Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dick's Sporting Goods Is Having Ammunition And Gun Sale

I realize that Dick's Sporting Goods is a national chain and they need to make money during the holidays. I think though, that in wake of the Sandy Hook killings that perhaps they could tone down their gun and ammunition sale they are having now, especially at the location that the Sandy Hook shooter tried to buy a rifle at just three days before the killings. The store, in Danbury, CT is selling ammunition for as low as 5 cents each and is also having a huge sale on all kinds of shotguns and rifles. Way too soon Dick's.


  1. Way to be a dick, Dick's.

  2. What national chain doesn't have a PR/Media Liaison person? Absolute trash.

  3. I was under the impression that Dicks was stopping its sale of the Bushmaster rifle, the rest is consumer demand as they are stocking up on something they believe may be taken from them.

  4. @Cleo - if it's all consumer demand (which I agree with), then there's no need to promote these items or put them on sale, since consumers are seeking them out anyways.

  5. Something they believe may be taken from them if they watch a certain propaganda machine masquerading as a news channel.

  6. Makes me think of Chris Rock, paraphrasing-"we need bullet control, they need to cost $5,ooo-that way, there wouldn't be any innocent bystanders"

  7. Ugh. Time for a boycott. (Love the Chris Rock quote.)

  8. I've been seeing increased gun sales for the past three months. I've been wondering if 12.21.12 has had some influence. I do know that the EOTW foodstuffs have also been selling well but it's Alaska, survival items always sell like hot tickets.

    1. This is what I'm thinking too!

  9. Guns don't kill. People kill.

    1. Yeah. People with guns.

    2. I'm not tying to be rude as though i am torn on gun control issues but people with knives kill people. People with cars kill people. People can kill people with their bare hands...

  10. Their name says it all

  11. Don't like Dick's - they treat their employees badly. I have to say though, usually these sales are set up a few months in advance, but yeah, they should have cancelled it.

  12. Too soon for this!! And I'm sick of the guns don't kill, people kill argument!

  13. Dicks has suspended sales of modern rifles in all of it's stores nationwide and removed ALL guns from the shelves in the store closest to Newtown. Don't be part of the problem, Enty, by spreading misinformation. Not the time.

  14. echo @crila16 and @SueRH

  15. Americans sure do love some guns. Cold, dead hands, indeed.

  16. the easy access to ammunition in the states is pretty fucking unbelievable

  17. What's with all the comments that this is "too soon"? When is the right time? When another school is shot up? When you or a loved one takes a bullet? SMH

  18. Wow, I'm going to be unpopular around here, but all this 'we need to be more sensitive' stuff is wearing thin. There are tragedies EVERY DAY that effect/affect us differently. For the 'media' to tell us how we should react is pathetic. Hasn't anyone thought about the stages of grief? We all go through them, perhaps not in order, perhaps not even go through every stage, but they are there. If a gun store wants to have a sale, it's their right. Let them have it. I don't have to shop there. PLEASE stop telling us what we should and shouldn't do, what we should and shouldn't feel. It is a tragedy, I understand that. I'm not discounting how terrible it is, but please stop telling us how to think, act, feel. Right is right, wrong is wrong.

  19. Pity it's not a "Going Out of Business" sale...

  20. It's Chrismas. There will be sales. Any hype on the guns issue is taking focus away from the real issue which is children's mental health. Too many kids are wasting their lifetime from actions taken during bouts of adolescent conduct disorder. This is the time when their brains are forming. Surely something, maybe even something organic, can be done about this.

  21. I think they are saying advertising a mass ammo sale days after the shooting is "too soon".

  22. I always go to this mall and needless to say will not be doing any shopping at Dick's. Just cancel the sale! This is the same place where the shooter bought his ammunition.

  23. Time to ban all weapons including knives, cars, cigarettes, alcohol, fertilizer, glass, all blunt instruments and any other item in the world that can be used as a weapon....not ot mention most Hollywood movies and let us not forget about books... get a grip people... blame the person not the object. Potato's should be banned too, ever use a potato canon? Marbles, water, rocks all of these items that have been used to kill.

    1. Yes, but ready availability of guns makes them number one method of harming people. Doing most damage.

    2. You get a grip, dude. No guns=no mass shootings. So sick of people being deliberately obtuse about this and constantly trying to act like these horrific crimes have shit to do with any other weapon in the world. False equivalence is getting old.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I agree with Silly girl that we shouldn't take our cue from the media, and we shouldn't let ourselves be emotionally manipulated by them. At the same time, I think that this sale is in poor taste. Perhaps they think that gun laws will change and they want to cash in on that. Many many gun stores did huge business all over the country when Obama got elected because of that very fear, that he's going to take away our guns. It's too soon. Put camo on sale, or camping gear, anything but guns and ammo right now. Just wait til January. And for those saying this is stupid, I think having a conversation about gun laws and guns is important and a great way to use this community forum for good.

  26. @LottaColada - Please tell us your source that he bought the bullets at Dicks. Apparently you know more than the police do.

    1. It's in the Daily Mail.... Where enty gets most of his stories from.

  27. This website has slowly turned into a lynch mob.

    Kill the DJ's who caused a suicide!

    These blind items are too disturbing for my sensitive eyes to read!

    OMG! Report every unsubstantiated pedo rumor to the police!

    A kid got hit by a baseball last week and died! Dick's shouldn't sell baseballs in the wake of his death!

    This is ridiculous. I miss the level headed and polite debate of opinions. Now it is mostly the hysterical finger pointing crowd.

    I'm out.

  28. They've been on sale for a while now.

  29. Oh please. People drive drunk and kill thousands of people every year, yet we go right on selling cars, gas and booze.

  30. Ok, lets take this a step further. And music, be it rock, hip hop, rap, etc. that contains any mention of guns and gun violence needs to be taken off mp3 sites, the airwaves, and so on.

  31. I don't see anything wrong with this. my husband asked for ammunition for his christmas present.
    I hate what happened at Sandy Hook, but the events are not a question of GUNS but a question of PEOPLE and how we as a society have failed them. China had a madman attack 22 children and 2 adults today in a school. Do we do away with knives over this? PROOF positive that when there's a will, there's a way.

    Anything goes this day in age. No one is accountable, kids are not taught ways to cope and are not given the help they need. God is removed from everything and we wonder what is wrong.

    PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM. You have to acknowledge the problem before you can fix it.

    1. No,people with access to guns are the problem.

    2. Jisforme, nobody died in China because it was a knife! If that man had a gun it would have been a different story! But I guess the answer is more guns!!! Why not give everyone a gun with their birth certificates!!! Welcome to the world! Here's your gun! For Gods sakes people open your eyes! Look at the statistics and the rates of gun related murders. Why can't we have practical gun laws? I don't want to take guns from responsible people but to make it harder for those who shouldn't and who needs these assault weapons to hunt???

  32. Oh god seriously. Everything is speculation. As of now there still has been no confirmation of the kid having a documented history of mental illness. In this particular instance the guns were legally obtained so having more backchecks on mental health before obtaining a gun probably wouldn't have stopped it.

    There are certain things that can be done, but I'm sick of just people spouting talking points without thinking. The number of people I saw blaming the dead mother yesterday was sickening.

    The funny thing is the gun lovers are all begging for people to look at mental health and not the guns. However they're typically the same people that hate big government and do not want it interfering with their lives. Just saying....I see thru your bullshit.

    And ps I like guns. I'm just sick of idiots.

  33. I don't see a big deal and I live here. It's one thing to have a sale when it's normal to have a sale, it's another to have offensive advertising. I haven't seen commercials with kids or anything horrible, haven't seen a commercial at all. If the advertisement that I threw out on Sunday bc I dont go to sporting goods stores had anything offensive, someone would have been yelling about it. They can hold a sale as long as its not promoted offensively. Like, "free box of bullets if you mention the password, 'Newtown'. 'you better be armed for the next school shooting!' The sale seems quiet to me so I dont have a problem.

  34. FYI, I just read on TMZ that radio stations pulled Ke$ha's song, 'Die Young' because of this....remember when the car companies pulled the Tsunami vehicle? Right after, you guessed it, the tsunami a couple of years ago. And Katrina dropped off the list of popular baby names...the lists go on. We NEED a soapbox so we find one.

  35. Just in time time for the Christmas crazies ...

  36. The boy who killed all those innocent people is a sick, psychotic killer. Whether guns or ammo were available to him or not, he would have found a way to murder all those people, because he was sick in the head and on a personal mission. He may have even made his own homemade bomb out of products sold in a grocery store or found some other way. With that being said...I go back to my original statement. People kill, not guns.

  37. The fact is, people kill far more people with guns than with anything else. Lots more collateral damage too (that's deaths of innocent bystanders, for the uninitiated). I get it. My ex and his entire community loved to hunt. But nobody needs a handgun. Nobody needs armor-piercing bullets. Fuck, nobody needs a gun! Just live and let live.

    1. Um... No. People kill far more people with *cars* than guns. Not getting into the gun-no-gun debate. I just hate it when someone uses the phrase "the fact is" when it's not.

  38. and....? ... "rolls eyes"...just this once

  39. Poor guns. They are just innocent things, lying there, until some bad human picks them up and forces them to kill people. Poor, poor guns. They don't kill people. People kill people. Except...people with guns can kill shit loads of people in seconds at a safe distance and walk away unscathed.

    It's ironic that the usual blowhards on the right are telling us we need to focus on mental health and more security in schools, rather than making sane gun laws. We can't touch their beloved guns, but those bastards do not hesitate to pull our collective tax dollars out of education, police forces and mental health services any chance they get. Fuck them all with a rusty old bayonet.

    I've yet to meet a responsible gun owner. A coworker was showing us his guns at a party. He keeps them locked up, but all his kids have keys to the safe. He was showing my daughter a glock and I asked him if he checked the barrel. He said he did, but I asked him to check it again before handing it to my daughter. Sure enough, it had a round in it.

    I think every gun owner ought to insure and register all their guns, and if that gun ends up killing someone, then they can get sued or fined - even if it was stolen. A responsible gun owner never lets anyone gain access to his/her guns who shouldn't, right?

  40. You have idiot friends, @Mad. There ARE responsible gun owners.

  41. What's 'bullshit' about hating big government? It's about the healthiest way of looking at government. In this case, I do think Crila is correct and that this piece of evil would have built a bomb. Wish the media would stop with his face and name and calling him the school shooter, he is a mass murderer.

  42. @LottaColada - Please post the link that says he bought the ammunition at Dicks. Can't seem to find it.

  43. I thought the same thing, Silly Girl. In fact, I'VE yet to meet an IRresponsible gun owner. I come from a large family of hunters and military folks, and I have many friends who love guns as well. They are ALL hypervigilant, in fact, about them.

  44. Enty of the day, you missed this: "The Dick's Sporting Goods chain said Tuesday that it is suspending sales of some rifles nationwide because of the the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.Dick's also said it's removing all guns from display at its store closest to Newtown, Conn., where the shootings place". So, not quite accurate info from the UK Daily Mail article.

    1. "Enty of the day" needs it's own acronym with all of the new voices that keep popping up. EotD it is! Love that Agent!

  45. I haven't read the comments because I didn't want to sway my brain wave right now.. But..

    Are you fucking kidding me???????
    Because innocent children were killed by a
    Maniac using bullets they shouldn't go on sale! Do you know bullets are restricted by a Max amount of four boxes per purchase in most large retail ammo supply stores. And why? Because the governments agenda is CLEARLY gun control. Why else would main stream media be gun story manic right now? Scare tactics to swipe our rights , right beneath our noses .. And the sad part is these weasels have many Americans applauding these actions!! Wake up people .. Tragedy occurs on a monumental scale in several countries that is completely ignored by main stream media. Villages being attacked , hundreds of children murdered, raped and sold into slavery.. But how do we hear about it? When some director decides to do a movie about it.
    While you're at it enty I saw a SHOCKING Macy's add for knife sets.. Ginzu ones at that!!! How dare they sell knives in the wake of the Asian school children tragedy??
    I love your blog ent but it saddens me you are jumping on the fear monger hate spread campaign. Should we make another list of items that are dangerous there for should be outlawed? Or should people just take effing accountability for their own actions and not blame the method. I for one am broken hearted about these poor babies and I cried off and on for two days. But enough is enough.. Stop shoving this down our throats as gun control propaganda .. And f&$ck you if you try and take my guns away from me.

    1. See, this attitude is what i dont get. There are 26 amendments, right to bear arms among first ten, the bill of rights . Why does this particular one resonate so intensely for some people? Why is is it sooo important to be able to buy any gun any time? Why cant one even talk about restricting sales of auto weapons without people getting completely nutty? Thats what i dont understand. Why isnt everyone all lit up about freedom of speech or freedom of press? Why guns? Why MUST you have them? And im not talking about people who hunt, or hv handgun for protection. I hv a relative that has 43 guns, and it ts just him and his wife. Where's he going with all those weapons? And when you ask, its always because its a guaranteed right, but offer no other explanation except they want them. So its gun owners want them, but they dont know why. I mean you can fill your house up with pillows, but do you?

    2. @Alicia...

      No government scare tactics needed...real life, the death of 20 innocent babies is scary enough for a lifetime of nightmares.

      When the framers wrote the Constitution, flintlock rifles and single shot pistols were the weapons of the day. They never could have imagined weapons of the like used by the killer. No hunter, no citizen seeking protection, needs to be able to shoot 30 times within a few seconds. None.

      The comparisons to other things that kill people is disingenuous at best. A car is not designed to kill. Do deaths happen? Of course they do when not used properly. A gun, properly used, is designed to kill. Its purpose is to cause death...and it does so with cold efficiency.

      Guns kill. Yes people operate the guns but it is the guns, used as they were designed to be used, that are the instruments of death. Quit pretending that guns aren't the problem.

  46. Bet if we tried to ban knives and forks because some people are obese that 400 LB Entward would be.. up in arms :)

  47. I was pointing out the irony in that asking for more mental health checks, you are asking for more government, and we know how conservatives feel about that.

    Also, look up the NICS Improvement Act. Thanks to the NRA's lobbying, a bill was passed after the Virginia tech shooting that allows those previously denied weapons due to mental illness a way to obtain weapons again. Anddd we taxpayers pay for it. It's crap. They don't care abt mental health checks. They want as much access to as many weapons as possible. I just wish people would think more before blindly repeating points from their agency. Or if you do agree with them, don't pretend like you are looking for any solution, just say I love me some guns and I wanna keep em!

  48. It was on the news today that Dick's actually pulled out all guns an amunitions from the location closest to Sandy Hook and has stoped the sale of semi auto matics at all stores.

  49. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Being Canadian, I will never understand the American gun culture at all. I just don't get some of the dumb rationalizations people make to try and protect their gun right. A car and a spoon weren't invented for the purpose to kill, guns are. What apocalypse are people waiting for to use their semi automatics? Seriously, I'm baffled.

  50. I agree @ Silly Girl. Anyone I've ever met has been incredibly responsible with their guns. They've never killed a human soul or used against a human soul. As for if a house with a gun gets stolen, it should be the owners fault? I don't think so at all. That's like blaming the airlines for the planes used to take down the towers during 9/11.

    I do believe, however, that there is easy access to guns in this country, which does make it easier for the psycho killer to murder people. But I also stand by the fact that where there is a will, there is a way...and not having a gun will not prevent them from killing someone. Gun control, however, is a HUGE problem in the US, that they don't have in Europe. Cops don't even carry guns in London. They have the clubs.

  51. Azure: I agree completely! To those of us in the rest of the world it just defies all logic. They should be more concerned about their children's safety than about their gun rights!

  52. ditto MadLyb

    With 88.8 firearms for 100 residents in the US, there are a lot of them around and they must be so easy to find.

    I m just an obnoxious European living in a country with strict gun possession laws, but knowing the amount of firearms in circulation in the US this week made me spit my coffee: 90 firearms for 100 ppl.

    And it is happening a country where law enforcement and the justice system are pretty strong (the US has its problems but Somalia it ain t). I can t put my head around it.

    I ll go for a gross generalization but when I read people defending gun ownership as it is now, I feel like I m hearing a binge eater or a drug addict in denial. 90 guns for 100 people and some still don t have enough or see the sheer excess of it?

    I won t argue with every gun owner in the world one by one but this is a scary fact. 90 guns for 100 people, children, seniors, pacifists, tree huggers and all included.

    I had also never even imagined the practicalities of gun ownership in the US: soulless chain stores selling and making seasonal discounts of things whose main purpose is, bottomline, killing. No weapons or firearms should ever be available on shop shelves. Or be a Xmas special promotion. Or be sold in chain stores.

    As for justifying weapons for defense purpose, it s just an escalation war everybody is playing. I heard thugs now have this and now I ll get that deadlier piece ... and so on and so on and so on ...

    Bombs, knives and strychnin kill too. However, they are not as easy to find and especially, they don t give the same feeling of immediate and total power when you pull the trigger. That plays in it too. The feeling of power that comes from holding a piece. That s a feeling many people don t want to let go of. As well as weapons being mentioned and forefront in many movies, TV show and songs.

  53. For every crazed gunman there are tens of millions of responsible gun owners.

  54. @Madlyb - the reason you don't know any responsible gun owners is because you don't know who has guns. I may admit I have a gun here, but if you met me, you'd never know. Because the majority of responsible gun owners just don't tell anyone - unless it's absolutely necessary. Yeah, there are idiot gun owners just like there are idiot parents, and idiot MDs and lawyers and idiot bloggers.

    There are millions and millions of people who own guns in this country and are responsible. We just don't tell the world we own guns.

  55. Next time a gun nut declares his right to a gun, you make damn sure he knows how brave those little boys and girls were so HE can own a gun.

    As said above...as a Canadian I simply do not get it. You (not all just gun lovers) constantly put public safety and moral decency on the back burner to uphold an outdated and bullshit amendment!All so you can feel like fucking Rambo if some imaginary "scary man" comes breaking into your Fort Knox house.

    I have had my house robbed, my car broken into, been jumped in an alley and a gun pulled on me in the Skytrain, but not ONCE did I ever consider owning a fucking gun.

    Change already, FFS.

    20 dead six year olds should be fucking reason enough.


    Oh and if you have someone with a mental illness or personality disorder...maybe don't stockpile your house with ammo and guns and take your kids to target practice. That mother is partly to blame here, IMO.

  56. oh Karrots is leaving again? see you next time. and the next....

  57. I don't think the Sandy Hook murders should dictate whether a chain of stores has a sale on legally purchasable items. Should Boeing have stopped selling airplanes after 09/11?

    I would think that you would be congratulating the store on fact that the shooter was unable to legally purchase a gun from them three days before the killings.

    The killer illegally obtained the weapons that he used to murder those children by stealing them.

  58. Oh please! Yes the shootings were an awful tragedy. Yes that guy had some serious issues, but guns and this store is NOT the problem people.

    American citizens have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from people like this as well as criminals.

    You take the guns away...how will you protect yourself when approached by some nutcase who still has a gun?

    Yes America has gotten not only freaking crazy but overly sensitive!
    People need to start thinking for themselves and not following the propaganda machine. It's out of freaking hand people.

  59. Oh please! Yes the shootings were an awful tragedy. Yes that guy had some serious issues, but guns and this store is NOT the problem people.

    American citizens have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from people like this as well as criminals.

    You take the guns away...how will you protect yourself when approached by some nutcase who still has a gun?

    Yes America has gotten not only freaking crazy but overly sensitive!
    People need to start thinking for themselves and not following the propaganda machine. It's out of freaking hand people.

  60. @ Feline: my point about chain stores is more about the symbolic part of it.

    It s wrong to sell such dangerous objects in such a careless way. It does not send quite the right message about what weapons really are and the responsibilities that come with them.

    Whatever the laws about gun possession are, I think it is really soulless and heartless to treat weapons like they were a pack of sugar or a pair of shoes. For the sake of commodity for the client or the sake of profit for the chain store.

    At the very least, weapons should be sold by professionals and not over the counter or on the web and they should NEVER be the object of sales, promotions or discounts.

    I was not talking about the recent killing and how this store (rightly) refused to sell the murderer some more weapons. It s just the whole idea that I find wrong and demeaning.

  61. without getting into the political side of things, as others have said Dick's has suspended all sales at the nearby location and removed semi-autos from their inventory.

    Saying they are still being insensitive is like saying that all the gun stores and ranges out here in the land of guns and hunting are such for not immediately canceling all of their sales too. Guns and ammo are top sellers out here for xmas.

    and i know someone else mentioned it and at least out here they are completely playing up the "doomsday preppers" 12.21 bullshit for their sales. we have one commercial where santa brings gift cards to the shooting range early "just in case"

  62. For the record, the right go bear arms allows us the freedom to CHOOSE if we want to own/carry a gun. It does NOT mean you HAVE to own a gun. Just like this country has the right to CHOOSE abortion or life. Just like this country has the right to CHOOSE if you want to vote. Just like this country has the right to CHOOSE your religion. Do I need to go on? Our country was founded on FREEDOMS. If you choose not to own/carry a gun, that's up to you. Don't take away my rights because someone else fucked up. That kid, and by rights, he was still a kid, stole the guns he used to shoot the kids and adults. Bottom line. If a nut case wants to get their hands on a gun to kill people, they will do it. Illegally or legally. No law is going to change that fact.

  63. Cling hard to that second amendment, America. You never know when you'll need an assault weapon with rounds of bullets that can wipe out hundreds of people in minutes.

    I'd think (well, hope) most responsible gun owners could grasp more stringent national regulation surrounding gun ownership and a ban on certain types of guns/ammo would make sense. But what the hell do I know, I'm a Canadian and I have no desire to arm myself. If you truly believe shit is going down on an epic conspiracy scale I suggest you move into backwoods country stat, get off the internet and drop off the radar. ::SMH::

  64. As an Australian I just don't understand people defending even owning a gun for any reason. It's a totally different culture I know but it just baffles me. The statistics don't lie. We have mental illness in Australia as does every other country in the world yet we don't have mass shootings every few months.

  65. Discussion at work yesterday about gun ownership and keeping guns in the house. One of the participants was saying that she kept her guns away from the children. In a locked bedroom.

    Knowing that the standard indoor lock is easily picked and the standard indoor door is hollow core, I asked her what she had done to make sure her kids couldn't just break in. She just stared at me. It seriously hadn't occurred to her that a locked door wouldn't stop someone determined to get at her large gun stockpile.

    My father carries a loaded gun in the door pocket of his car. It's fallen out twice at the gas station, that I have seen. God knows how many times it's dropped out that I haven't seen. Oh - he's 72 and has an essential tremor from a seizure 4 years ago. Good luck bystanders if he has to use it.

    There ARE irresponsible gun owners out there. The right to bear arms is inalienable, to quote Declaration of Independence. It ain't going anywhere.

    The propaganda just needs to stop. Stockpile whatever the fuck you want but if something happens, you better believe I'm going to gun-shame you into the next life especially if your guns harm someone I care about.

  66. @JustJen - I understand about your father. This week Mr. B and I discussed what we would do with guns if one of us became senile, demented, Alzheimers, etc. We decided we'd get a safe deposit box at the bank then until we decided what to do with them. It was a good discussion to have.

  67. I honestly understand that there are many other ways someone can kill people if that's what they are fixated on..... But to compare automatic weapons to a knife is just ridiculous... If that gunman (I refuse to remember his name) went into that school with a knife, do you think so many people would be dead now?

  68. Automatic and semi-automatic weapons, and high-volume clips, should not be available to the general public. Period. They're not for hunting game, they're for killing large numbers of people in a very short period of time.

  69. I am Australan and we don't have the gun culture. I don't understand why you need access to semi-automatic and automatic weapons. If you want a gun for protection, surely a hand gun will do?

  70. Copy and paste what feraltart said

    And how many times have people actually used their guns for self-protection versus accidentally shooting themselves or someone else?

    Just because you have the right to bear arms doesn't mean you have to exercise it. And I don't think the men who built your country envisioned this for their new world.

  71. It's interesting hearing from Australians that do not adhere to the US gun culture. I read an Australia post yesterday where he said he hadn't seen a gun in 15 years.

    I would be happy if all guns were removed but even so, there is no reason to have an semi/automatic weapon for self defense. There is no reason for high capacity magazines. If you think you need that, you probably have a fantasy of rising up against government or your fellow man.

    A Chinese man recently attacked 22 people with a knife. No one died. This idea that anything can be used as a weapon is ignoring the fact that a Bushmaster rifle with a large magazine was able to efficiently fill 20 children with up to eleven bullets each in minutes with no survivors. It was not used for self-defense it was used for mass murder.

  72. And still no one can answer the question of why you want to be able to buy and have so many guns. And because you have a right to is NOT an answer. You can put a fried egg on your head too, but i dont see anyone doing that. Because you can us not an explanation. So why this mania gor the gun?

  73. With guns all laid aside....I'm wondering why this man/boy didn't receive some sort of help with his mental illness. Surely the mom had to think to herself-I can't handle him. I think about this shooting, the movie theater shooting, gabby giffords and Virginia tech- didn't several people/professionals take note before hand that these people were mentally ill? Why was nothing done to help them? I understand that people want less government but let's seriously think about it- we have government inspectors for restaurant kitchens , building inspectors, all types of things but someone who "can't be left alone" we don't have anyway to monitor them ?!
    I don't consider myself pro gun or on the right or left. I do know someone can kill you with their bare hands. I had someone very close to me die because someone had a mental illness and ran over my friend with a car. I damn sure don't want these people living next door to me or attending my kids school.
    I also want to know...how did the mom have her guns stored? Did she own a gun safe? Were the guns under lock and key?

  74. @auntliddy-I think some people may see guns/shooting as a type of hobby. Like hunting, skeet shooting, target shooting. Don't think they require semi- automatic weapons.

  75. Chris Rock has the answer -- Bullet control!


  76. @della, again as of now there has yet to be a report confirming the killer had a history of mental illness. Not saying he wasn't crazy for doing it, just saying there's a huge difference if he had a documented history or if he just snapped.

    Also, a crapload of handguns are semi automatic, just saying. I think calling for a ban of all semi autos is also excessive. There are things we as a nation could do, but I do get really irritated at gun lovers ability to deflect blame anyway they can just so they can hold onto the guns they won't be losing.

    1. Every article I have read has mentioned his known history of mental illness. That he could not feel pain and that his mom had told baby sitters and her friends that she couldn't urn her back on him or leave him alone.

  77. Every day, 270 people in America, 47 of them children and teens, are shot in murders, assaults, suicides, accidents and police intervention;
    Every day, 87 people die from gun violence, 33 of them murdered;
    Every day, eight children and teens die from gun violence;
    Every day, 183 people are shot, but survive their gun injuries and
    Every day, 38 children and teens are shot, but survive their gun injuries.

  78. Yes. Yes. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

    OK so can we stop going through Airport Security now? I mean bombs don't kill people, right?

    And lets lift the ban on hand grenades. And start selling tanks.

    And how about we stop with driver's licenses too. I don't need a license (in my state) to carry a gun or a wait to buy one. So, why should I need a license for a car?

    (in case you couldn't tell there's sarcasm in this comment)

  79. Leave it to the media to make a big deal out of nothing. You must be very proud.

  80. The 2nd amendment specifically ties the right to bear arms to "a well regulated militia"; it's a stretch to construe that amendment as the right of private citizens to own semi-automatic weapons. However, gun ownership is so entrenched in who we are as Americans, there's no way we will ever lose that right, and attempting to take it away is a very, very bad idea.

    Re: Dick's Sporting Goods, anyone who has ever worked with the public knows damned well that decisions are generally handed down by corporate suits that have absolutely no idea what it's like to work with the public. Don't blame the staff at your local Dick's for a sale that's in extremely bad taste, because they likely had no input.
    My son-in-law is a Dick's manager, which store he works for is often a matter of whichever one they're yo-yoing him back and/or forth between this week. He's grateful to have a job in this economy, but that company itself is completely clueless.

  81. People kill with guns. If they don't have a gun, the victim might have a chance. If that crazed idiot had gone down the hall with a baseball bat, those kids would all still be alive.

  82. At this point, the only info you can believe on the shooter and his family is from the mouth of Lt Paul Vance or the medical examiner who I don't believe is finished. I don't know how many times I have to say this but the media really outdid themselves this time trying so hard to be the first to announce a new development, only to retract it soon after. They are reporting hearsay just to be the first one and grab your attention. NOTHING IS KNOWN ABOUT ADAM LANZA OR WHAT HIS MOM TAUGHT HIM ABOUT GUN SAFETY AT THIS MOMENT!

  83. STOP SAYIN HIS FUCKING NAME, you are giving the loser power

  84. Anonymous7:40 PM

    @Lotta, Over the past couple months, I've been a daily reader of the DM, but their coverage of the nurse who committed suicide in the UK and the Sandy Hooks tragedy, in particular, turned me off from them. They had lots of false information, seemed to be quite manipulative in their reporting, etc. So I've stopped using them as a news source. They are more like the Enquirer in my mind now.

  85. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Also I think Dicks should have pulled the marketing blitz for now. I worked for eBay who had a big advertising campaign planned, in the can, and readyI to launch with a war theme for their auctions which they pulled because 9/11 happened.

  86. I come from Massachusetts where everyone in my part of the state took the opening of Deer Season off. We also have one of the strictest gun policies in the US. I went to YMCA camp where we were taught archery and shooting .22 rifles. Imagine how that would go over today? We were taught proper respect for what both weapons could do to an animal and another human being. You never, ever point a gun at anyone unless you intend to kill them because they are a threat to you or loved ones.

    I have owned and lived with many different kinds of guns inside my household. There is a huge difference between single action, semi-automatic and automatic guns. People need to educated themselves before they condemn.

    The M-16 save my husband many times when he was in the military. Somalia, Serbia, South America and I am thankful for that everyday. I also have two sons in the military who were trained with the M-4 which has semi-automatic, three burst or automatic firing. The civilian counterpart AR-15 is designed to be weapon but has a large clip. Personally, I would rather hunt with a double barrel shotgun but others can't hit the broadside a barn having to reload.

    I have had .22 and .357 pistols, .22, .45 semi-automatics, a German Lugar.

    I have had a gun pulled on me at work in a robbery twice but I was not carrying, it was forbidden. I had the bruise from his .9mm in the back of my neck for weeks. This was a high school student handling a stolen gun with no training. I also was also almost robbed at work by a man with a shot gun. Luckily I noticed he was wearing an unusually heavy long trench coat for the weather and was able to lock him out.

    My husband, the retired Marine hates guns. Not all former military love guns. My one son, has a few. I have been acquiescent to my husbands wishes not to own a gun until he started traveling a lot and my watch dog is 15 years old and deaf. I have another dog, but without her sister barking; she just doesn't bark.

    My other son, also a Marine has always loved knives and Samarai Swords. I have a K-Bar by the bed but that means letting someone get close enough to touch you and you being able to not hit bone. I prefer a gun and it's been drummed into my head since I was a kid, you never aim a gun at anyone unless you are ready to kill them.

    For Christmas I am getting a S&W .40 semi automatic from my husband because he trusts me and he travels on business leaving me alone.

    I can conceal carry it in AZ without any training but I will take a course on it, go to the range with my sons and ask them to teach me about combat shooting with a sidearm. Guns are lethal and should be treated as such. I know far more about them than most people and I strive to be a responsible gun owner. Hate me all you want because you don't understand. But I live in the middle of nowhere near the Mexican border and the cartels have lots of firepower provided by Fast and Furious. I will be buying a shotgun too. Might as well enjoy the hunting too.
