Thursday, December 20, 2012

Claire Danes & Hugh Dancy Have A Boy - Give Him Long Name

Probably the quietest, least talked about pregnancy in the tabloids, was the pregnancy of Claire Danes. It even took a couple of days before the world knew the couple had actually had the baby. On December 17th, they had a son and named him Cyrus Michael Christopher Dancy. With that many names and not a royal, he will probably be an Anglican priest. I think they are required to have a couple of middle names. I never knew Claire was such a Miley fan. Oh, maybe Billy Ray. That is why she has Achy Breaky Heart on repeat in the delivery room.


  1. I have two middle names. It isn't that unusual.

  2. Congrats to them. My BFF has two middle names too! Claire looks gorg in that pic too

  3. When I was a teacher, I played "Achy Breaky Heart" on repeat for an entire lunch detention to make sure my students NEVER wanted to be back there again.

    I called it "Facing the Music" based on something my 9th grade World History teacher used to say.

  4. Would have been funny if he left her for Mary Louise parker just before the baby was born

    1. It might not have felt so nice on the other end.

    2. I wonder if it even occurred to her during her pregnancy, how it must have felt, being pregnant and having the father of your child take up with someone else? Do you think she felt regret?

  5. Yes @plrtz, I was secretly hoping that as well.

    My mom won tickets to see Billy Ray when I was in kindergarten and she took me. It was my first concert.

  6. I don't consider that a long name, and I'm pleased with the choices, actually. I like the idea of more than one middle name, personally.

    And...*snort*. What plrtz said.

  7. My sweetie has 2 also...

  8. Brilliant @ *karen*

  9. Two of my daughters have two middle names (one because my ex-husband's aunt died the week before and he wanted to work her name into the baby's name, the other because my husband and I wanted to honor the mutual friend who introduced us.) It's not that unusual. Plus they know when they're REALLY in trouble because I use their full name. Something about hearing the second middle name come out that makes them both snap in line. lol

  10. Oh and *karen* I snarfed tea all over my monitor at your comment. *rofl* Well played!

  11. Welcome to baby, and all new babies born today!!!! Welcome!!!! We need you!!!!!!

    1. @auntliddy, I love reading your comments!

  12. @Karen, that's a great strategy! I bet you didn't have any repeat offenders!

    I'm getting a January Jones vibe from this picture.

  13. I have two middle names, and each of my brothers have three.

  14. @StewMcG, I apologize for the wasted tea! ;)

  15. Both my kids have two middle names. It just kind of ended up that way! So does my husband. I don't, but I'm thinking I need another one now...

  16. I don't know why we have even one middle name, but more than that seems excessive to me. It's like you didn't bother to narrow your choices down so you just shove all the names in there.

  17. My ex husband had 2 middle names (one for each of his personalities). It was a family thing.

  18. Maybe Michael and Christopher are for the two grandfathers? That way the baby has his own name and family names pass down the generations, which is nice.

  19. I started giving Claire a pass when I saw Homeland. Who knows what happened? Maybe MLP was done with him too? Maybe she was young and stupid? Anyway I'm happy for her.

  20. The name Cyrus just makes me think of Trailer Park Boys, but overall I don't think it's a bad name.

    I wanted to give my son 2 middle names, but I kept thinking of all the times I had to fill in little circles for each letter of my name on standardized tests. That would be torture having to fill in So I kept it short and sweet.
    Seems like a really stupid reason now I've written it all out, haha. Oh well.

  21. I have 4 names in total and my mom has 8 so I don't think the name is excessive. lol I don't know why but I really like this couple. Congrats!

  22. @msgirl, omg what did you think if the season finale? I didn't expect *that* to happen! I LOVE that show.

  23. What? Claire Danes was pregnant???

  24. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Maybe she name him after a tree.

  25. karen, that's cruel, hahah.

    I'm happy for them but they haven't looked all that happy for a while. I wouldn't bet money on the longevity of this marriage.

  26. I love you, Karen. That's going to be new favorite self-defense weapon!

  27. Sean, that would be a CYPRESS.

  28. My mom is named Debra Sue Ann Kay Jean Lyn for each of her aunts. Seems excessive to me, but I do have two middle names, for the reason someone else said, to honor two people.

  29. Cyrus? Seriously?? Why be cruel to an infant? Weel, I suppose they can call him Cy.

    I've only seen season 1 of Homeland and man, can Claire play crazy well!
    (And Anne Hathaway played Claire playing crazy well on SNL... that shit cracked me UP.)

  30. Congrats to them. Baby has the same birthday as my hubby. Astrologically we are supposed to be a strange pair. He is a Saggitarius and I am a Cancer.

  31. That was Kate McKinnon, not Anne Hathaway.

  32. That was Kate McKinnon, not Anne Hathaway.

  33. My son has three middle names. I knew I was just having one kid and wanted him to have his own first name (Jett), one middle name is my dad's name, and the others are his paternal grandmother's last name. My logic was that I'd rather have one kid with four names than four kids with one name. The kid digs it so far.

  34. I think they should have named him Fancy Dancy. Or Dicky Dancy. Or Rance Dancy (future porn star, that one).

  35. CMC Dancy? Sounds pretty fancy.
