Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bruce Jenner Looking For Place To Live - Taking His Daughters With Him

According to the new issue of Star, not only are the divorce rumors true between Bruce Jenner and Kris Jenner but that Bruce has been looking for a place to move and is taking his two daughters with him so they can have a childhood and keep them away from the evil clutches of Kris. The article goes on to say that Bruce does not live in the family home anymore. Apparently the girls want a childhood and that their mom makes them work too much. Recently, when there had been other divorce rumors, Kris said everything is perfect. Of course she had Bruce probably locked up in the garage so we never got to hear from him, but he has made his escape.


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You go Bruce, this woman is evil.

  3. Ding Dong! The Witch is almost dead!

  4. publicity for their show!?


  5. Well if it is coming from Star magazine, it must be true.

  6. @FSP, you're frightening me! Avi! AHHHH!

  7. They both look like a horrifying version of Madam there. Ugh.

  8. This would be a fitting end, and now kris can take back the kardashian name like she wants to. Idk if girls are really wanting to walk away from their "careers" tho. Pretty heady stuff for tweens, and early teens. What a dysfunctional frappe this family is!!!!

  9. Sorry, Em. I'll change it...Monday.

  10. hmm idk looking at those girls twitter & instagram accounts they seem more like spoiled little brats who love what they do & the perks that come with it

  11. FSP - soon you will have enough for a book for all your fans. OK maybe just me. Classy Avi's Done Right by FSP!

    Back to the post... Freedom for Bruce! Freedom for Bruce! I think Pimp Mama wants her Kardashian name back and the ability to date young cougar cubs. That will be her show.

    1. You're too kind dia.

    2. You know I always wanted to date a Gentle Man of Leisure!


  12. I pray this is true, and I pray Kendall and Kylie d their own thing w/o that psycho as their manager

  13. ^^^ Exactly jenniferh. Isn't the older one, Kendall (I think), doing all this modeling and travelling for shoots? I always got the impression that the younger girls wanted the fame (notoriety?) their sisters have.

  14. Can someone help me out here, since I have never watched this show... Is Kris the bio mom to the younger girls or just stepmom? I really hope stepmom bc I would want to run far far away from that situation!!!

  15. Save the children! They could actually get an education and have real lives.

  16. Yes, Kris is the bio mom of the younger girls.

  17. Bruce, you won my heart when you won the Decathlon when I was, what, 12?

    True love lasts forever. Call me.

  18. Finally!!! Maybe Bruce DIDN'T have a lobotomy along with his botched plastic surgery..

  19. Anonymous7:15 AM

    @FSP, who was your old avatar? The guy in the pink leotard? I could never figure it out.

    1. Dagny, nobody in particular.

  20. Can you imagine the antics it would take to divorce that woman? Ugh I'm getting a headache thinking about another year of Kardashians divorce drama. Kim is still married!!

  21. Anonymous7:26 AM

    @FSP, who is this dude? Same answer?

  22. I've always wondered what Bruce ever saw in her. As an athlete, he would have been used to very hard work, and working for what you get.

    Kris K. seems desperate to be a Mommager and live off her kids.

    I'm glad he's taking his kids away from her.

    1. But they are wealthy enough for 5 lifetimes. How much is enough? The kids dont know any better because this is the family business. Notice no one is stressing education.

  23. Finally Bruce is going balls. I think the 2 younger girls will stay with the MomManager ... they want the fame that the rest of the Trash family has ... pitty that whole family ... just a shame!

  24. Re: Kendall - I think she has said on the show she doesn't like modeling. Maybe when she first started doing it. I haven't watched in quite some time, so I don't know how true that is anymore.

    I hope to God Bruce gets away from her. She's so horrible to him on the show, I can't imagine what she's like when the cameras aren't rolling.

  25. when is Star Mag became a reliable source?
    maybe a Rp stunt for the show?

  26. @Dagny - Si
    @dia - ;)

  27. Anonymous7:49 AM

    There was alot of talk about scenes being cut from last season's show when Kris went out with her old boyfriend. Bruce finally wised up.

  28. Did she go out with ex for ratings?

  29. I'll admit I watch the show religiously and Kendall has always seemed like she doesn't want all the crazy fame and she isn't interested in celebrity. Kylie on the other hand is a little mini Kimmie and I've always thought the lives, eats and breathes fame.

    But I don't believe this one bit. First of all, like Enty mentioned Bruce is a prisoner in that house. He can never escape! Secondly, when real divorce rumors come out you can bet your hat that Bruce will be made to look like the biggest scum of the earth and Mama K an angel.

  30. Kris, like Kim, is voracious. How much money and fame will she need before she is content?

  31. I think both of those girls are beautiful. While Kendall got the looks, Kylie got the personality. It's like Kendall is boring and shy like Kim and Kylie is more outgoing like Khloe.
    And Robert is just a waste of space. So there!

  32. In honor of Madam, I am cackling at Renoblondee's comment.

  33. If he's smart, he should try to make them focus on getting an education because one day--not soon enough for most of us--the gravy train will be over.

  34. God I hope this is true. The Krumbling of the Kardashian Kultural Stranglehold may finally be at hand!

  35. If true - I have way more respect for him now.

  36. did bruce finally grow a pair? hmm. idk about that. altho it will be fun to watch kris counter-plant and spin denials in the tabs.

  37. i seem to recall a blind a while back about upcoming reality series where a couple would split up although they are getting on ok, for the ratings... at the time people suggested the fertile daughter (can't be bothered remember which clone is which) and her idiot bf. Perhaps its this couple?

  38. Katie must have inspired him. Hopefully we aren't asking Where's Bruce?

  39. well one girl is 17 and the other is in high school, so 15(?). childood has left the station

  40. carolinec nailed it.

  41. Smartest decision he will ever make...

  42. And msybe shd can stop pretending she is armenian too Let the hair go back to blonde.

  43. PR stunt. nothing more.

  44. @Amber ITA re how Kris treats him. she is just NASTY

    i watch it out of curiosity sometimes (i figured since im not a cat it wont kill me lol) :)

    bruce always seemed like a good man and good dad, no idea why he stayed with her

  45. Run Bruce, run!

    We know you can do it. Hell, you got a frickin' Olympic Gold medal for it! And, it'd remind people of why you're famous in the first place!

  46. Bruce needs to get out with his girls now before Kris pimps them out as badly as she has Kim. She will to keep pimping her kids out until she can do it with the grandkids. Kris has always wanted to be famous or infamous, now she is and lives vicariously through Kim, Khloe and the Breeder. Khloe should run for her life too. She's the only one with half a personality, seems to love her husband, needs to lose the pimp mama and lead her own life.

    Run, Bruce, run and take your girls with you. I hope it's not too late for them.

  47. How could anyone think this is anything but a publicity stunt? And unfortunately, it's working.

  48. Oh Moosshki, burst my Christmas hope bubble! Yes, I thought of it but I was hoping against all hope it might be a little bit true. Do you think she drugs Bruce or has just brainwashed him into compliance or should I say complicity?
