Monday, December 24, 2012

Gary Busey Nephew Arrested

Mike Busey proclaims himself as the King Of Rock and Roll Debauchery. This weekend he found himself the king of the jail instead after he was arrested at his home which he has nicknamed the Sausage Castle. Seriously. Mike is the nephew of Gary Busey and was arrested for selling booze at his home without a license. An undercover cop paid $20 to enter the party and then bought a beer at a bar set up inside the house.. People were also smoking pot at the party. Shocker. Mike was transported to jail in his Santa costume (above).


  1. Are u sure that's Gary Busey's nephew? Where's Maury when you need him?

  2. And we all thought the world wasn't ending.

  3. I want to know why he calls his house the Sausage Castle.

  4. Whoa, thank you officer for protecting us from the that illegal booze bizzness! Oooh and that dangerous hippie lettuce.

  5. this guy isn't famous? no?!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh those wacky Buseys.

  8. Anonymous7:44 AM

    No way! Sausage Castle is the name of MY house!!!! He cannot have that name.

  9. I'm sure he'll have a reality show by the start of the new year.

  10. I'm not sure I understand why he was arrested? Because he charged admission to a house party? Hell I guess me and my college roommate's should've been arrested for accepting money to buy a 2nd keg at some of our parties

  11. Not certain which is scarier, his open Santa vest or his reverse skunk two tone hair? Sausage Castle? Is his alter ego Abe Froman?

  12. I want Gary Busey to do an episode of Who Do You Think You Are and then he's led to a Diners and Drive-in's taping

  13. thank god the cops are cracking down on those hard core criminals selling $5 beers at Christmas parties and not those harmless drug dealers and rapists roaming the streets

    Money well spent! :-/

  14. The busey's have alot of extra teeth.

  15. Whenever you wonder where the fuck the cops are when you are having an emergency, just remember that they are staking out Gary Busey's nephew for selling beer and smoking pot. :P

  16. So many things to laugh at...can't pick just one.

    He has his own website, but I can't really tell what he does. It's like a low-rent Howard Stern show? Anyway, you MUST Google his mugshot, because this picture right here does not do the reverse skunk justice.

  17. He looks rather proud of himself...

  18. I met this guy at a bar in Florida years ago and he was completely out of his mind. Crazy runs deep in that family.

  19. I saw gary busey's son in movies and a scifi ones too. He scares the hell out of me. If only he would embrace it. That he is terrifying. He could harness that into some robert englund genius.

  20. Ikr? The insanity gene runs strongly in this family. *shudder*

  21. Talk about slow news day...

  22. I would love to be a fly on the wall for a Busey family Christmas.

  23. ooh...partying in his own house...
