magazine. I can't imagine anyone mentioning her baby bump out of sheer will and happiness. Kate & Will have an heir/heiress to a throne coming their way, whatever your sentiments, that is a pretty big deal.

  16. I highly doubt she is pregnant, or ever will be.

    I believe her recent actions are to stimulate some pregnancy discussions in the press (purse over belly, big coat). We haven't heard or seen much of her in a while and now...Whoop, there she is!

  17. Her face looks like she is preggo, but that would be if she was like 5 mos along, if she is preggo, then I would say judging by her fat face she is having a girl :) Like all of a sudden her nose looks fat like she got a reverse nose job done? Anyone see what I am talking about or am I just losing my mind??

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Her face, that is def the face of a preggo. First thing I noticed.

  18. Slow news day?

    Do you not see the irony in posting countless non-stories about the tabloids' focus on Jennifer Aniston and her non-pregnancy in which you complain about this topic?


  19. She does look preggers in this photo.

  20. She hasn't talked about Brad in years. But she's older and if by chance she does get pregnant, I wouldn't talk about it until it was delivered. The world would be watching and if something went wrong, how painful. I wouldn't blame her if she said nothing at 9 months. But yeah, a surrogate might be a good plan.

  21. I think she's milking it. yawn

  22. ZZZzzzzzZZZzzzzzZZzzzz

    publicity, and publicity only IMO

  23. She's not very likely to get pregnant at her age especially if she did have those miscarriages when she was younger like they say.

  24. she's 43, did you all forget that? even in 2012, Mother Nature isn't a miracle worker. At this point if she wanted a baby, it would be surrogate.

  25. @jax - i don't believe that she's pregnant now and i believe that if she did want a baby, she'd use a surrogate (because she values her body above all else), but i do know of PLENTY of women who had babies in their forties. Many women don't hit menopause until their 50's.

  26. She had all of those miscarriages because she had way too many abortions (in my opinion)
    I read in a medical journal that the majority of woman who have trouble conceiving have had more than one abortion and hey! I'm not judging so please don't think that =]
    Her nose looks fatter because she needs nose job #50.

  27. And somewhere Julia Louis Dreyfuss sheds a another tear....

  28. Its interesting to think of the mania over this woman. I realize this is an age old question by now(yet part of the point) but why her?
    It must be the hair. Go to any salon and ask for "The Jennifer" and they pull out the Jennifer Aniston hair shrine.

  29. @Amanda - I think you mean "The Rachel"

    1. And that my friend just goes to show how clearly uninterested I am with this woman. ;) although, I'll admit I liked her on Friends back in the 90's :)

  30. I wouldn't blame her for using a surrogate if she truly wanted a baby. I also wouldn't blame her for being honest enough to admit she didn't want kids rather than force herself to have one or adopt one and then pass it to a nanny until picture time.

  31. I believe if jen wanted to be married and pregnant, she would be. Shes living her life exactly the way she wants to. If that includes a baby, i wish her well.

  32. Jen and I are the same age. The likelihood of her getting pregnant at this age is .02%. I would be thrilled for her if she did get pregnant, but I'd also wait until like month 7 to tell people as there is a strong chance of miscarriage. I'm not bashing, I'm being honest. 2 years of fertility treatments, 2 miscarriages in that time. So, yes, I know what I'm talking about.
    I think we can stop all the chatter and focus more on Blake Lively for the next 20 years to see if/when she gets pregnant (or did I miss the announcement yet?).

  33. I think in the Commonwealth the royal baby would be a bigger deal. It's so nice to have a good looking royal couple and a baby makes it so much sweeter. Personally, I love Jen but really wouldn't be as bothered.

  34. She takes such good care of her body (except for the smoking - wtf is up with that???) that I think she would have a baby by surrogate.

  35. @jax
    Sometimes you sound so ignorant. PLENTY of women have children in their 40s. Now if she was 53, I would say it was a different track.

  36. @sillygirl
    There are a lot more factors in play then a woman's age when trying to conceive. The old less than .01% doesn't correspond with the numbers of "accidental" pregnancies happening to women in their 40s. I had my twins going on 41. I stopped my birth control on my 40th birthday. After teenage girls, women in their 40s have the most unplanned pregnancies.

  37. I forgot to mention, with Aniston's money, she could get donated eggs. That's how, allegedly, Geena Davis, Holly Hunter, and Beverly d'Angelo did it when pushing 50.

  38. I agree with Lainey on this one, on one hand it'd be great for gossip,
    on the other hand the thing I admire her the most for would be gone, that is, not following the society's general view that
    'a woman's goal in life MUST be becoming a mother'
    'a woman is incomplete/frustrated/... without husband+babies'
    so either way, everybody wins, yay!!

  39. @Henriette, I understand the numbers, etc., with getting pregnant after 40. She's a drinker, smoker, maybe not even at a healthy weight, who knows? The likelihood is small, however, and that's a fact.
