Monday, December 24, 2012

Did LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibiran Cheat On Each Other?

LeAnn Rimes gave an interview after her disastrous X Factor performance. The one Simon Cowell described as interesting and could not keep a straight face when he said that LeAnn was not drunk. In the interview, LeAnn says that when she wrote her latest song it was tough because, "I actually was scared to put him in the song, because it does talk about how we both hurt each other," she explained. "There was a moment where we did have some hurt between the two of us that we had to accept and get over and move forward." I doubt they were beating each other up, soo, that leaves cheating? Who did LeAnn cheat with? I bet Eddie cheated with that waitress he saw forever while he was married to Brandi. Maybe LeAnn hurt him some other way? Didn't give him his allowance for a few weeks when she found out about it? Mad Eddie look at three hours of LeAnn in a bikini?


  1. Such trash. Squinty eyed trash.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought there was a blind a few weeks ago about a singer cheating with her manager, maybe that was her.

  4. Doubt she did anything. She's the type that'd blame herself for pushing him to cheat.

  5. This is Taylor Swift's future.

  6. Lol @Amy!
    How you get him is how you lose him.

  7. Nice stache. His ain't bad either.

  8. That has to be the douchiest picture of any man in the world ever.

  9. I agree with Onyx. That was my first thought too---I've heard many a gal accept the blame that their dude cheated.

    If HE were hurt by her cheating, wouldn't he look like at least a Stage-3 Clinger? But he doesn't---He looks like he doesn't give a shit about her (sorry LeAnn), and she's always got her nails dug into his arm.

  10. I don't give two figs about this worthless couple. I think they are generating this drama for publicity.

  11. Glitter--I think all this is the last step until total implosion. She's already been to twitter-rehab, because she can't take when strangers question her marriage and/or insult what she puts out there herself. Last week she was drunk on tv, and cock-blocked a 13-year old from stealing her spotlight. smh

    I seriously think all these 'admissions' & interviews are before-the-fact face-saving, or worse, a weird way to try and save the marriage.

  12. Sorry, Glitter--It looks like I addressed my whole comment to you, even though you don't care two figs. Sorry, I wasn't just talking to you, just following your point.

  13. Lola, thinking of you!Enjoy the holidays.

    1. @Agent**It, you are too much! LOL

  14. I remember something about Brandi Glanville going public with the fact that she and her soon-to-be-ex or recent ex had been sleeping together even though he and moved in with Ms. Rimes. He denied it of course but I'm guessing that's at least part of what the wacko was writing about.

  15. w/Glitter all the way. This is just for publicity. Get off my interwebs!

  16. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I love love love how she performed on X Factor, it shows the whole world what we've been saying for month's. That Falcor's ( She shouldn't get the name of my beloved Falcor from Neverending story!) an egomaniac with a serious alcohol, adderall, and probably a laxative addiction. I've been prescribed Adderall, and ladies, it is no joke. Imagine drinking two to three big Monsters Energy Drinks, back to back. You can't eat, you can't sleep, your heart is beating a million miles a minute and jumping out of your chest, you're flushed, you're adrenaline is pumping so you're incredibly anxious and paranoid, fearful, worrying, you're mind is also running a million miles a minute in every direction, so it makes you more scattered and unable to focus. And as far as appetite, you know when you've got the flu? How you feel nauseous and can't imagine eating anything? It's like that. No matter how hungry you are, no matter what's in front of you, the sight or smell of food will make you nauseous. It's not fun stuff. I think that that's what's wrong with her, why she's so wacky all the time, neurotic and skeletal.

    1. Not to be an armchair doctor, but everything I've heard (from friends who've been prescribed) about therapeutic use of Adderall shouldn't have that effect - if prescribed correctly, it should actually calm you down. If not, you're basically just taking speed. You may want to revisit that prescription, because that sounds utterly miserable!

  17. So why would anyone take Adderal? There are other drugs out there. There is alternative medicine. Herbs and supplements. Diet changed. So many options yet people opt out for whatever Big Pharma is pushing, with extra payments to Drs for scripts. It boggles my mind why anyone does this.

  18. Bridget, when adderal is abused, it typically isn't for a calming effect. It may be because of the gossip I have read on sites like this, but I also wondered if she was on it while on the X Factor. Something just seemed off.

  19. I don't think she was drunk maybe pilled up. But mostly I think it showed how deeply selfish and narcissistic LeAnn is. She treated Carly like a back up singer and didn't let her shine the way she was supposed to with all of LeAnn over dramatic silliness. Making it all about her and not about the Xfactor contestant next to her.

    I hope her album tanks and Eddie is stuck married to her for the rest of his life.

  20. Adderol is not a stimulant?

  21. Adderal scares me -- basically it seems to be the equivalent of cocaine, and suburban housewives request they be prescribed it so they can lose weight.

  22. Adderall is a stimulant, however in folks with true ADHD, it actually calms them down because of something with the brain neurone firing different. To those of us who don't have ADHD and take it, you might as well take speed

    1. Thank you Amy! I have been wondering what all that talk was about and how it was connected to all the skinny jokes about celebs.

  23. This horse needs to ride out of town..Done listning to her stupid neying about one unimportant thing after another

  24. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Two assholes

  25. LeAnn cheat? Noooooo. She's madly in love with that dimpled doofus. But she could be spinning out of control because she's worried that's he's cheating. She can't be watching him 24/7.

    And anyone who takes twitter fans to lunch so they will like her more than they like Brandi has serious issues.

  26. Douchey but he is handsome

  27. Another interview with this quote made it sound like she was actually talking about Dean.

  28. Another interview with this quote made it sound like she was actually talking about Dean.

  29. Adderal is methamphetamine plus salt, so it literally is legal speed. What it does for those w ADHD is smooth out the high/low roller coaster of energy so they are at an even level (looks normal to outsiders)... It needs to be highly monitored for proper dosage so you don't get the palpitations or anxiety. It is not for everyone and if you get the weight loss eeeeeeeeeeeeeks they will cut back or switch to a non stimulant pharma treatment. It does work wonders for some though.

  30. Don't know how accurate this is, but I once heard a "body language expert" say that if a person has squinty eyes, they're bound to be unfaithful because it means they're always looking for someone else. Now that I've typed that, it seems ridiculous, but that's the first thing that popped into my head looking at this pic.
