Monday, December 17, 2012

Edward Furlong - Coke Dad

A judge in LA on Friday refused to modify the visitation or custody rights of Edward Furlong to see his 6 year old son. The reason? Apparently after the last time the 6 year old spent time alone with Edward the kid tested positive for cocaine. Edward probably thought it would be fun to have the kid do what daddy did so the dad would not be the only messed up member of the family and Edward would have some company on the nights he is homeless and out trying to score drugs. Maybe he even thought he would be able to get some type of family discount.


  1. Finally one of the LA courts do it right, now if only it'll happen again for Lilo.

  2. When is he going to start blaming Skynet for all his problems?

  3. He really gave his six year old coke?
    What a puke. No, he should have supervised visits until he cleans himself up.
    Such wasted talent.

  4. I'm glad they changed the visitation, but shouldn't he be charged with something? I don't know the law, but I feel like this should go further--child endangerment, abuse, neglect, or something.

  5. His kid had coke in his system? WTFF? Asshole.

  6. Why did they even think to check the kid? I'd like to hear more about this.

  7. I can't believe I used to like this guy.

  8. That's disgusting. Poor child.

  9. How vile. I wonder if the coke was lying around and the child took some, rather than Edward actively giving it to him. Remember when Jude Law and Sadie Frost's daughter took a pill on the floor of a club rented for her birthday?
    Obviously it shouldn't be lying around and that doesn't really make it much better, maybe just slightly less messed up.

  10. This makes my blood boil....

  11. Maybe he smoked crack in the vicinity of the poor child? Typical junkie parent behavior. So very sad.

  12. Anonymous6:52 AM

    There's probably a light dusting of that shit all over his furniture. Kid could've come into contact with it anywhere. Probably not the most sanitary house.

  13. Agree with Erin B. Why isn't this bastard in jail? Even if the kid found it and took it himself, it's still endangering a child.

  14. Fucking loser. Still love Detroit Rock City, though!!!

  15. That is fucking sick. Keep this loser away from his kid. I have a six year old son and I'd go out of my damn mind if he tested positive for cocaine. Sick bastard.

  16. Regardless of how the child came across it, this is not ok. Poor kid.

  17. Exactly Erin and Susan B... How can you NOT go to jail for something like this. If this is not child endangerment, I don't know what is.

  18. Guys, this is terrible, I agree. But the reality is that family court judges come across this shit many times a day. And they work really hard to get parents to clean up so they can be fit parents. I think the jails would all be full and kids would be roaming the streets unattended if they put everyone who tested positive for drugs in jail. Of course, I'm exaggerating, but we don't have enough foster care in this country to accommodate all the kids with unfit parents.

  19. Not cool..What a long fall he's made. Tragic for son and dad.

  20. Omg who in their right mind would have a child with him!

  21. OMG. No No No No No. Not funny. What an ass. I hope he gets charged. Little bodies aren't made for that.

    When I hear about people losing their children, and then a Dad who does something like this it makes me crazy.

  22. He probably sneezed on the kid and covered him in an eight-ball worth of phlegmy booger sugar.

  23. I am an addict, not an active addict but an addict all the same. It is a disease. Some days are great, other days it flares up. But like I said before and I will say it forever, I liked my drugs, but I LOVE my daughter.

  24. Rock on, lc! My heart breaks for people who choose addiction over their kids. I have a family member who died of alcoholism, leaving behind two precious children. To me, that is testimony to the power of addiction, because I know he adored his kids.

    Keep on keepin on, sister. One day at a time :-).

  25. When I was using, I used to refuse to touch my dog on her face because I knew there were chemicals on my skin. It just gets everywhere and seeps out of you too. It's not inconceivable that the kid would test positive for coke simply from being in a house where it was used a lot.

    I sincerely hope it was not actually given to him. That would most definitely be child abuse.

  26. Anonymous11:14 AM

    what the hell made them test the child for drugs?

  27. Edward must be smoking rocks near the child. Second hand would give the kid a dirty UA. Who does this stuff near their child besides Whitney Houston?



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