Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hugh Jackman Talks About Fatherhood And Miscarriages

It seems that this round of publicity tours for Les Miserables that Hugh Jackman is talking about anything and everything no matter how personal. On Katie today he talks about how he and his wife wanted to have kids naturally but that his wife kept having miscarriages. He said they had always planned on adopting in addition to other kids they had, but because of infertility issues, they could only adopt.


  1. they weren't infertile she conceived but couldn't carry the pregnancy...there is a difference...
    anyway they are fantastic parents...what lucky kids

  2. Well, that stinks but he does hv two adorable kids he dotes on.

  3. He seems like such a good dad.

  4. P.S
    I love him...
    Also they rarely talk about how crazy those hormones make you after a miscarriage ....
    and so many women miscarry and don't even know it because it's so early on....

  5. Yeah, he's fluffing the truth. Im so sorry if that's the case, but it's also known he has a long term boyfriend. Ted wrote about it a couple times. I wish someone like him would be brave enough to come out-it could make such a difference.

  6. Sheesh, well I guess if Ted wrote it, it must be true. Where is Ted now pray tell?

  7. Oh I don't doubt he and his wife have an arrangement and it seems to work well so who cares ? I know I don't probably because he seem to be a great husband dad and person...
    Now lets talk about Tom Cruise, he is not any of those things...

  8. I wouldn't wish miscarriage on my worst enemy. I'm sorry they went through that. Arrangement or not, they seem happy, the kids seem happy and damn he is one fine looking man.

  9. Infertility includes a wide range of diagnoses and definitions, but yeah, multiple miscarriages (2 or more consecutively I believe) constitute as infertility. Some people have infertility defined as the ability to conceive, others as the ability to create viable offspring. Anywho, he seems like a great dad. Don't care whether he and his wife have a traditional marriage or an arrangement, they and their kids seem happy so who am I to judge?

  10. people are very emotional this week. the sandy hook killings and the christmas season seem to have made people want to "connect" with everyone/anyone. was talking about this with a friend today. everywhere i go people are sharing their life story with me. im in san diego, my firned is in new jersey. she's finding the same thing.

    and i do think he's gay, but i think he dearly loves his wife and that their commitment to their family is the real-deal.

  11. Has anyone seen this article on Gawker a while back where a mormon preacher, happily married with children, confessed he is gay:

    I think it s quite the same for them.

  12. I still think everyone thinks he's gay because he's a musical theater type, altho obviously his range is far far beyond that. Of course I, and most of us, wouldn't care if he was gay. He is a beautiful man inside and out, he obviously has a very happy family life, so if he is in fact gay he's not doing his wife any disservice.

  13. I wish he would adopt me (never mind that we near the same age, shut up).

  14. That's the sense I got too-he loves his wife, they're great parents, just not sexually. As far as I am concerned, I think that's awesome. I just wish he'd only be a little more forth coming about it. Not for gossip purposes, but because of the positive impact it'd have. Could you imagine the young fans he could help (the ones struggling with their sexuality.) I'd think if Wolverine was out and proud, might not be as scary for the other kids struggling.

  15. I don't care if he's gay or bi or whatever, he is a very handsome and very talented man who obviously cares deeply for his wife.

  16. That sounded weird lol. They are great parents, great friends, just not married in the intimate fashion.

  17. I love him. I dont care whether he gay or bi. He still awesome.

  18. I could never understand where all this speculation that he is gay comes from. Not like it really matters to me, though. In pictures, anyways, they look like a happy well adjusted family.
    Also, thank god for makeup and lighting. He looks tired...

  19. He is the nicest guy in show biz. No one who has ever met or worked with him speak ill of him.

  20. I couldn't care less if he's gay or straight. He's an awesome man and an awesome father. It's obvious he loves his wife whether they have a typical marriage or not. They are happy, and their children seem to be very happy. Kudos to them!

  21. I only hope he's not gay because he's my big celebrity crush but if he was I would still adore him.

  22. So sad but at least they have two great kids. I feel like there is a deal between the two of them but if their both happy and good parents who cares? I just get the whole Gene Kelly, Danny Kaye bisexual thing from him.
