Four For Friday - It's The Meds
Friday today. The last Friday before Christmas. I will be here all weekend and Christmas Eve and Christmas too. I don't want you to forget about me or be without some blind items or some gossip, so I will be here plugging away. Tomorrow I will have a blind item or two to reveal as we get closer to Reveal Day on January 1st. If you would like, please follow me on Twitter @entylawyer
This actress used to be almost A list. Always movies. Hated television. Thought it was beneath her. That is because she started off with such a bang that she thought she would never have to do television. Time have changed. Her stock has dropped to B-/C+ and she will do television as long as it is a movie. Not just something thrown together for ratings, but a real movie. Of course if the paycheck is high enough she will lower her demands about the quality of the programming.People don't really like working with her. Actually they hate working with her. They hate being her boyfriend or husband too, but that can take a little bit longer because she is so different that the guys get wrapped up int he fact that she is ready and willing to do anything with anyone so the guy will put up with her throwing dishes at them or threatening them with a knife or gun or beating them when they least suspect it. Unstable does not begin to describe our actress, but the guys she is with love it. When a regular guy asks her out, she has no interest. She needs to see that the guy has an edge too and that he might fight back. Not actually fight back, but looks like he might. It seems like she always has a boyfriend or husband because no women want to hang out with her so the only person she has in her life ever is the guy she is currently with.