Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Brooke Mueller Is Healed

Wanting to be home in time for Christmas or just because she has been 19 times and knows how to do everything, Brooke Mueller left rehab after just six days. Yeah, I'm guessing there will be a 20th stay too. It is not like she had to rush out of rehab to go to a job or some pressing world matter that only she could solve. When you are going to rehab for a 19th time and leave after just six days, then one can guess that she was craving drugs desperately and just couldn't wait to go back for more so checked out. What scares me though is that she is with her kids. It is hard to believe that between the two of them I would choose Charlie Sheen instead of Brooke Mueller. I feel like Charlie could take a day or two off if he had to for his kids and I don't think Brooke could or can or will. I'm also interested to see if CPS makes a visit this week. I think they should make three or four in one day and I bet they catch her doing something.


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