Sunday, December 16, 2012

Demi Moore's Kids Hate Her Again

Tabloids will never tire of Jennifer Aniston is pregnant covers but they have found something that supplements those covers nicely. In the past three months tabloids have said that Demi Moore's daughters have cut her off because of crazy behavior. They then got them back together and now they have split them apart. Last time the person who reunited them all was Rumer Willis' boyfriend. I think this time they will go with something that has more of a teary eye vibe to it. If she doesn't go to rehab which would provide the perfect teary eye moment, I think Bruce might reunite them, but the tabloids want Ashton to reunite them out of his love for the girls. It doesn't matter if he does, they can say it and then when Demi has 24 Red Bulls again and parties like she was in the Brat Pack still they can split them up again. She does need rehab though.


  1. I love Lenny's all like, 'Fuck, I'm gonna be in photos with this crazy B.'

    1. Ha! And so true... I love that he's giving the finger too

    2. Kravatz isnt all that himeself, so he cld relax.

  2. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Grow up.

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    (Demi of course, not funkyniblets)

  4. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel embarrast by just looking at this picture. I imagine what the people around her felt...

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Demi had a rough relationship with her own mother. Some times people inadvertently continue the cycle. Twenty years ago who'd have thought THIS is what Demi would b up to. She was such a friggen renegade back in the day. :-(

    1. Yes, i often think of her unhappy relationship with her mom. And how she tried so hard to be nothing like her. I wish her sobriety.

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    "MOMMMMMmmmmm!!!! GET AWAY from my BOYFRIEND!!! Can't you find your OWN friends to hang out with? We wanna go to a party WITHOUT you, don't you have some knitting club or bingo night thing to go to? GAWD!!! I am so SICK of her ruining MY LIFE! She was way cooler when Ashton was still around."
    They were happy to party with her and Ashton, and all of his 70's show pals, (Wilmer looking for jailbait) but now that he's ditched her, the "cool" Mom has become uncool. Put the bottle down Demi, you've officially become your mother! Dun-da-dun-dun.

  7. And her and Bruce took the girls to Idaho and raised them so well when they were little. Weird how things turn out.

  8. Say what you will about Bruce, there must have been some stabilizing influence there.
    I feel bad for Demi, letting someone else make a fool of you is one thing, but making a fool of yourself is just sad.

    1. Heres what i will say about bruce. He cheated on his wife, then divorced her. He made movies, screwed around, was never home for the girls. He now has his new family, and the girls are still on the outside looking in. So lets not give him acfree pass.

  9. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I know, I agree @Renoblondee and Del Riser, they were the most down to earth couple, and were probably the biggest power couple in the world. My opinion of Bruce Willis has gone way wayyyy up. He must have really kept her sane and stable, for her to have completely crumbled into such a pitiful wretch like this. Once she hit menopause she just lost it completely, she was fine into her forties, then one day, bam, crazy Demi appeared. According to Enty though, she was a wild partier in her brat pack days. I guess he just helped her that much.

  10. Demi was the one who got Bruce to go to rehab and clean up HIS act.

    He may be the stable influence for the past decade, but he was not for the beginning of their relationship.

    I think Demi just cannot handle getting older, and that is why she cracked.

  11. Those kids should be thankful. Yes, mom clearly has issues and makes an ass out of herself but these girls always seem so bratty. They don't have to work and while they are um plain looking, lead a very blessed life.

  12. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else, but didn't she have a big coke problem back during the brat pack days? I think she went to rehab and got cleaned up. It seems as if she is heading down that path again. Addiction will get you every time. Twenty years, twenty minutes, twenty days it is always lurking. It sucks and it is sad, I hope she gets some help. Repairing these relationships will be very hard.

  13. Demi Moore never hide her past before Bruce willis : joel schumasher fired her from ELMO's FIRE because of her behaviours(coke&alcohol) and she did rehab at this time.She had a fling with rob Lowe and a long relation with Emilio Estevez (they stay friends:she worked in his movie on Bobby Kennedy)
    Willis said when they met, she said him " if you want that it works between us,you need to be clean " and 3 months after,they were married and 9 months later,they had Rumer...
    it's in Wikipedia,her IMDB,her offficial bio
    she was a party girl

  14. Even Lenny is like 'this shit ain't funny yo'

  15. Poor Demi. Aging in a town that glorifies youth so much must be so difficult for her especially after having a younger partner. She needs rehab to accept her age. "Hi, I'm Demi and I need hormones ".

  16. Most girls won't want their mom competing with them for their boyfriends...

  17. She just looks like such an ass.

  18. I get the feeling that Demi is a toxic drunk - meaning she does toxic stuff like come on to her daughters' boyfriends, become BFFs with their female and male platonic friends, stuff like that -- when she's drinking.

    She's probably always playing catch-up when she's sober. Apologizing, trying to make up.

    Rumer seems to have a guy she really likes right now, and maybe she's trying to protect the relationship.

    Another thing is that they had Ashton K. for a stepfather - he helped raise them, and it is not fair of Demi to get pissed off at them for wanting to see him.

    I was thinking about Demi in her early days - she had almost a square jaw. She was heavier, but no way did she have an oval face like she does now.

  19. I think Demi just cannot handle getting older, and that is why she cracked.


  20. This is a true Bruce story, while he was filming Die Hard New York or whatever it was called (and while he was married to Demi) they filmed a scene of him running out of the subway in the Village...well that station is on the corner of my building....this comes from my mom, she came in with our dog and there were camera's and lots of people in our lobby...they were going to film an interview with Bruce...the interviewer was a blond woman....and she waited and waited...because Bruce was getting a blow job in his trailer...and that came from his assistant who was at her wits end trying to get him to keep his commitments ....

  21. Kelly Osbourne said on Fashion Police that someone she knew was there and that they kept sending her pictures from their cells. Apparently we haven't seen the worst of it.

    Her behavior reminds me of the Rolling Stones "Mother's Little Helper".

  22. I want to know who threw this party and who else wears there besides Demi, Lenny and Stacey ?

  23. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Demi was in AA way back in the day (we're talking some 20 years back). A former roommate of mine who did hair and makeup on movies had seen her at a number of meetings in Los Angeles and when he ended up working with her on a movie mentioned to her that he admired her for the work she was doing to stay clean and sober. She rudely cut him off (her right to do if she didn't want to talk about it of course), but apparently she has strayed from the 12-step program she used to be on.

  24. Yeah what happened to the Demi who moved to Idaho to raise her girls? It's like she's morphed into someone else. I think she just couldn't handle getting older. She spent so much money on trying to retain her youth.

  25. I've wondered about Demi and Ashton...he may be a douche, but give him credit: those girls clearly love him and AFAIK, he's not said a bad word about Demi. I think she's had problems all along...they may have been dormant. She had a fucked-up relationship with her Mom. I also believe she's having a tough time with the aging process. So many of my friends are. Get help, girlie!

  26. Those "brat-packers" are too old for that behavior, as am I ;-)!

  27. Boo hoo, they should all get jobs and quit whining.

  28. I think those useless daughters of Demi's should learn to be grateful for all their parents have done for them and if she needs help, try giving it to her. Ridiculous that the poor woman is being crucified for being dumped and cheated on and simply trying to have a bit of fun.

  29. Anonymous7:54 PM

    There's a whole generation of grown women (and grown men) acting like horny, hormone-addled adolescents. It's absurd. This woman is 50 years old for God's sake. If any of us 40-somethings think back to our teenage (or early 20s) years, and try to imagine OUR parents acting like this, we'd be mortified. Good grief. Plus, nowadays we've got grandparents saying stuff like "dude" and "sweet" and "omg" non-ironically. Betty White is all over the goddamned place. 80 year old men are sporting erections, thanks to Viagra.

    I blame The Internet. We're all doomed...

  30. Looks like this was quite the party to be seen in jumpers or rompers or whatever those stupid outfits are called.

  31. Twerk it, grrrrl.

  32. Just kidding (of course).

  33. A Few Good Men was on last night and I couldn't believe how much "bigger" Demi was compared to now. She's like a good 30 pounds lighter! That must have been when she was on the wagon.

  34. How can she keep up the Red Bull addiction? She's so thin and if she's doing other crap too, she's not going to last long.

  35. There are actually about two "brat pack" members who have managed to eventually do well as the years have passed; Molly Ringwald and Robert Downey Jr.(partial brat-pack member). When was the last time Demi was in a good movie?

  36. you people are so harsh. It looks like what Demi is going through is a natural part of life and getting older, especially single. She is not hurting anyone. No doubt if she has worked a program in the past, in time she will get back on track.

  37. I can't help but to think there is a mental health aspect to her decline. Bipolar maybe. Self medicating. There is just such a sad air of desperation about her since the Ashton split. I can't feel anything but pity for her.

  38. I can't help but to think there is a mental health aspect to her decline. Bipolar maybe. Self medicating. There is just such a sad air of desperation about her since the Ashton split. I can't feel anything but pity for her.

  39. It must be humiliating to have your ex going around with a 20 something, especially one with pregnancy rumours abounding.

    Maybe he had wanted children and Demi wouldn't have them. On the other hand, when you are 40 and you meet a new man, that would normally be part of the conversation, that if he wants children you'd better get to it.
