Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Daniel Radcliffe Is Boozing Again

I think it was earlier this year that Daniel Radcliffe admitted he has drinking issues and that he recognized that early on and that he had given up drinking. Well, he is back on the bottle again and hitting it pretty hard the past month or so in NYC. He has been everywhere and each night has been a party. he has also managed to get kicked out of a club after he got really drunk and started yelling at a DJ. Probably should have pulled out a wand and performed a spell. Oh, wait, That is just the movies isn't it? Wouldn't it be amazing if it was real though. Drunken Harry Potter slurring and telling everyone what a wonderful wizard he used to be before getting hooked on butterbeer and Ginny leaving him after he had an affair with Moaning Myrtle.


  1. He's probably drinking so he can better decipher these gawdawfully written posts.

    Be well, Daniel...sobriety is all kinds of awesome!

  2. Is it just me, or is he cuter drunk?

  3. @Christopher - maybe you're drunk? ;P

  4. lmao Amber...was just thinking the same thing!

  5. Confession time. I had this massive MASSIVE crush on Dan for the better part of my adolescence. I would scour magazines and Google for his pictures which I would then print/cut out and paste into a spiral notebook that was tucked safely away in my closet.

    There were other men in there, not just Dan. Tom Felton made several appearances, as did one of the ship hands from Master and Commander.

    I also harbored an extreme hatred/jealous rage for Emma Watson, who not only got to speak and interact with him, but she got to be touched by him.

    Despite all that I am actually not crazy and thankfully grew out of the creepy picture book phase by the time I was 13. Once Dan stopped growing, I grew out of him. But I will always look back on our time together fondly...

  6. Is there a blind reveal in there, suggesting something between him, Bonnie Wright (Ginny) and Shirley Henderson (Myrtle)?

  7. @JSierra - LOLOL. I looooooooooooooooove that story!!

  8. Sadly, I don't even drink. I have no excuse. But up until this pic I thought he was ugly and destined for Robin William-ness.

  9. Think he's been back on the booze for a while now. He was photographed with a young Gaelic football team he bumped into in the early hours on a street in Dublin a number of months ago. They were celebrating a big win and he went back to a house party with them. He was filming here at the time and looked a bit worse for wear in the photos. The fact he went back to the party made me think he must have been pretty hammered!

  10. @jSierra...Aww! Your obsession story was cute. My obsession was Jim Morrison. lol I'm thinking you had a wee bit more of a chance to fulfill your desires to be touched by Daniel than me with Jim. Just a wee bit, though. ;)

  11. I'm a drug addict by nature, so I've never really gotten into the "boozing" thing much. But ... I can't really get sad about people drinking alcohol unless it interferes with their social or domestic stability, or prevents them from going to work, or becomes a crutch that makes them emotionally unstable. A wealthy person in his or her twenties who drinks a bunch of drinks with friends at a party or in a bar is not something I would automatically worry about. Drink on, sir. (Or is there some 24/7 alcohol addiction thing in his bio that I don't know about?)

  12. There's no shame in crushing on Daniel Radcliffe. He's a cutie patootie, in the long tradition of teenage actors who look nonthreatening and adorable. It's every preteen/teenage girl's way of moving from teddy bears to real men, probably since the days of Mozart idoldom.

    Somehow, picturing DR drunk makes him more real. Before that, he was trying too hard to be intellectual and an artiste. Now he's just another bumbling drunk young actor.

  13. Rehab often doesn't take the first time, or the second time, or even the third time. Hope he's using his Harry Potter millions to hire a driver to take him around when he's wasted, so he doesn't create a menace on the roads, George Michael-style.

  14. Poor guy never grew into his looks but he looks good there.
    Not sure about the moaning myrtle thing though, wouldn't an affair with a ghost be a bit unfulfilling?

    1. Thank you! That's what I was trying to say!!!

  15. I'm with Barton on this one. People fall off the wagon. It's all part of recovery. He'll be fine.

  16. @jsierra, awesome story. When I was in 8th grade, I thought that I was going to be an actress and marry George Clooney (during his E. R. days). Spoiler alert: didn't happen. :)

  17. His drinking sounds excessive. It's easy to pick up a habit when you're young and keep it going for decades. People just find more creative ways to hide their addictions as time goes on ( or not, RDJ). I hope he can get the help that he needs. It sounds like he was doing well in theater. I hope that he can find the strength to shed the enablers and fair weather friends. I hope he has the wisdom to pull the friends and family that care about him and his well-being closer. Lastly, I hope that he can find things that renew him and bring happiness and contentment in life.

  18. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Harry's back on the sauce

  19. This gives me the sads. Be well, Dan Rad. I'm rooting for you.

  20. Awww, he's so precious. I hope he's not slipping back into unhealthy habits! I didn't like him until I saw him in Equus, but now i'm a HUGE fan. My friend really wanted to meet him so we went to the stage door after and talked to him and got him to sign playbills. He was such a sweetheart. He answered questions, signed stuff, and just chatted with the fans. One guy next to me had a huge envelope FULL of Dan's headshots, which I thought was super creepy. I'll always like him (Dan Rad) after that.

  21. there is nothing funnier than a little guy getting all macho drunk. It's like watching a Chihuahua think its a doberman.

  22. Cute story JSierra!

  23. Aw, kid... dry out!

  24. He has admitted to having a problem before. I like the kid (I can call him that, he's way younger than me) and for a while I did not think he was the most talented out of the Harry Potter gang but I think doing stage work helped him out quite a bit. I am sorry to read he is having problems with drinking again and I hope he does sober up. He's too talented not to.

  25. @ JSierra - M&C is an awesome movie, isn't it? So good that Russell Crowe is even tolerable!

  26. He admitted this a couple years back not earlier this year. One tabloid rumor and he's headed to rehab! And that picture is a few years old.

  27. Well I am glad you all don't think I'm nuts! Because now that I think about it, it is a little nutty. Mainly because I still have the book hehe

    @Karen I had a similar crush on John Travolta in his Grease days. I was a young girl and he was a hot older greaser. And he still is.

  28. I remember that article (Esquire? Parade?) - he said that he realized he had a problem with drinking so he gave it up and replaced it with something (I can't remember what something was).

    I like him - he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Hope it all works out OK.

    @Molly, the guy with the envelope full of headshots was probably trying to get autographed photos to sell.

  29. JSierra - I'm putting my hand up and saying me too. It was so disappointing that he ended up being such a nugget.

  30. Long time reader, first time commenter. Daniel Radcliffe has been back drinking for months. He was in Ireland in September and was stumbling around the city centre drunk when he met a team of young (mostly under 18) footballers who had just won the national champtionships. He went back to a party with them - as they were so young they all went back to someone's mother's house. The images were funny, but he was clearly really, really drunk.

  31. This is sad to me, because when he was drinking before, he said in an interview that it was not fun drinking, he was "actively pursuing oblivion." I don't think a person can easily drink in a healthy way when they have that mindset. Sure he looks happy in this photo, but how does he feel three hours later or the next morning at home with a blurry brain and solitude and the notion that oblivion is a desirable state?

    Be well.
